Such is the nature of lively debates and discussions, the last subject has changed once again, but strangely, things are becoming clearer, as far as the 'antis' (disbelievers) are concerned.
Whilst there are hundreds, possibly thousands (I'm being kind here) of people out there who believe the parents of Madeleine McCann were involved in her disappearance, I don't in any way think it could be described as a 'Movement'. The idea of a 'Movement' is another myth that needs to stamped out. There have of course been plenty of wannabe Vigilante leaders, but they were all so obnoxious they couldn't get on with each other, let alone lead troops. Each set up their own little fiefdoms with forums and facebook pages, where they could rule absolutely. Each deserted as the fiefs discovered freedom of thought.
I am not sure if the 'pro' McCanns started the myth of an Anti-Movement, or those puffed up charlatans who believed they were leading thousands, but in any event, tis a myth. I think of it as the glorious scene in Life of Brian when all the freedom groups fought each other to the death under the palace floor. Bennett of course, is the Popular Front, the fella in the arena sitting on his own.
The reasons for disbelieving vary from a common dislike of the smug middle classes to a paedophile ring that runs through the entire British establishment (especially politicians and celebrities), down to a kindly bi-lingual local guy in PDL who tried to help. I'm being flippant of course, there are too many reasons to list. Some are simply here because they smell a rat.
The rational, and I count myself in that particular group believe the findings of the original Portuguese investigation and the book of Goncalo Amaral. I can't speak for all the 'rational', but for myself, I find the theories of armchair detectives absurd, and their meddling in this case extremely distasteful.
I think now the hysteria has been taken out of the discussion, it becomes more obvious how ludicrous most of the conspiracy theories have become. Time has not served them well.
However, one idea that seems never to go away is the claim that Operation Grange is a cover up. Why a cover up? Because someone of presidential importance was involved. Quickly flown out of PDL and a whitewash begun. The alleged involvement of this VIP is deviant sex of some sort, and I really don't want to go there.
I personally don't think Operation Grange is a cover up. That's not to say a lot of covering up hasn't been done, especially in the early days, but OG is not part of it. Whilst I would believe almost anything of politicians and despicable billionaires, I simply cannot believe that 30+ homicide officers from Scotland Yard would do anything to cover up the death of a child. That feel's pretty tough to believe on occasion, but to believe these men, women, mums, dads, uncles, aunts, would desert the victim, would just about finish off my faith in human nature. When doubts hover, I think of that donation to Goncalo Amaral's legal fund from the Met Police, and sanity returns.
Hopefully, by now, a poll has appeared in the side bar - please take a moment to vote. I am guessing most of the antis believe that Operation Grange is a cover up, but curiosity has got the better of me and it would be interesting to see what the general opinion is.
Friday, 28 July 2017
Friday, 21 July 2017
UPDATE 22.07.17
I am flattered to see that Verdi refers to my blog as the major league - I'm going to go ahead and take that as a compliment, because it means that I, John Blacksmith, JJ and so many of my valued readers have been able to take discussion in this case back into the realms of sanity.
The crazies and the extremists created such a malevolent and hostile environment on social media, that regular people and those with just a passing interest were quickly scared away. Gang mentality has ruled the roost for way too long in this case. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. How can you have a debate when only one side of the argument is heard?
The ridiculous myths created by the internet sleuths are still around because no-one has been allowed to disagree with them! Try it on the forums and the facebook groups and you are quickly banned. OK, it may be a bit much for me to claim credit for changing public opinion - the dissent I suspect was always there, but I do at least provide a platform for ALL views. I, and my readers, are just as interested in the pro side of the argument as we are in everything else. Most posters are treated with civility and respect, especially if they are civil and respectful themselves.
As for my rebutting HideHo's and Petermac's 'analysis' and 'research' Verdi - to do that I would have to read it, and life's too short. Analysis and research only becomes interesting if a ground breaking result is achieved by an acknowledged genius. As fascinating as their analysis and research may be to them, it is of little or no interest to anyone else. That's why I rarely, if ever, mention mine HideHo. And let's stop being pompous here, research = reading. None of you are actually in a laboratory boiling up acid over a Bunsen burner, you are just clicking on google.
All HideHo and Petermac have demonstrated, is just how far a person is willing to go with a delusion. Yes folks, obsession can tip you over the edge. And they are trapped by what I refer to as 'I'm right, dead right' syndrome, which never ends well. They haven't given themselves any leeway, their theories are carved in stone. If the case is blown wide open and their theories revealed as the nonsense they are, they will carry on with them anyway, and claim a conspiracy.
The problem the internet sleuths have with their batshit crazy theories, is their failure to apply logic, reason and common sense. Whilst they have spent limitless hours scrutinising photographs under a microscope and going through crèche records with a fine toothed comb, they haven't spent one second's thought on the macabre reality of what they are alleging.
And what they are alleging is that Madeleine died earlier in the week, and the parents and their companions continued with their holiday until the penultimate night - presumably to get their money's worth. Never mind all the intricate details of the shadows in the last picture, and the blossoming of the shrubbery, what about the gravity of what these 'sleuths' are alleging?
They are saying ignore the findings of Goncalo Amaral and the team of detectives who were there on the ground, because they have proved Madeleine wasn't there after Sunday 29th April and they'll fight anyone who disagrees with them. Now this is where they trip up. They began their 'research' with confirmation bias. That is they had already decided Madeleine wasn't seen after the Sunday, and have searched for anything they can find to support it. They are not reading objectively, their minds are already made up. Which is why they haven't asked such basic questions as:
1) Just how sick/monstrous, do you think these people were, that they could carry on with their holiday, dropping off the kids (including a fake Madeleine) at the kids clubs, playing tennis, and dining nightly at the Tapas bar, with the body of a child stashed in the wardrobe?
2) Have they ever, in the whole history of the world, heard of a group of doctors (or indeed any professionals) getting together to sexually abuse and sexually exploit their own toddler children? Even the darkest of horror films wouldn't come up with a sick plot like that.
3) How do they sleep at night?
I don't for one second think that Gerry, Kate and those around them are having an easy time, they have a huge dark cloud over them and now a huge debt to pay to Goncalo Amaral. That they are the authors of their own misfortune, matters not, they are human beings under an enormous amount of stress and they have kids to look after.
Unfortunately, these dark, disturbing myths have drawn many in. When you fixate on one small detail you can often lose track of the bigger picture and in this case, the sleuths have opted for the least likely scenarios because they have totally ignored the characters and lifestyles of the main players. They have literally created an alternate reality, a murky, sleazy reality that isn't recognisable to anyone but themselves. I'm no fan of Gerry and Kate, but it is quite obvious, they don't spend their nights having drunken orgies with the neighbours, nor do they abuse their kids. That is just pure fantasy on the part of those with microscopes in their hands. And a pretty sick fantasy I might add.
I am flattered to see that Verdi refers to my blog as the major league - I'm going to go ahead and take that as a compliment, because it means that I, John Blacksmith, JJ and so many of my valued readers have been able to take discussion in this case back into the realms of sanity.
The crazies and the extremists created such a malevolent and hostile environment on social media, that regular people and those with just a passing interest were quickly scared away. Gang mentality has ruled the roost for way too long in this case. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. How can you have a debate when only one side of the argument is heard?
The ridiculous myths created by the internet sleuths are still around because no-one has been allowed to disagree with them! Try it on the forums and the facebook groups and you are quickly banned. OK, it may be a bit much for me to claim credit for changing public opinion - the dissent I suspect was always there, but I do at least provide a platform for ALL views. I, and my readers, are just as interested in the pro side of the argument as we are in everything else. Most posters are treated with civility and respect, especially if they are civil and respectful themselves.
As for my rebutting HideHo's and Petermac's 'analysis' and 'research' Verdi - to do that I would have to read it, and life's too short. Analysis and research only becomes interesting if a ground breaking result is achieved by an acknowledged genius. As fascinating as their analysis and research may be to them, it is of little or no interest to anyone else. That's why I rarely, if ever, mention mine HideHo. And let's stop being pompous here, research = reading. None of you are actually in a laboratory boiling up acid over a Bunsen burner, you are just clicking on google.
All HideHo and Petermac have demonstrated, is just how far a person is willing to go with a delusion. Yes folks, obsession can tip you over the edge. And they are trapped by what I refer to as 'I'm right, dead right' syndrome, which never ends well. They haven't given themselves any leeway, their theories are carved in stone. If the case is blown wide open and their theories revealed as the nonsense they are, they will carry on with them anyway, and claim a conspiracy.
The problem the internet sleuths have with their batshit crazy theories, is their failure to apply logic, reason and common sense. Whilst they have spent limitless hours scrutinising photographs under a microscope and going through crèche records with a fine toothed comb, they haven't spent one second's thought on the macabre reality of what they are alleging.
And what they are alleging is that Madeleine died earlier in the week, and the parents and their companions continued with their holiday until the penultimate night - presumably to get their money's worth. Never mind all the intricate details of the shadows in the last picture, and the blossoming of the shrubbery, what about the gravity of what these 'sleuths' are alleging?
They are saying ignore the findings of Goncalo Amaral and the team of detectives who were there on the ground, because they have proved Madeleine wasn't there after Sunday 29th April and they'll fight anyone who disagrees with them. Now this is where they trip up. They began their 'research' with confirmation bias. That is they had already decided Madeleine wasn't seen after the Sunday, and have searched for anything they can find to support it. They are not reading objectively, their minds are already made up. Which is why they haven't asked such basic questions as:
1) Just how sick/monstrous, do you think these people were, that they could carry on with their holiday, dropping off the kids (including a fake Madeleine) at the kids clubs, playing tennis, and dining nightly at the Tapas bar, with the body of a child stashed in the wardrobe?
2) Have they ever, in the whole history of the world, heard of a group of doctors (or indeed any professionals) getting together to sexually abuse and sexually exploit their own toddler children? Even the darkest of horror films wouldn't come up with a sick plot like that.
3) How do they sleep at night?
I don't for one second think that Gerry, Kate and those around them are having an easy time, they have a huge dark cloud over them and now a huge debt to pay to Goncalo Amaral. That they are the authors of their own misfortune, matters not, they are human beings under an enormous amount of stress and they have kids to look after.
Unfortunately, these dark, disturbing myths have drawn many in. When you fixate on one small detail you can often lose track of the bigger picture and in this case, the sleuths have opted for the least likely scenarios because they have totally ignored the characters and lifestyles of the main players. They have literally created an alternate reality, a murky, sleazy reality that isn't recognisable to anyone but themselves. I'm no fan of Gerry and Kate, but it is quite obvious, they don't spend their nights having drunken orgies with the neighbours, nor do they abuse their kids. That is just pure fantasy on the part of those with microscopes in their hands. And a pretty sick fantasy I might add.
Sunday, 16 July 2017
Discussion from the last two blogs has spilled over and it finally it becomes clear what the forum wars are all about. In one corner we have Tony Bennett, Richard Hall, HideHo and Petermac claiming Madeleine 'died' before the 3rd May and the man seen carrying the child was NOT Gerry McCann.
In the opposite corner we have Ben (I wanna run the biggest FB page) Thompson and his thugs who support the theory of Goncalo Amaral, but then go away with the fairies. I don't know what Ben's beliefs are, I've never had the stomach to read him - is it paedophiles? I know he's anti Textusa's swingers, but he gets himself in such a frenzy, he must think there was more to Madeleine's disappearance than an accident.
Both factions are of course bonkers, essentially they have stepped into this game of Cluedo and made it their real lives. Not only are they trying to insert themselves into the plot, but they want starring roles! All their theories are based on TEN year old files that had all the crucial parts withheld. And, I can't stress this enough, they weren't there. These theories come from their over active imaginations and the comfort of their armchairs.
Regardless. What it all now boils down to is the Smithman sighting - because that will determine one way or the other when Madeleine 'died' (yeh, I know). Those desperate to prove Smithman wasn't Gerry (mostly Bennett) have conducted a very nasty campaign against the witnesses in this case in order to discredit them. For two years Bennett was stalking the wrong Smith family!
I believe Mr. Smith. Not least because his statement stands out from the others, the tapas group especially, for being so brutally honest and human. It is clear from his words, that he is suffering an almighty crisis of conscience, and who could blame him? Gerry was the grief sticken father of a missing child, you can understand his reluctance to point the finger.
Death before the 3rd? Those trying to prove Madeleine died before the 3rd May are literally trying to force square pegs into round holes. In order for their theories to stand up, they must prove at least, a dozen independent witnesses have lied. To do this they have quite literally 'made up' back stories connecting these innocent bystanders to the McCanns. They have long since crossed all lines of morality and decency and they aren't even aware of it.
I am rapidly approaching my 60th birthday (Monday :( ) and I am sad to say, my beloved laptop is as knackered as myself! If you are regular visitor and you enjoy my blogs, or even if you don't, lol, please consider a small donation - the monetary equivalent of a birthday card or drink!
I have been undergoing a bit of a transition recently, as some may have noticed, but I have realised that I cannot let my 'Mcann' blog/commentary go. I think for many it has become a regular port of call, which I am immensely proud of. I am proud too, that I run a McCann blog, that calls for calm, compassion and consideration for the feelings of those involved. I'm proud too that people from all sides of the argument can come together here to exchange views civilly and with respect for each other. As popular as this blog is, it doesn't pay and I would never put up a paywall. I would write regardless, tis true, even if I had to go back to the old feather quill and the back of a discarded shoe, but the laptop is a whole lot easier, especially one not held together with a couple of hairclips and a bandaid.
In the opposite corner we have Ben (I wanna run the biggest FB page) Thompson and his thugs who support the theory of Goncalo Amaral, but then go away with the fairies. I don't know what Ben's beliefs are, I've never had the stomach to read him - is it paedophiles? I know he's anti Textusa's swingers, but he gets himself in such a frenzy, he must think there was more to Madeleine's disappearance than an accident.
Both factions are of course bonkers, essentially they have stepped into this game of Cluedo and made it their real lives. Not only are they trying to insert themselves into the plot, but they want starring roles! All their theories are based on TEN year old files that had all the crucial parts withheld. And, I can't stress this enough, they weren't there. These theories come from their over active imaginations and the comfort of their armchairs.
Regardless. What it all now boils down to is the Smithman sighting - because that will determine one way or the other when Madeleine 'died' (yeh, I know). Those desperate to prove Smithman wasn't Gerry (mostly Bennett) have conducted a very nasty campaign against the witnesses in this case in order to discredit them. For two years Bennett was stalking the wrong Smith family!
I believe Mr. Smith. Not least because his statement stands out from the others, the tapas group especially, for being so brutally honest and human. It is clear from his words, that he is suffering an almighty crisis of conscience, and who could blame him? Gerry was the grief sticken father of a missing child, you can understand his reluctance to point the finger.
Death before the 3rd? Those trying to prove Madeleine died before the 3rd May are literally trying to force square pegs into round holes. In order for their theories to stand up, they must prove at least, a dozen independent witnesses have lied. To do this they have quite literally 'made up' back stories connecting these innocent bystanders to the McCanns. They have long since crossed all lines of morality and decency and they aren't even aware of it.
I am rapidly approaching my 60th birthday (Monday :( ) and I am sad to say, my beloved laptop is as knackered as myself! If you are regular visitor and you enjoy my blogs, or even if you don't, lol, please consider a small donation - the monetary equivalent of a birthday card or drink!
I have been undergoing a bit of a transition recently, as some may have noticed, but I have realised that I cannot let my 'Mcann' blog/commentary go. I think for many it has become a regular port of call, which I am immensely proud of. I am proud too, that I run a McCann blog, that calls for calm, compassion and consideration for the feelings of those involved. I'm proud too that people from all sides of the argument can come together here to exchange views civilly and with respect for each other. As popular as this blog is, it doesn't pay and I would never put up a paywall. I would write regardless, tis true, even if I had to go back to the old feather quill and the back of a discarded shoe, but the laptop is a whole lot easier, especially one not held together with a couple of hairclips and a bandaid.
Monday, 10 July 2017
I am rapidly approaching my 60th birthday (Monday :( ) and I am sad to say, my beloved laptop is as knackered as myself! If you are regular visitor and you enjoy my blogs, or even if you don't, lol, please consider a small donation - the monetary equivalent of a birthday card or drink!
I have been undergoing a bit of a transition recently, as some may have noticed, but I have realised that I cannot let my 'Mcann' blog/commentary go. I think for many it has become a regular port of call, which I am immensely proud of. I am proud too, that I run a McCann blog, that calls for calm, compassion and consideration for the feelings of those involved. I'm proud too that people from all sides of the argument can come together here to exchange views civilly and with respect for each other. As popular as this blog is, it doesn't pay and I would never put up a paywall. I would write regardless, tis true, even if I had to go back to the old feather quill and the back of a discarded shoe, but the laptop is a whole lot easier, especially one not held together with a couple of hairclips and a bandaid.
Due to the huge volume of comments, I am starting a Part II on the McCann forum wars, beginning with a response to 'Ziggy' who is currently blaming the failure of the authorities to find Madeleine or his alleged abductors, on the onlookers.
'.....Spare me the 'poor show' on the part of the two tribes of sheep Ziggy, who are you? The grand overlord? You are in no position to be wielding the old 'told ya so' axe - those you support have won nothing, in fact, 10 years on, they are probably in the worst position they have ever been in. They have suffered what will probably be one of the biggest legal losses in history. The costs of at least 4 teams of lawyers, countless court hearings and appeals for 9+ years will be record breaking, which is probably why their millionaire donors backed out.
You attempt to shame all commentators Ziggy, by bringing the discussion back to Maddie, is a device used by all 'pro's' and those who shout 'think of the children' when they are looking for a cheer. Just how much is there to discuss about a 4 year old year child that none of us knew? The injustice of course lies in her disappearance and who was responsible for it, but that little nugget of truth lies buried in the avalanche of mud that swept over it.
No-one has forgotten Maddie, Ziggy, especially those so deeply touched by her tragic fate that they took to social media to protest in their thousands. The abduction story is simply not believable, and threatening people with civil actions and criminal prosecution will never change that. In fact it has had the opposite effect, all those, like myself who have been the targets of malicious McCann media campaigns, have had no option but to fight back.
No-one can doubt that the McCanns media campaign was phenomenal, it achieved the impossible, it somehow made child neglect perfectly acceptable and understand, and turned the parents into England's new heroes. No mean feat, in the spin industry, it was Oscar winning stuff.
The downside of course, was the McCanns and their minions, made a lot of enemies - some might say they got too greedy. Given the characters of Gerry, Kate and Clarence, one can imagine the way in which they treated all the journalists desperate for a scoop. Gerry was almost 'Trumpish' in the way he addressed the media and gave his 'I'm not going to comment on that' [and I know more than you do, tee hee] when asked about his connection to the first arguido. They cannot blame the fact they are not likeable on anyone Ziggy - it's all them.
You may think you are taking the higher ground by patronising those of us who discuss this case, but it's not your's to take. Not least because you comment more than anyone!
If I remember rightly, you end with a prophecy on social media being policed and/or shut down, and its all the fault of those who have not supported Kate and Gerry. You appear to be very confused on the whole issue of Freedom of Speech Ziggy. You are OK with opinion as long as agrees with your own. You are not Gerry are you?
You have to take the good with the bad, and if you are an observer of history, you will be aware that the 'bad' is usually short lived. Websites like the Cesspit, Myths, JATKY2 etc have had their day, their 15 minutes, they haven't been able to build or even sustain their audience, because they are based on negativity and hatred. Eventually they will sink beneath the mire, and become a distant (unpleasant) memory. Essentially Ziggy, they are not a threat to anyone, and if they were to be used as an argument to shut down discussion forums, the time has long since passed.
Times, they are a changing Ziggy. I expect the police already have ways in which to trace anonymous IP addresses and can probably pick up on antisocial behaviour online, instantly. But to be honest, what is the point? Those malcontents bothering the police with the pathetic insults they are hurling at each other, infuriate me. What a complete and utter waste of police time.
I am rapidly approaching my 60th birthday (Monday :( ) and I am sad to say, my beloved laptop is as knackered as myself! If you are regular visitor and you enjoy my blogs, or even if you don't, lol, please consider a small donation - the monetary equivalent of a birthday card or drink!
I have been undergoing a bit of a transition recently, as some may have noticed, but I have realised that I cannot let my 'Mcann' blog/commentary go. I think for many it has become a regular port of call, which I am immensely proud of. I am proud too, that I run a McCann blog, that calls for calm, compassion and consideration for the feelings of those involved. I'm proud too that people from all sides of the argument can come together here to exchange views civilly and with respect for each other. As popular as this blog is, it doesn't pay and I would never put up a paywall. I would write regardless, tis true, even if I had to go back to the old feather quill and the back of a discarded shoe, but the laptop is a whole lot easier, especially one not held together with a couple of hairclips and a bandaid.
Due to the huge volume of comments, I am starting a Part II on the McCann forum wars, beginning with a response to 'Ziggy' who is currently blaming the failure of the authorities to find Madeleine or his alleged abductors, on the onlookers.
'.....Spare me the 'poor show' on the part of the two tribes of sheep Ziggy, who are you? The grand overlord? You are in no position to be wielding the old 'told ya so' axe - those you support have won nothing, in fact, 10 years on, they are probably in the worst position they have ever been in. They have suffered what will probably be one of the biggest legal losses in history. The costs of at least 4 teams of lawyers, countless court hearings and appeals for 9+ years will be record breaking, which is probably why their millionaire donors backed out.
You attempt to shame all commentators Ziggy, by bringing the discussion back to Maddie, is a device used by all 'pro's' and those who shout 'think of the children' when they are looking for a cheer. Just how much is there to discuss about a 4 year old year child that none of us knew? The injustice of course lies in her disappearance and who was responsible for it, but that little nugget of truth lies buried in the avalanche of mud that swept over it.
No-one has forgotten Maddie, Ziggy, especially those so deeply touched by her tragic fate that they took to social media to protest in their thousands. The abduction story is simply not believable, and threatening people with civil actions and criminal prosecution will never change that. In fact it has had the opposite effect, all those, like myself who have been the targets of malicious McCann media campaigns, have had no option but to fight back.
No-one can doubt that the McCanns media campaign was phenomenal, it achieved the impossible, it somehow made child neglect perfectly acceptable and understand, and turned the parents into England's new heroes. No mean feat, in the spin industry, it was Oscar winning stuff.
The downside of course, was the McCanns and their minions, made a lot of enemies - some might say they got too greedy. Given the characters of Gerry, Kate and Clarence, one can imagine the way in which they treated all the journalists desperate for a scoop. Gerry was almost 'Trumpish' in the way he addressed the media and gave his 'I'm not going to comment on that' [and I know more than you do, tee hee] when asked about his connection to the first arguido. They cannot blame the fact they are not likeable on anyone Ziggy - it's all them.
You may think you are taking the higher ground by patronising those of us who discuss this case, but it's not your's to take. Not least because you comment more than anyone!
If I remember rightly, you end with a prophecy on social media being policed and/or shut down, and its all the fault of those who have not supported Kate and Gerry. You appear to be very confused on the whole issue of Freedom of Speech Ziggy. You are OK with opinion as long as agrees with your own. You are not Gerry are you?
You have to take the good with the bad, and if you are an observer of history, you will be aware that the 'bad' is usually short lived. Websites like the Cesspit, Myths, JATKY2 etc have had their day, their 15 minutes, they haven't been able to build or even sustain their audience, because they are based on negativity and hatred. Eventually they will sink beneath the mire, and become a distant (unpleasant) memory. Essentially Ziggy, they are not a threat to anyone, and if they were to be used as an argument to shut down discussion forums, the time has long since passed.
Times, they are a changing Ziggy. I expect the police already have ways in which to trace anonymous IP addresses and can probably pick up on antisocial behaviour online, instantly. But to be honest, what is the point? Those malcontents bothering the police with the pathetic insults they are hurling at each other, infuriate me. What a complete and utter waste of police time.
Monday, 3 July 2017
Exclusive quote from Sonia Poulton:
"I don't understand why Tony Bennett and Jill Havern continue to tell lies about me and, furthermore, have chosen to become involved with people who have stalked me for four years including writing to TV producers and accusing me of being a paedophile AND threatening to finish me off and dance on my grave.
There are some sick people on the internet. I understand that. I have learnt not to spend too much time thinking about them because they are merely distraction.
As many know, myself - and a small but dedicated crew - have made a film around Madeleine. It's been difficult and we have met with many obstacles, legal, political and financial.
Our film is currently being shown to TV producers in a number of countries. I shall say no more. The last time I was transparent about our film, Tony Bennett began his smears and attacks on me. I have no idea why and, frankly, I don't care. I have bigger sharks to deal with than Tony Bennett.
The current 'forum wars" is just part of the ongoing charade that many people have come to expect from Havern and Bennett. They use CMOMM to harm and defame people and they get shocked when people finally fight back. No wonder so few 'outsiders' are prepared to add their voices to those commenting online. For, as soon as they do, they become a target for the outrageous public assassinations that CMOMM subject them to. It's not helpful to the case and is off-putting for many. Maybe that's the point."
_______________________________________________________I've just taken a look at CMoMM and indeed MMM, and have to say, I found it all so utterly tedious I couldn't even skim read it. It is quite amusing however, that when they haven't got the McCanns to hurl bricks at, they start brawling among themselves.
With Bennett we should always start with the premise that he is a disagreeable attention seeking loon who could incite violence in the Dalai Lama. He gets his jollies by offending and distressing other people. In suing Bennett, the McCanns were effectively giving him untold masturbatory resources every time he was named in a newspaper or appeared on TV. Imo, the freak 'gets off' on all this. Unfortunately, for Gerry and Kate, it cost them hundreds of thousands of pounds before they too realised this, and of course, anyone else foolish enough to engage in litigation or any sort of correspondence with him. At this point Gerry and Kate should take a moment to think about the advice given to them by their lawyers, especially those charging by the hour to watch social media 24/7, eg. those who caught him libelling the McCanns on some obscure Australian football site.
It is because Bennett enjoys it, that I stopped interacting with him. It's not just that he likes to abuse women, which of course he does, but he sees men as disgusting too - it's all down to what goes on in his imagination, and we really don't want to go there, suffice to say there is more than enough to fill an entire pathological psychology convention.
As for Andrew, Ben et al, it appears they are all imploding, lol. Bored no doubt. I have to say I do have a wry smile for the codes, conventions and moral standards reached by longstanding forums as if they were mini versions of the BBC. Naturally the fine upstanding (avatars, lol) have the strongest voices and set the tone. I finally gave up on MMM when (as I remember) all of them condemned a work of art as child pornography. I literally have no words for those who would censor, or God forbid, destroy something beautiful because they (personally) have interpreted it as disgusting.
I quit them I have to say, because I cannot bear to be censored and nothing irritates me more than a thread being locked just as things are starting to heat up! In fairness I have been banned from most, certainly the big Facebook pages wouldn't have me as a member, lol, which always left me wondering what is it they fear?
I did enjoy posting on MMM for a while, but there are too many sanctimonious old grannies (I include Andrew here)who believe they are morally superior not just to the McCanns but to everyone. Granted they are considerably higher up the evolutionary and moral compass scale than CMoMM, but then who isn't? Meow, lol, JATKY2 and all the Myths forums are also filled with cesspit inhabitants, and I sometimes wonder if they are interchangeable? Are those seeking nasty, spiteful and malicious conversation choosy about where they post? Especially if they are OCD, as many of the anonymous posters on CMoMM, Myths etc appear to be?
Can't say I have a clue what the current big bust up is all about, and please don't tell me unless you can do it in two lines, but I see Bennett has brought out his inner bitch by accusing Ben of pretending to be 39 when he is actually 45! Shock, horror, stop the press, this is really getting down in the mud and the blood and the beer. I'm delighted however, that he has put up a rather nice picture of myself and my friend Sonia, as if it were a trophy headshot for his wall of shame. That we are loud, proud and unafraid to tell the truth offends him deeply. For some reason that pleases me.
Nothing appears to be happening on the Madeleine case right now, and if it is, it has been hugely overtaken by current events, not just here, but worldwide. I guess Gerry and Kate must now be feeling the frustration felt by Kerry Needham for so many years. But for them, either relief or the constant beat of a tell-tale heart. It is doubtful however, that diehards like Bennett, Ben, HideHo et al will ever move on because they have made it the centre of their worlds. They are trapped within their own workshops of filthy creation, if they were scientists, they would by now have come up with a cure for cancer, or a living monster made out of dismembered body parts. I suppose that's what happens when you restrict conversation to slagging off a specific minority group or a family. It all becomes very distasteful.
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Sonia and I, not hiding. |
Ps. I hope no-one saw my first publication of this blog - the placing of the picture, and former title, made a very unfortunate combination, lol.
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