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Body Language speaks volumes |
There are no new Madeleine stories this week, so the tabloids have piggy backed onto the discovery of the remains of Isabel Celis, calling her the American Madeleine, in order to get the name Madeleine into the headline.
For the McCanns however, it is a not a good comparison. The parents of Isabel Celis, like the McCanns, claimed their daughter was stolen during the night as they slept - they were at least in the same building. However, a huge cloud of suspicion hangs over them. Alerts by blood and cadaver dogs in the Celis home led to a change in the investigation, and no abductor has been found in 5 years. According to the reports, the body of Isabel was not discovered 'happenstance', ie, they had a tip off.
Meanwhile the British tabloids continue to get themselves all worked about nothing, and then publishing it. The evil Dr. Amaral is lording it up in Switzerland, penning a second novel to heap yet more misery on eternal victims Gerry and Kate. Then err, he isn't. They are making it all up. The media battle to blame Goncalo Amaral for all the McCanns woes, becomes increasingly more pathetic and desperate. His silence equals a luxury alpine vacation while the parents suffer. Subtext - hate him, support them.
I see the charmless Teddy Shepherd has responded to this latest blog with 'sit down and shut the f*ck up you c*nt'. No sign of censorship or sexism there, lol. What Teddy lacks in vocabulary, he makes up for with his ability to copy and paste. In 'show and tell', he would be a straight A.
Teddy believes that Theresa May is up to here ears in the McCann mess. I disagree, for many reasons. For example, the above picture shows TM physically close to Coral Jones, with her body tilted towards her, and her right hand crossed over to her left. Whilst the closeness was probably instigated by Coral, who looks like the kind of warm Mum who hugs everyone, TM has not stepped away, nor has she drawn Kate in. The trio are two, plus one.
What is scary, is the fact that Teddy's rather odious little tweet got 5 likes, 1 r/t and 1 comment asking why he reads my garbage. It seems, even though I too, do not believe the abduction story, I am more hated on twitter than the former suspects. And the hatred is being directed by a soft toy in a sailor's hat! If you're so brave Teddy, why not say the above in your real name?
The past few weeks can't have been very pleasant for Gerry and Kate McCann. Not only do they now have to stump up for their huge losses in the Lisbon Civil Courts, but the backlash against the perceived cover up has begun. The verdict of the Portuguese Supreme Court was damning, they made British Libel Law look archaic, as they ruled, quite rightly, in favour of Freedom of Speech. They also made a point of clarifying the British misinterpretation of the Portuguese archiving report. That is, the McCanns were never cleared of involvement in their daughter's disappearance.
Meanwhile, this small corner of the internet is gripped to the ongoing saga that is Madeleine's McCann's disappearance, discussion now turns (once again) to what exactly are Operation Grange doing? I think it would be fair to say most anti's believe the case will have an unsatisfactory end, with the case filed away among Official Secrets. Some believe the McCanns will be exonerated, with the 'no evidence' chant holding firm. The latter of course being the same belief held by the Pro's.
This case, it would seem has turned us all into cynics. Yeh we can see the blatant lies, yeh we can see the cover, and yeh, we are powerless. All true, sadly. But only if you have lost every last shred of faith you have in human nature.
I am not a fan of Theresa May, she reminds me of my old headmistress. That is she has such a firmly entrenched sense of right and wrong - she is not open to persuasion, or corruption. TM's falling out with Jim Gamble is probably one of the most significant events in the history of this case. At the same time the McCanns were criticising the Home Secretary for her lack of action on the CEOP report and her fluffy words. The idea that she would put her own reputation, and indeed legacy, on the line to protect them and their champion Jim, is very unlikely. So too, the idea that she would keep issuing cheques for an investigation that was going nowhere.
Despite the fact that I have seen jawdropping miscarriages of justice in this case, I still have a few scraps of faith left in human nature. It was touching to see so many respond to Goncalo Amaral in his hour of need, especially the generous donation from his English counterparts in the Metropolitan Police.
Each and every one of them is, I am sure, fully aware, that 'there but for the grace of God go I'. The McCanns will destroy anyone who opposes them, ex detectives especially.
I think we go into full tin foil hat territory if we imagine that the British Government are conspiring with the Portuguese government, ditto their police forces, in order to cover up whatever happened to Madeleine McCann. In order for that to happen, it would have to involve the collaboration of the highest departments in both governments, plus the agreement of 30+ homicide detectives and admin, to cover up the death of a child. I just don't see it.
However, I have been around this case long enough to expect the unexpected, lol. I actually feel pity for those who made their minds up 10 years ago with no room for manoeuvre. I think now there is Something in the Air, the tide is turning, the tabloids seem to be testing the waters. The comments pages of the popular newspapers are probably the most accurate gauge of public opinion and it would appear support for Gerry and Kate has dropped to an all time low.
These are sensitive times, and I'm going to use my most loathed phrase 'think of the children'. I would call on all those who read here and discuss the case generally, to search their hearts for some compassion. It will probably take years to unravel the effect this scam has had, not only on the people directly affected, and err hum, persecuted, but also on New Labour, all those police agencies who interceded and those Charities who leapt onboard.
As in the late summer of 2007, Gerry, Kate and their friends still have a lot of questions to answer. This is however the 21st Century. There is no place for pitchforks and angry mobs, and there shouldn't be a place for a vigilante websites to carry out their own 'investigation', 'trial' and 'verdict' either. They are not seeking truth, they are seeking retribution, and that's always a bad motive. I'm not saying ban or censor them, ignoring them works best. Decent people avoid such vindictive places like the plague. Out of tragedy should come enlightenment. Punishing people doesn't change them, it is a deterrent for others. Those committing crimes should of course be punished. And they should not be allowed to continue, but any punishment should be via the judicial process, not an angry mob.
My feeling is that we are presently in a countdown, an unravelling, a final date has been revealed. The purpose of a police investigation is usually to build a case for prosecution. I can't ever recall an investigation to clear someone, not by the police anyway. At the moment we are all wondering what Operation Grange are up to? If they are going to declare the parents innocent, ffs, do it now and stop prolonging their agony - that's just callous. Or is it going to end with spectacular tabloid front pages and an expose by Panorama?
What it can't do after 6 years and nearly £12million is disappear with no questions asked. The McCanns created a media storm. Scotland Yard created a media storm. David Cameron and Rebekah Brooks created a media storm. All a bit reckless if the case of missing Madeleine is destined to be shelved as a cold case and filed away under the Official Secrets Act.
At the moment there is no need for petitions or indeed pressure groups. We simply don't know what the outcome of Operation Grange will be. In the unlikely event that they declare Madeleine 'taken' by traffickers, burglars, swarthy, ugly, men, then will be the time to scream 'cover up'.