Exclusive quote from Sonia Poulton:
"I don't understand why Tony Bennett and Jill Havern continue to tell lies about me and, furthermore, have chosen to become involved with people who have stalked me for four years including writing to TV producers and accusing me of being a paedophile AND threatening to finish me off and dance on my grave.
There are some sick people on the internet. I understand that. I have learnt not to spend too much time thinking about them because they are merely distraction.
As many know, myself - and a small but dedicated crew - have made a film around Madeleine. It's been difficult and we have met with many obstacles, legal, political and financial.
Our film is currently being shown to TV producers in a number of countries. I shall say no more. The last time I was transparent about our film, Tony Bennett began his smears and attacks on me. I have no idea why and, frankly, I don't care. I have bigger sharks to deal with than Tony Bennett.
The current 'forum wars" is just part of the ongoing charade that many people have come to expect from Havern and Bennett. They use CMOMM to harm and defame people and they get shocked when people finally fight back. No wonder so few 'outsiders' are prepared to add their voices to those commenting online. For, as soon as they do, they become a target for the outrageous public assassinations that CMOMM subject them to. It's not helpful to the case and is off-putting for many. Maybe that's the point."
_______________________________________________________I've just taken a look at CMoMM and indeed MMM, and have to say, I found it all so utterly tedious I couldn't even skim read it. It is quite amusing however, that when they haven't got the McCanns to hurl bricks at, they start brawling among themselves.
With Bennett we should always start with the premise that he is a disagreeable attention seeking loon who could incite violence in the Dalai Lama. He gets his jollies by offending and distressing other people. In suing Bennett, the McCanns were effectively giving him untold masturbatory resources every time he was named in a newspaper or appeared on TV. Imo, the freak 'gets off' on all this. Unfortunately, for Gerry and Kate, it cost them hundreds of thousands of pounds before they too realised this, and of course, anyone else foolish enough to engage in litigation or any sort of correspondence with him. At this point Gerry and Kate should take a moment to think about the advice given to them by their lawyers, especially those charging by the hour to watch social media 24/7, eg. those who caught him libelling the McCanns on some obscure Australian football site.
It is because Bennett enjoys it, that I stopped interacting with him. It's not just that he likes to abuse women, which of course he does, but he sees men as disgusting too - it's all down to what goes on in his imagination, and we really don't want to go there, suffice to say there is more than enough to fill an entire pathological psychology convention.
As for Andrew, Ben et al, it appears they are all imploding, lol. Bored no doubt. I have to say I do have a wry smile for the codes, conventions and moral standards reached by longstanding forums as if they were mini versions of the BBC. Naturally the fine upstanding (avatars, lol) have the strongest voices and set the tone. I finally gave up on MMM when (as I remember) all of them condemned a work of art as child pornography. I literally have no words for those who would censor, or God forbid, destroy something beautiful because they (personally) have interpreted it as disgusting.
I quit them I have to say, because I cannot bear to be censored and nothing irritates me more than a thread being locked just as things are starting to heat up! In fairness I have been banned from most, certainly the big Facebook pages wouldn't have me as a member, lol, which always left me wondering what is it they fear?
I did enjoy posting on MMM for a while, but there are too many sanctimonious old grannies (I include Andrew here)who believe they are morally superior not just to the McCanns but to everyone. Granted they are considerably higher up the evolutionary and moral compass scale than CMoMM, but then who isn't? Meow, lol, JATKY2 and all the Myths forums are also filled with cesspit inhabitants, and I sometimes wonder if they are interchangeable? Are those seeking nasty, spiteful and malicious conversation choosy about where they post? Especially if they are OCD, as many of the anonymous posters on CMoMM, Myths etc appear to be?
Can't say I have a clue what the current big bust up is all about, and please don't tell me unless you can do it in two lines, but I see Bennett has brought out his inner bitch by accusing Ben of pretending to be 39 when he is actually 45! Shock, horror, stop the press, this is really getting down in the mud and the blood and the beer. I'm delighted however, that he has put up a rather nice picture of myself and my friend Sonia, as if it were a trophy headshot for his wall of shame. That we are loud, proud and unafraid to tell the truth offends him deeply. For some reason that pleases me.
Nothing appears to be happening on the Madeleine case right now, and if it is, it has been hugely overtaken by current events, not just here, but worldwide. I guess Gerry and Kate must now be feeling the frustration felt by Kerry Needham for so many years. But for them, either relief or the constant beat of a tell-tale heart. It is doubtful however, that diehards like Bennett, Ben, HideHo et al will ever move on because they have made it the centre of their worlds. They are trapped within their own workshops of filthy creation, if they were scientists, they would by now have come up with a cure for cancer, or a living monster made out of dismembered body parts. I suppose that's what happens when you restrict conversation to slagging off a specific minority group or a family. It all becomes very distasteful.
![]() |
Sonia and I, not hiding. |
Ps. I hope no-one saw my first publication of this blog - the placing of the picture, and former title, made a very unfortunate combination, lol.
Maybe Roz you should read up about it considering from what I can tell it involves your friend Sonia and grown wings from there.
ReplyDeleteCMOMM have tried to discredit Ben Thompson - Laid Bare author - who from what I understand is quite close to Sonia and (I might have this wrong) may have info on Tony Bennett et al working with some of the McCann shills. CMOMM have come out in full battle mode with their customary accusations and roped MMM into it by now accusing Andrew of being the same person as Ben. And from there it's escalated between forums and Twitter.
I am holding out for someone to give it to me in a nutshell 13:36, life's too short!
DeleteIs it possible to discredit Ben Thompson? Anymore than his thuggish online behaviour discredits himself that is? His need to pummel people is just as freaky as Bennett's need to force unwilling people to read his 'work'.
The truth is, as someone pointed out on my previous blog, the rantings of the Madeleine obsessives are of no interest to anyone outside their own cliques. No-one is shedding tears over weirdos knocking 7 bells out of each other.
They are of course trying to add a spark of interest, by dragging in Sonia, and myself to a lesser extent, but they are doing so for clickbait, there is nothing else going on. I have to say I did lol at Andrew's interpretation of Greta Garbo's 'I want to be alone', it was so heart tugging, I stood up to applause.
It looks to me as though these 3 roughy toughy guys who have been beating up on the McCanns for years are behaving like Divas brawling for the top spot. One could almost picture the slapping of faces with delicate lace handkerchiefs and lots of tears if they were placed in a room together.
The cult leader and his remaining quartet of indoctrinated compound dwellers threw some water bombs at the Granny Care Home.
DeleteThe old girls need to crack on with the "she was abducted by aliens theory" as it is the only conspiracy they have not battered to death and it would take their demented minds off their former lodging.
That gave me a good laugh, Granny Care Home.
DeleteI hasten to add I have nothing against Granny mentality, in fact it's quite charming in those who have completely lost their marbles. Those tottering on the edge however, should be mindful of where all those 'thou shalt nots' lead. Before they know it, they will be sitting in bath chairs on Brighton seafront shouting 'what's that dearie' at each others hearing aids.
Yep, it seems to me that the behaviour of some people on CMoMM has been appalling.
ReplyDeleteIt would have been better just to ignore them but there were some nasty claims being made, all without a shred of evidence.
Perhaps Nicky needs to check which direction the mud started flying from?
DeleteYou say Ben Thonpson's behaviour online is thuggish. So it is. People should be more concerned with his offline behaviour. All I will say is that even you Ros would be horrified at what he's put some women through
ReplyDeleteYes, I have been on the receiving end of his online thuggish behaviour, so I can well imagine 14:25. Rather than debate with me, he googles vulgar memes! I imagined from those pictures of him online that he was an uncouth and uneducated youth! How wrong was I, lol. How creepy that he uses that disingenuous perception of him as a young man on social media. Big ole yuck there on every level.
DeleteI would say Sonia would disagree with you thoughts on Ben!!you hate everyone ros.
DeleteNot quite everyone John Wright, but it would be true to say that I have considerably less patience than I did. I have kept quiet on many, many occasions on MMM, mostly because I know CF and Freedom won't publish what I say. Frankly, I wonder why I ever put myself through it.
DeleteYou should perhaps ask Sonia what she really knows about Tony and CMOMM. That could explain a lot of this and shed some light on why the full on attack and the need by association to discredit other posters and the other forum MMM.
ReplyDeleteIs there any more to know about Tony and CMoMM. One click of google reveals instantly what a despicable, unprincipled man he is. For those wanting the quick version I recommend wiki Anthony Bennett.
DeleteAnyone with even a passing interest in the McCann case, will know by now, that the majority of Bennett's claims come from the gutter of his imagination. They bear little resemblance to the facts of Madeleine's disappearance as we know them.
CMoMM IS a cesspit. The hard core of malcontents who remain are as much society's misfits as the creep sending anonymous emails. They disgust, well, almost everyone.
Sonia knows nothing, nor does Thompson et al. At least Bennett for all his faults (& they are many) , doesn't hint, al a Poulton & Thompson that they have inside information regarding the McCann case & those who inhabit its weird world.
DeleteThe world and its dog has produced a McCann story of late, what has the divine Ms Poulton got that sooo very explosive no outlet will touch it? (I'll give you a hint.... Big fat zero).
I've witnessed the bullying of Roz by Thompson, not pretty. In fact downright cruel.
We know Roz can be (or at least used to be) highly prone to arguing, bitching and yes throwing tantrums. But whatever her faults she is possessed of self awareness and the ability to mock herself. This is patently lacking in others mentioned here.
You have to wonder at the psyche of those who find online gossip, malicious rumour and vindictiveness preferable to real life.
I think this has blown up because a certain lady has just been shown up by police as a fraud and by nature needs to find a victim to 'prove' self a victim.
Delete("A War of Information", Sonia Poulton)
August 2015
"*I am losing count of how many FOIs I have had rejected now. Apparently Madeleine's disappearance is an issue of 'national security'. Not sure how that is possible but either way trying to get info from Government and Police about this case is akin to getting blood from a stone. It's not going to happen."
Apologies, mean't to thank you for your post 08:49. Mixed feelings about some of it, but loved the bit praising me, lol. I do own up to my faults, all of them, and it is absolutely worth it for the freedom I have to be myself, warts and all.
DeleteAnd I wouldn't write Sonia off, she is a canny woman, and this is a story that won't go away.
I've never been one to take the higher ground Nicky, especially where there is likely to be a good craic in it!
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't know why people get into such a tizz about what is said on the internet, including nasty claims. Unless there is something unique and interesting about you, no-one gives two hoots. (I'm being generic here Nicky, I don't mean you personally :).
Arguing or even being offended by those who get their jollies dishing out insults and threats, it is a complete waste of anyone's time. It is ridiculous to take the words of trolls seriously, because they DON'T know you. You are a simply a name on a list, if you don't react, they move on to the next one. It is a reaction they crave more than anything else. Rounding them up and locking them away won't solve the problem, the internet has created a whole new route to hounding others for those who are that way inclined.
The deeply unpleasant natures of the characters involved here made the current state of war inevitable. Whilst pretending to be here 'only for the child', their behaviour online this past 9+ years suggests otherwise. They are fighters, bruisers, it's my way or the highway and they do it online because they don't have the physical presence to do it in the real world.
As for nasty claims, I have had all sorts made against me over the years Nicky, they 'had' over 100 pages on my in the notorious Dossier, and I had websites devoted to me. At one stage I was accused of being a producer of snuff movies! I kid you not. I'm a well known wuss! My sons pre-screen movies for me to see what's suitable, and when and if I will need a cushion to hide behind if the film is largely PG rated with minimal gory bits. It is only my undying love for Jonathan Rhys Myers that allows me to watch my beloved 'Tudors'. That bit at the beginning where he raises his eyebrows makes my toes tingle!
But I digress, I find it all so amusing, with a huge dollop of smugness at not being part of it ;)
... And you might have seen, MMM owner got a threatening email, an `I know where you live` sort from a nutter on the paranoid forum - not nice .... and, Cristobel, you are old enough to be a granny yourself.
One gets the impression you feel very left out, Roz.
ReplyDeleteApart from Tony Bennett and only him mentioning your name about 3 times in all of this and posting up a picture, then you have not been mentioned once.
I don't see the need why you feel you have to write a blog about it and now seemingly wanting to make it your business by bad-mouthing a forum that's been very good to you over the years.
I do feel left out 14:46, and more than a little hurt :( It grates more than a little that these [boring] writers and commentators are trying to write me out of the McCann canon. It's like if they don't say my name, it will be as if I never existed.
DeleteOf course I'm miffed, Google Madeleine McCann Cristobell Unbound is the first independent website/ blog to appear. Whether those fools like it or not, I have been able to bring logic, sanity and compassion to the McCann discussion. How many still believe there was a 'paedophile ring', a swingers gathering or some sort of deviant sex group who exchange pictures of their own children? Once you take the insanity (and freaky sex)away from their theories, they've got nothing.
There are of course hundreds, if not thousands of genuinely good people out there who are appalled at the injustice of everything that has happened in this case. They are not carrying pitchforks, and they do not hate the McCanns personally. Without wishing to sound trite, this is a compelling case, a mystery we long to unravel. For many years it was a reality show, the McCann publicity department are to be commended for keeping it in the public eye for so long.
But I don't want to digress, I am proud of the fact that I have been able to remove some of the hysteria that grew out of the 'hater' myths and lies. I a proud of the calibre of the contributors to my blog who have the standard of discussion consistently high.
As for a forum that's been very good to me! Wtf, if you are referring to the cesspit, I had to put on full body armour before entering, lol. I did actually treat it as a game, one I called 'dodging the bullet', which was basically, how much could I pee off TB and his stooges before getting a ban? I found it very amusing for a while.
If you mean MMM, again I could not avoid the stench of 'why don't you fuck off'. Eventually, one must ask oneself, why the hell am I putting myself through this?
The title of my blog is 'Cristobell Unbound' 14:46, I comment on whatever I want. Of course there was no need for me to comment on the current forum wars, but I am inhabited by a small mischievous leprechaun who couldn't resist.
Why would Cristobell feel left out?
DeletePeople can now see that
Bennett is doing to others the same as he tried to do to Ros even though he thought he would push her over the edge.
Andrew was given a platform here when banned everywhere else and he thanked her with rude insults.
The Ben character,a chancer,was seen off the premises by Ros,who saw straight through him.
As these dimwits trip themselves up and show their true colours the star of Ros rises with her integrity and honest witty writing in trying finding justice for a dead girl.
"Google 'Madeleine McCann Cristobell Unbound'is (sic) the the first independent website/blog to appear"
DeleteEr?, If I Google 'Fishfingers - Birdseye', guess what comes up? The clue would be in the exact name entered into search.
Apologies, that was a typo. The google search is 'Madeleine McCann' - my blog appears on the first page.
Delete03/07 21:15. I have read your words several times over, they are aloa vera for the troubled mind. I know I should shout for the spelling police here, but they'll find it, lol.
DeleteAgain, many thanks, I sometimes miss posts - I read all of them of course, but a few I keep 'aside' in my head because I want to reply thoughtfully, and with yours that is what I did :)
I am sorry the owner of MMM was in receipt of a threatening email, but I just can't get that worked up about it. The sender is probably some small, insignificant oddball, frightened of his or her own shadow.
ReplyDeleteI am indeed old enough to be a granny myself Louisee, lol, I am hurtling towards my 60th birthday - a time to take stock for sure, but I'm trying to think of something outrageous and non-grannyish to do! Kindest wishes.
Hi Cristobell. For what it's worth, then I think there is something sinister going on. A strategic attempt by CMoMM to cause "trouble". It appears sadly that it has worked as well.
ReplyDeleteA lot of games get played as you well know by your treatment from CMoMM and TB.
It's a sad state of affairs.
I see that MMM have now hidden the forum war topic. That's pity because it was the only thing even slightly interesting on the forum as evidenced by the large increase in guest viewers.
ReplyDeleteYou must have missed the Ian Huntley was framed posts followed by the Russian Ambassador faked his own death in Turkey malarky.Interesting in that it showed there are some seriously troubled old girls in those wards.
Deletebennett's outing efforts started as early as 2007 on Anorak, where he and stevo worked together to try to find and publish the real identity of anyone who disagreed with them. A poster called garth was one of the targets if I remember correctly.
ReplyDeleteIt is one of the reasons why people learned very early on never to use a real name and to post under a pseudonym or as anonymous.
Tony Bennett is a very strange person. All the rubbish and fighting around this case always seems to involve him. Jill Havern isn't much better either. The pair of them have been up to something for some considerable time now. I hope Ben Thompson does expose them.
DeleteYou can also post from an internet cafe to throw Fleffer off the scent lol
DeleteA taste of her own medicine for the owner of the Cesspit?
DeleteCMoMM has removed its topic completely.
ReplyDeleteWas there an explanation for the removal? Did the Police get involved?
DeleteYes the original thread disappeared but bennett continued posting about it on the Sonia Poulton Update topic https://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t10803p775-sonia-poulton-update#370506
DeleteDoh! I should have kept my trap shut, lol. However, in closing their thread, CMoMM will lose the sudden surge it had in hits, cutting off nose to spite face comes to mind.
DeleteI can't say I really care about the outcome, but even after all this time, I am still wishing and hoping that Bennett or Ben could come up with at least one witty or cutting line. It's doubt neither have the wit or intellect to say anything remotely amusing. They are either mind numbingly boring or downright offensive, lets hope the fisticuffs ups the ante, ha ha.
A lot of it is on twitter @fredthefish10 and zampos.
DeleteThere is absolutely no way that Ben Thompson and Andrew from MMM are the same person. So where has this insistence from Tony and Jill that they are come from?
ReplyDeleteA confused lurker but avid reader.
I agree 16:21. Andrew is more of a 'come outside if yer 'ard enough' drunk who wants to fight everyone at the end of the night.
DeleteBen Thompson is far more devious and malevolent, with more than a touch of Bennett's syndromes about it. Neither can disguise the simmering cauldrons that bubble away within them. The pair of them seethe with hatred, it's quite chilling.
Andrew is an eejit, too dim to take seriously. He wants in on the action, but he's not quite how to go about it. In any event, they are clearly different people, but Tony and Jill share a lot of crazy beliefs. They once accused me of pretending to be a McCann witness writing to the terminally boring Richard Hall!
Anyway, confused and avid readers always welcome :)
I expect andrew will pay you a visit here Ros.
Deleteor phone you up one Thursday night.
This mistake was down to the usual standard of research on CMMOMM.Like the time Mr.Smith was demonized.Sadly it was the wrong Mr.Smith.lol
DeleteYou're a bit late to a party you weren't involved in which by all accounts has finished. So now you make your own party to stir-up bad feelings and anger.
ReplyDeleteWell at least you'll get a few people interested in your blog because of it and no doubt that's exactly why you've jumped on the bandwagon with it.
How to make chicken soup or whatever you usually write about when it's not McCann related doesn't really cut it.
Now now Anon 17:15 Ros has previously explained why she is (always) late on matters:
Delete"Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton20 June 2017 at 20:42
With major tragedies, I suffer from my emotions - I am bipolar, everything is extreme, anyone who has ever suffered from depression may recognise that. I have to calm down, gather my thoughts and try to refocus. Sometimes it takes a few days."
Rest assured 23:08, my only reaction to the fall out between Bennett and Thompson has been laughter.
DeleteSlagging off a forum and then logging in to said forum to post and cause friction this afternoon is below the belt even for you, Cristobell.
ReplyDeleteHave you nothing better to do?
Oh for goodness sake 17:22, logging into a forum when there is juicy gossip going around is not a capital offence!
DeleteYou are the makers of your own friction you halfwit. How you react to my presence is entirely up to you, I don't bear grudges, mostly because I can't remember them.
Looks to me like there was friction between the Cesspit and the Home before Cristobells'good name was dragged into Bennett's"nuke them all" style diplomacy.
DeleteTis true that I was miffed not to get the credit I deserved for smashing up Bennett's forum, but ce la vie.
ReplyDeleteAs for stirring up bad feelings etc, do behave, very few people outside of your immediate circle give two hoots about these forum tiffs. These squabbles need to be put into perspective, and they need to be jeered and derided. The psychopaths involved in this row, have used every means available to them, to harass and destroy those they hate. Miniaturising them as the tiny, small minded, cowardly thugs they really are, is the least I can do.
As for turning to other subjects - I merely have to put the same amount of work into another subject as I have with the McCann case to achieve the same success. My talent is transferable, lol.
C'est la vie. Please. You have been corrected on this before, or is this part of your special talent that only you see?
DeleteAnd now for something completely different.
is that the best you can do love? You mean someone who does not buy into the McCann tall tale. Keep believing darling bless you #mccann
Don't call me darling it makes me vomit ta #McCann
Sorry love
"Now the nationwide boycott is official, it’s the beginning of the end for Murdoch’s Sun"
You seem to have irrelevant fixation for the Sun in as similar way to a newbie poster on MMM,Lee T.G.
DeleteLee T.G.seems to have brought a whole box of venom when she fled CMOMM in exile a whole three days ago.Her script is so poisonous it could even have been written by the Mr.and Mrs. Cesspit themselves
She went from cuddly,friendly,tolerant to raging angry,stone-her-physcho at the mere mention of Cristobell's name.
Lee T.G.you need to get onto Twitter and let your rage ,anger.hate and intolerance flourish with all the other twits.
MMM for all its faults is way too classy for a lowlife wretch like you.
So many 'anti' McCanns are so wrapped up with old greasy chip paper they are in among the rats fighting for it.
DeleteAnd I agree on the Lee creature, so abusive under cover of an anonymous avatar, another coward.
Unfortunately, MMM has found its' own level, and it's probably not one many people feel comfortable with. Anonymity is fine, but many use it to dispense with good manners and common decency to say things that would never be acceptable in the real world. I feel deeply ashamed for them - how on earth were they brought up? Would they call me vain, maladjusted and illiterate if they were face to face with me? Somehow I doubt it.
I see the toxic hobbit has came out of her cave in Cyprus to grunt.
DeleteImpossible to understand her posts as she is wholly inarticulate.She needs to learn grammar.Things like paragraphs,full stops,quotations etc.
Better still the gamekeeper(she calls him her husband) at the caves should just throw her some raw meat rather than let her try to interact with the real world.
Reptile of a woman.
@ Anonymous4 July 2017 at 13:45
Deletewho are you talking about please?
Agree, the Lee T.G.character has some serious issues.Not sure if her granny flat has room at the Care Home but wnen the caretaker(Andrew) comes back from his meltdown he should sling up a boxing bag and let her bang away.Her problems run very deep.
DeleteHow many toxic hobbits do you know on MMM who live in Cyprus,are inarticulate in two languages and thinks the moon is a baloon.Correct it is you.
DeleteHumour is not something the Care Home does well especially when looking at itself.As you put so well Ros ,they take themselves so seriously.
ReplyDeleteAnyway a thought for Matron tonight trying to put the shocked Home dwellers to bed tonight.They thought it was only the Cesspit that people laughed at.
MMM have been schmoozed by malcontents for years 20:11, intolerant people who have set the tone and agenda. And many, it must be said, use anonymity to post maliciously. The same could probably be said of any discussion forum that takes their cue from anonymous trolls.
DeleteThe 'nasties' could be seen off simply by ridicule or counter arguments, but it is at these times that Candyfloss and Freedom lock the threads, so the disagreements continues to simmer.
I very, very, rarely censor anything on here, it isn't necessary. The conversation on my blog has reached it's own high and admirable level - with peer pressure - the low lifes simply stay away.
Great point Ros.
DeleteCandyfloss has the personality of a traffic cone and a sense of humour to match.
let's not forget when she was at the Cesspit she banned more people that the other mods combined.
She may have left the Cesspit but the Cesspit never left her.
Thank you 13:25, CF is all over the place because she doesn't have firm beliefs or a firm set of moral guidelines - something most of us have achieved by the time we reach our 50's and 60's. Same goes for Freedom - the 'granny' references are relevant, because they interact like relics from the last century, this one confuses them.
DeleteIn her 'nice' forum for 'nice' people, CF happily publicised links to blogs that are unashamedly dedicated to ripping me and mental health to shreds. One for example, written by Tigger (not a psychologist) was an indepth psychological evaluation of my malevolent personality. That was especially NICE. Perhaps she too believes, I should take my medication, have a lie down, see a psychiatrist etc, or top myself as recommended.
I think CF probably was happier in the cesspit. She had the power to ban (emphasis on power there), while offloading the responsibility onto Bennett and Havern. Now it's all her. She publishes trash, and she publishes links to trash, there is no-one else to blame.
Freedom believes in whatever Candyfloss tells her to believe in on any given day,a lackey.
DeleteNot much time for 'Freedom' as she'll stab anybody in the back and is as two-faced as they come. But leave Candyfloss out of it. She's done absolutely nothing wrong and is a wonderful person. It's not easy running any forum let alone a 'McCann' forum. She's straight and honest and has always had Cristobells back. Until Cristobell decided to join in to cause trouble and have a meltdown that is.
DeleteWith the earlier update from Sonia, then you should be discussing the other forum owners, TB and JH. And try and work out what it is that's so important to rubbish Sonia?
So after all the backslapping "we will survive" and "we are a nice friendly popular forum" posts over the last few days on MMM - the last post in public was at 09.43 this morning and was about a Hoffman tweet!
ReplyDeleteSo much for success at taking the forum war topic private.
Not to worry heavyweight Costello is back, though not for long as she is outraged that someone might not regard her as highly as she regards herself.
DeleteCarlsberg don't do internet holier than thou awards but if they did.......step forward Costello.
@ Anonymous4 July 2017 at 11:14
DeleteI am not a member there so I can only see what is allowed in the public area. From the current topics I can't see why anyone would want to join.
MMM has more than it's share of what I call free floating haters 13:06. They are overflowing with hatred for so much, they don't know where to direct it. For them, the Madeleine case was a golden opportunity to funnel that hatred towards the family, and indeed anyone who dared to comment on it.
DeleteTheir behaviour is not normal, in fact it is extremely antisocial but the moderators on that forum are desensitized to it because it has gone on for so long. And let's be fair, when someone is getting a good kicking, they don't want to be left out, they want to smash those doc martins on any available skull.
For example, I logged in there yesterday, and within seconds, the gang were there lobbing abuse at me - it's all still there on 'Cristobell's Blogs'.
And who is the villain of the piece? Why tis I, apparently I force them to insult me merely by my presence, so it's all my fault. As you say 13:06, why would anyone want to join.
Exactly costello ,you are not the brightest are you.This is not a daft forum with a lounge ,this is the public area.Go below the hobbitt to the bottom of the class.
DeleteJust to set the record straight Ros my name costello is 'c' lower case I really wouldn't have bothered to bring this up (so tedious).However you do seem to have made a few grammatical errors in your replies to posters on the MMM forum today, just wanted to help as you seem to think you are a serious writer that's all.
DeleteMany thanks costello with a small 'c'. Please do feel free to apply if I advertise for an editor.
DeleteWasn't costello the one who last year was encouraging the oldies at MMM to join an ex copper's dodgy facebook site where everyone's personal details were taken.Don't be fooled by that nice but dim and innocent act.She is certainly worth the watching that one.
DeleteMMM is a very special forum for like minded people
Deletesuch as the sanctamonious costello who is so superior she says she will never respond to the critism on here .................well except for today!
Well, all I can say is thank God for Goncalo Amaral, who stands apart ... and head and shoulders above all of you
ReplyDeleteHear, hear!
DeleteWell said the sycophant at the back, and bravo to 09:14, for applauding. Feck all to add, but an opportunity to take the higher ground lol
DeleteAnonymous3 July 2017 at 20:59
ReplyDeleteYou must have missed the Ian Huntley was framed posts followed by the Russian Ambassador faked his own death in Turkey malarky.Interesting in that it showed there are some seriously troubled old girls in those wards.
This post is interesting. IMO - and in fact that opinion of many others particularly people with brains - Ian Huntley WAS framed.
There are some seriously troubled people who will stop at nothing to cover up their own maliciousness and dysfunction. Not to mention utter greed.
I would urge anyone with half a brain to look into the Ian Huntley case. His conviction doesn't have a leg to stand on. It's utter tripe. I have no particular axe to grind here - I don't know him or anyone who knows him. I have simply read about the case and A it is a miscarriage of justice.
There ARE people who should be brought to justice in the case, but Ian Huntley is in my humble opinion not one of them. I'd be looking very closely at the shrinks at Rampton and a few other 'medical experts' who can get paid very nicely indeed for their 'opinions'.
Delete.........................stay there..................
LOL, best reply ever for that post j.rob, couldn't have done better myself!
DeleteThe moonhowler poster has just ressurected the Huntley thread on MMM.
Why does everything have to be about YOU cristobell. You weren't involved in this awful carry on instigated by CMOMM involving MMM. That now looks like it's finished with CMOMM deleting their thread entirely and MMM moving theirs out of public view. Done and dusted except you want to fan the flames and make it about you. Firstly writing a belated blog about it and then go on MMM with the sole purpose of causing arguments and annoying members. Why can't you leave it be and not get involved. You're really not doing yourself any favours at all. Anybody would think that you've kissed and made up with Bennett and he's sent you in to cause more havoc. He's done his best to try and get that forum shut down or self implode. And now you're doing an excellent job yourself in doing the same. All very strange. And very sad as well.
ReplyDeleteI didn't go onto MMM to cause arguments 13:17, I didn't realise they still had grudges festering away there. I was actually in very good humour, but naturally in the presence of some MMM members, it didn't last long.
DeleteAs for not doing myself any favours - do get a grip. I'm not involved in their nonsense, I'm actually the one up there on a pedestal away from it all :)
I don't want to shut any forum down, they amuse me, this 'fear' of being shut down is all in their imagination, a (pathetic) way in which to create drama where there is none. There is nothing 'sad' about it, unless they choose 'sad' is the route to take.
Bizarre, that they are using the bullying terms 'poor me' and 'woe is me' to justify their abuse and insults. I'm not the one moaning and making a drama out of receiving horrid correspondence (puuurleeese, CF should take a look at my spambox sometime lol). It is attention seeking of the kind they accuse me of, and unintentionally hilarious.
In the handbag war between Bennett and Thompson, to misquote Bill Shankly let's hope they both loose.
@ Anonymous4 July 2017 at 13:17
Deletewell said.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCan somebody explain to little old me why CMoMM, Tony Bennett and Jill Havern hate Sonia Poulton so much for wanting to get a documentary out about Madeleine McCann?
ReplyDeleteThank you
Good question 13:44. Bennett hates women. Actually Bennett hates everyone he considers ungodly (most of us).
DeleteBennett considers the Madeleine case HIS baby 13:44, and he attacks anyone he thinks will steal it from him. He's here for the glory and publicity, he doesn't want real journalists getting credit for his 'work'.
In a nutshell, he is insane, he lost his audience years ago when they began to realise that most of his 'work' is in fact long, obsessive diatribes filled with inaccuracies and barmy theories.
He is a bit like Trump, in that he 'grosses' people out in order to get attention. The more repulsive he is the more attention he gets. I sometimes wonder if this case might have been solved years ago if he hadn't stuck his ugly nose in. The McCanns, with all the heinous suspicions around them, are more appealing than he is.
What's increasingly apparent is that Cristobell finds it extremely difficult to converse and interact with other people. (Unless arguing of course). So what if it a forum 'full of grannies'. What does that matter? It's a friendly place where people go for a bit of a chat. Can't see why that's a problem? But cristobell has to create problems thus being the centre of attention. I suspect and most likely right, that Cristobell finds it extremely hard and difficult to 'get along' in the real world as well.
ReplyDeleteIt might actually do you some good (and you'll feel better for it) if you made a bit of effort to try and get on with people. I'm certain people would get on with you as well. You should try it. It's better than sat on a computer all day slagging everyone and anyone off.
Have a nice day.
Well thank you for patronising comments 14:03. I am told I am actually very charming and very charismatic in the 'real' world 14:03, my manners are impeccable.
DeleteI have a small circle of friends who like me very much. And the circle is deliberately small. I have a fear of commitment that extends to pretty much every area of my life, therefore I only share my precious time with people I want to be with. You may consider that dysfunctional 14:03, but it works very well for me.
As for 'sat on a computer all day' - I am a writer, what should I be doing, breaking rocks? Do you tell supermarket workers they spend an inordinate amount of time stacking shelves?
As for making a bit of an effort to try and get on with people, do behave. I actually have all the time in the world for people who are polite and well mannered, unfortunately, on the forums they are very few and far between.
What do you actually write, Roz? Apart from rubbish blogs and then post in the comment section under different guises to defend and agree with yourself.
DeleteAny worthwhile links to the 'proper stuff' you write?
@14.03anon357 aka poison dwarf aka
DeleteChirpy me me me me squeek,you realy need to get an education as no one else speaks your incoherent gobbledegook other than maybe your fellow cave dwelling hobbitts in Cyprus.
Ros must be doing something right as you are always around.N'est pas.
DeleteYou are fine example of the huge drop in the standard of education in the UK 15:39. Why don't you spend the rest of the day trying to figure out what 'proper stuff' is. Please don't return until you do.
DeleteNice to see a friendly reply 16:42, I fear the membership of MMM have abandoned Candyfloss and taken up residence here! LOL, double anonymity
DeleteI suggest your banning might be connected to the new (hidden) member of Admin, mumof6 who, it is alleged, is a close ally of Ben T.
DeleteMany thanks for that 18:33, I was wondering actually if the notorious Ben had become a member. Bizarre, how the cesspit and MMM immediately fell at his feet. It would seem bully boy tactics do work.
DeleteUnfortunately, these forums by their very nature are built on 'hate'. Initially the hatred of the McCanns, then the hatred of anyone who disagreed with them on the McCanns. It is a democratic consensus where less enthused are excluded. Ie, at my last democratic encounter with MMM it was agreed by an overall majority that works of art should be burned. That's democracy on forums folks!
Ben is a strange one, he passionately wants to write and win friends and influence people, but he is completely lacking in civil graces. Like all the prominent antis, forum hosts included, he has completely dispensed with even basic good manners - if he ever had them.
I find it sad more anything, what an unpleasant world it would be if everyone strove to conduct themselves like malcontent characters from Eastenders.
Such is life, but I thank all the Gods there may be that I am graced with the presence of intelligent and articulate posters who keep the standard of discussion consistently high.
Anonymous6 July 2017 at 18:33
DeleteI suggest your banning might be connected to the new (hidden) member of Admin, mumof6 who, it is alleged, is a close ally of Ben T.
yes exactly what bennett said - it has been denied.
Cristobell. You don't fit in with forums full stop. Maybe that's more to do with you than other people. Try joining a 'writers' forum or something you feel passionate about. Again you would just rub people up the wrong way and try and make it all about you. It would make no difference. You find it very difficult to get along with other people. You should admit and accept that and move forward. In a positive way.
ReplyDeleteI run a very successful blog 16:30, the top McCann blog on google search. Why do I need to find a forum? I can and do say whatever I want on here without any restrictions. You personally may not like this blog, but hundreds, if not thousands, do, so you will forgive me if I don't take your advice.
DeleteMeanwhile I can't help wondering what it is that qualifies you to be my life coach? Are you super successful, a best selling author, or do you run a far more successful blog than my own? Because you really do need to have all that in place before you start telling me how I should be leading my life.
I somehow suspect not, because if you were, you would be proud to post here in your own name, rather than hide behind anonymity.
... So anyway. Links to the 'proper stuff' as an 'author' that you write about please?
DeleteI'm very interested. Thanks
To the Sun lover, I am not publishing your post, because I am not going over same old arguments again. Please feel free to discuss it as much as you like in the cesspits, but the rest of us have moved on.
DeleteAnd before you go accusing me of abusing people online, provide the evidence. I have been on social media for 17 years and I have never abused anyone. All my tweets, all my blogs, etc, still there.
The problem with accusing someone of something that is completely character, is that it has no credibility. If I had a history of abuse, fine, but bear in mind that even with all the stalking I have had, they have never found anything. I follow my own moral code of honesty and integrity, I have no fear whatsoever of being 'outed'- ever. Can you say the same 'Anonymous' at 17:17?
Tut tut, you haven't done your homework. Define 'proper stuff'.
DeleteAnonymous @15:39
ReplyDelete("What do you actually write, Roz? Apart from rubbish blogs and then post in the comment section under different guises to defend and agree with yourself.")
Blogs you read and comment on? The irony!
In the style of bennett I am starting a poll on here:
ReplyDeleteHow many people believe that bennett would have taken any interest whatsoever in the Lubbock case if Barrymore was not gay?
Let me be the first to vote 17:08, no chance, lol.
DeleteRosalinda. What does Sonia Poulton really know and what has she uncovered about Tony Bennett and Jill Havern from the CMOMM forum?
ReplyDeleteCan you enlighten us.
Well we are talking about Tony Bennett here, so it could be anything. He has a long history of malicious, vindictive and attention seeking behaviour. Prior to that I believe he was a social worker (yeh, I know) and a struck off legal clerk.
DeleteI suspect though it is something mundane, such as financial discrepancies. What was the purpose of his Madeleine Foundation, so named to confuse those donating to the Madeleine Fund. And of course this is not his first venture into Foundations and Trusts - perhaps he has thing for getting people to sign up and pay subscriptions?
So can we take it then that Sonia Poulton is making a documentary about trolls and not Madeleine McCann, seeing as she says now her documentary is 'around' the subject of Madeleine McCann and not 'about' the subject of Madeleine McCann?
ReplyDeleteI googled "McCann blog" and can't see this anywhere? I only searched the first 4 pages though.
ReplyDeleteNumber 1 McCann blog you say Ros?
I very much doubt that.
TWO WORDS! That was all you had to remember, and they made a name, which should have made it easier. Madeleine McCann.
DeleteAnonymous at 17.08, that thought has certainly crossed my mind.
ReplyDeleteRos. Google "McCann blog" and what do you see?
ReplyDeleteWARNING to you all MMM trolls currently infesting this blog. Feck off you are lowering the tone. If you have nothing to contribute to the discussion you won't be published.
ReplyDeleteI am not a member of the hater MMM forum and I am certainly not a fan of Candyfloss. But even I am surprised by your personal comments about her Ros.
ReplyDeleteYeh, me too 19:06, but then I remembered the links she put up to Tigger's vile and malicious psychological profile of me and links to more personal abuse on lying lazerri or whatever it was. How would she like it if I carried a link to a site describing her as a raving lunatic who should be in a straitjacket, in great detail I might add? Let that sink in for a minute.
DeleteLet me give you a little example of dialogue on MMM today.
Chrissie: 'I stopped reading her attention seeking ramblings years ago'. Sorry if this offends (smiley face).
Freedom: 'No problem with anyone saying that Chrissie'.
Its like people talking about you behind your back right in front of your face! How rude. Using those guidelines, if someone invites you dinner, refuse to thank them and tell them the food was shit. Wtf kind of mentality do these people have?
'attention seeking ramblings'. Really, that's OK in their world? I suspect they are grannies who have lost their marbles, if they find such offensive dialogue no-one has any problem with that! Err, excuse me, you ignorant bints, I was still in the room! Grr, time to switch off.
But while I am on a roll, let's not forget Freedom immediately stealing and publishing on MMM, the exclusive quote given to me by Sonia today.
DeleteThat, my friend, is how much respect they show to me.
Crissie the snowflake crumbled last week because she said every one ignores her posts.
DeleteNo wonder,all she talks is piss and wind!
DeleteI had to look that up 21:37, and I am very pleased I did. It may be that I knew it in the past - these days, I'm never really sure, lol, but in any event it is now my new favourite word, I will find ways and means in which to use it, you have been warned! I love to learn something new every day, even if it is something so seemingly small as a single beautiful word. Cavalier is another I try to slip into conversation when given the opportunity, it rolls so smoothly off the tongue and allows you do to do dramatic arm movements :)
DeleteI shall try Veritas out on SAS (Smart Arsed Son), who claims he has a far wider vocabulary than I. I'll try to throw it into normal conversation, that's when it irritates him and amuses me, the most and see how it goes. I've been trying to impress him with my Latin lately, but so far all I have achieved is hysterical laughter. To be fair, I've only really got Veni, Vedi, Vici (cooey, Grammar Police?) and Carpe Diem. The first from a Carry On film with slightly different wording, and the second while weeping buckets watching Robin Williams. It's a WIP.
Bennett aside, then what's your real thoughts on Jill Havern, Linda?
ReplyDeleteI have never met or even spoken with her on the telephone 19:24, so I don't know very much. After I left CMoMM, I wrote her a long and supportive e-mail, it was never personal to her. She didn't reply.
DeleteI could give an approximate psychological profile from what I know, but that would be unkind. I suspect, and I am merely throwing this out there, that there might some kind of financial connection (please don't let it be sex and lust), I wouldn't be in the least surprised if he were heavily indebted to her.
( give me a shout when we get to Edgeways )
ReplyDeleteEdgeways has arrived Ziggy, and I never thought I'd say this, but phew, glad to see ya! lol.
DeleteI seem to have stirred up a bit of a hornet's nest there, The grammar police were hot on my tail, followed closely by the angry and the outraged. MMM is a good study in the way in which small cliquey (spell check please)groups become a parody of everything they purport to hate. It's why I have never been fully part of them, an outsider, a non team player, call it whatever you like, my face never fits. And, I hasten to add, nor would I want it to.
But anyway, please feel free to rant Ziggy, and try to say something nice, my delicate ego is somewhat battered ;)
It will all end in tears.
ReplyDeleteAs others have said before me, why bother with the mysteries when the facts tell you all you need to know?
ReplyDeleteHavern and Baldie claim over 7 000 members. It is a pure McCann claim - one that is actively and deliberately misleading while being "theoretically true".
Every time Havern & Bennett send off one of their thousand page, hardly literate, screeds they quote their membership as evidence of how important they are.
They know and we know that when they put up one of their "polls", the average response is beyond either laughter or parody - it is always less than three figures.
Now with the Moderator(!) Verdi's appeal to show solidarity a few days ago the truth is out. No, not the truth that moderator Verdi on the "most important McCann research site" was frozen out of the Amazon Kate McCann Discussion Group because she was literally too thick to follow the case and nobody would reply to her, not that one; no, Havern's priceless posting up of the response from her 7 000 members on her day of need. Four posters.
After renewed appeals the number went up to around 20.
By any standards that is an exposure of the fantasy and deception world they live in, leaving all the present shenanigans aside. 20 out of 7000! It is impossible to humiliate Baldie but any other group that had misled people on that McCann scale about their real support would close down. Clearly their active membership is less than your readership, Ros - no more than 30 at the very most. Now why would "truthseekers" and "researchers" want to actively mislead people about their status? Why is it so unthinkable that they would ever write to anyone saying "we aren't large but we are sincere and committed and have about 30 or 40 members who contribute, so that gives you some idea of our importance?"
Because, like the McCanns that they resemble so closely, they are disgusting liars who live by, and thrive on, deceit.
As always JBlacksmith nails it.
DeleteYou know CMOMM is at the end game when Bennett and Havern's love child,the sychophant's sychophant, Plebgate refuses to rally to the call.
DeleteHi JB, really good to see you, did someone send out the bat signal, lol. Many thanks.
DeleteI think I hate 'lying' more than anything else JB. I refuse to do it myself (which is why I cause so much offence lol).
As you say, it is impossible to humiliate Baldy, he is completely bereft of any moral or humane personal guidelines. He intrudes into the grief of high profile victims like a vulture looking for pickings. And he lies, so easily, so casually and so self assuredly, you have to wonder if the lunatic actually believes it all himself. Is he truly deluded, or is he truly evil? We will never know, lol, because no-one gives a shit.
The claimed blog figures by Havern are ridiculous, at one point she claimed they were getting over a million hits a day! (would love to try what she was having at the time). CMoMM were literally getting more hits than Justin Bieber! Who knew?
It's all nonsense of course, not dissimilar to the McCanns with their zillions of likes on fb, which must be costing a fortune. Trump does the same thing, though with more finesse, so Bennett and spaced out Jill, are aiming high!
So why oh why are they so, err, let's say, passionate about this case, to the point where their lives depend on it? Unholy pacts can last for decades, holy ones, two minutes tops before someone starts 'fessing. My money's (should it have been an ie at the end? This is stream of consciousness, who cares?) would be something financial. Jill the vulnerable wealthy widow.... A kind voice an offer of assistance, a just sign this cheque/deed ... and so it goes. All pure speculation of course, I am of course a writer, I cannot resist filling in plotlines, ha ha.
Oh, and to those loons who think Bennett is working for the McCanns. I wouldn't let Bennett sweep up at McDonalds, he would find a way in which to set up a Trust or a Foundation. He has no morals, he has no honour, and he has no scruples. Perfect for corruption, but too unprincipled and backstabbing to be trusted with anything.
Could you imagine if the McCanns, or even Goncalo Amaral, contacted him in any way, through whatever means, he would be able to keep his attention seeking mouth shut? Look at the nasty way he turned on the nice (and v.attractive) rugby reporter, who had the audacity to make a few tentative enquires about the Madeleine case. The poor guy was absolutely demonised, in much the same way as Sonia was as described above. They literally terrorise any MS journalists daft enough to make any enquiries. And one of the main reasons the forum has shrunk to what can only be single or double figures, is the fact that they ban anyone who has the affront to disagree with them, Oh, and I've just been banned from MMM, lol, there's a surprise.
Meanwhile, I really must refresh myself on group/ gang/mob mentality - it takes the sting out when they all gang up on me! :(
I jest of course. As Groucho Marx once said, 'I wouldn't want to be a member of a club that would have me'. I would add to that, I would much prefer to set up a free for all club of my own! For the aul grannies watching, I will do a couple of Our Fathers and a few Hail Marys for that one, if it makes you feel better.
I don't know whether to be pleased to hear that 21:19, the refusal of Plebgate to answer the rally cry. I'm seriously lacking in the killer instinct and now wondering if I should reel in a bit of the mean. I get little satisfaction from winning, for some reason it always makes me feel guilty. Stupid really, especially given that my enemies would happily stomp on my head if they could.
DeleteAnd as despicable as CMoMM, JATKY2 etc might be, I don't want to see them banned. I hate the 'ban' word with a passion, I am affronted that anyone would dare to tell me what I could or couldn't do.
They will die a natural, if long drawn out death, I suppose it all depends on how long Bennett can keep up with the costume changes. I jest. They are of little interest to anyone, certainly not worth introducing new laws for.
No, I never said the forum was getting over a million hits per day. I said it was getting a million hits per week on Google+.
ReplyDeleteget offa our laaaaaaaaand ;-)
DeleteYou're a glutton for punishment Roz :)
DeleteYou poke a hornet's nest and what happens.Unfortunately, in this case, a swarm of bats have been released...But, you're waving the sabre well so far. You've gone all 'Genghis'. Back in the day all a woman needed was a bit of cleavage to make rabid men bow down and behave( well it worked on me anyway).
All this 'hits' and 'important' talk isn't worth the effort for anyone.I hope nobody has kidded themselves that the Google rankings are a genuine and honest reflection of anything substantial-they're not.Nor is their 'baby' Youtube. It is possible to buy rankings and buy words.Cross their sweaty palms with cash and magic happens.Appearing on page one usually means they've paid to get there. Research of the obvious tells us that 90% of people type in a search and rarely go beyond page one and almost never page two.It's not quite as simple as 'using key words in the first four'. It's also possible for Google, under instruction, to ensure that certain names or scandals won't turn up at all. It takes five minutes to type it in themselves and put a block on it.If things turn up regularly on the front page it's usually because it isn't dangerous to the status quo. Type any names or phrases about the 'progress' of the(McCann) case and Google turns into the Daily Mail.It isn't a cause to shout from the rooftops if your own 'work' turns up on page one unless you're making money from it.Google will love the Bennett blog as it has such a long reach into madness and nothing is too ridiculous or taboo.Even if there's 10% of good research or theorising it won't be taken seriously if nestled among mountains of psychosis. It's bad enough having to defend 'conspiracies' that hold far more weight than 'official' lines without having to be roped in with fking lunatics.
After ten long years of dedication nothing has happened despite the best efforts of observers and police forces. That's bad news. I still research it and i have my own theories and 'profiles' in my files.I did the same on Soham and Huntley, Jonbenet and a few mainstream faces.It's how my 'computing' works.Sooner or later parallels present themselves; 'faces' and names do the same. I just occasionally need to 'defrag' my brain.
Nobody 'knows' any facts that could land anyone in court.So, like it or not, they are demoted to the position of 'suspicions'.That's the nub of the problem behind so many of these odd trolls.They hold on to their beliefs so tightly because they're convinced that it's the truth that they explode.All I can suggest, in good faith, is that they redirect their attention and energy.They should ask why so many 'facts' and 'truths' haven't brought about any justice.Who has prevented it and why. What happened to Madeleine was at best wicked, at worst, unthinkable.Who would want anything so horrendous involving a beautiful little girl covered up and willingly put such a concerted effort into it.That's a track to put you train on now, everyone.Right now it's a straight line going who knows where.The one everyone's on now is a short circular journey with seemingly endless fuel feeding the engine.
I am not as obsessed with stats as you are Jill, probably because I am coming from a different perspective. I would write my blog if I had one viewer or a thousand, I enjoy my work and that gets through to my readers. That's all I ask.
DeleteAs I said to you before, why you have allowed such a malignant character to take over your forum astounds me. Where's your girl power?
Banning hundreds of people was never going to end well Jill. In doing so, you are stopping the flow of ideas and information, it's practically page 1 in the Idiot's Guide to Nazism, but Tony lacks Hitler's charisma.
We have all made bad choices Jill, and some of us have married them, but when on earth will enough be enough? Even mad old white women who marry Masai Warriors, draw the line somewhere. I'm guessing when they see the bathroom and the 100 relatives they will have to share a mud hut with.
To be honest with you Jill, I can't imagine anything worse than living under the thumb of that manipulative tyrant. Get out while you can. Cut your losses, re-design your forum with pretty flowers, or kittens, and climb out of that dark hole. It can't be a healthy atmosphere for anyone.
I take back the 'phew glad to see you' Ziggy comment from earlier.
DeleteEverything is turned back to suspicion - in your dreams! No it isn't, the world no longer believes Madeleine is missing, that should be shattering news, not a cause for celebration. No matter what Operation Grange say in September, we cannot unsee those huge diggers and search dogs in PDL.
Gerry and Kate are far from suspicion Ziggy, continents away from where they were in 2007. Even the 10th Anniversary drew little interest. It was a compelling mystery that kept many of us gripped for several years, but it doesn't have the impact it once did. If Operation Grange closes with no clear statement of the McCanns' innocence, they will remain in limbo. Actually, the same would probably apply even if OG did clear them. Scotland Yard would immediately come under suspicion of covering something up - it could go on for years.
So don't try to slip in a quick, 'the McCanns are innocent btw and we can all go home' statement thinking I wouldn't notice in the rush. But nice, if poorly executed, try, lol.
Bennett is a misogynistic, homophobic old anachronism who delights in stirring up trouble, be it in discrediting the Smith family or calling the late Mrs Fenn a liar.
ReplyDeleteJill Havern writes then broadcasts her gloryseeking, pointless letters that at best give the recipients a giggle.
They both believe they - and their forum - universally known as a cesspit, should be talked about in hallowed tones.
Deluded as they come, I'm afraid, but all the more entertaining for it.
"It's all nonsense of course, not dissimilar to the McCanns with their zillions of likes on fb, which must be costing a fortune"
ReplyDeleteOr to put it another way:
"The McCanns with their zillions of likes on fb, which must be costing a fortune." It's all nonsense of course.
The infighting confirms I'm on the right side.
ReplyDelete1) I meant, bye the way, Ros, that COMM's active membership is smaller than your regular's commenting base. It really is that tiny.
ReplyDelete2) You wrote:"...could you imagine if the McCanns, or even Goncalo Amaral, contacted him in any way, through whatever means, he would be able to keep his attention seeking mouth shut?
Baldie's repeated embarrassing - I mean repulsively, toe-curlingly, embarrassing emails to Goncalo Amaral trying to bribe, inveigle, trick or flatter him into appearing at his side at one of his pathetic Foundation events/meetings were well known to me. Goncalo dismissed them all with contempt.
I always suspected that Goncalo Amaral kept his distance from Bennett, CMoMM and the notorious Madeleine Foundation. Since studying this case I see Foundations, Funds, Trusts in a whole different way - for some reason, one eyebrow goes up.
DeleteI hear you on the repulsive, toe-curling, embarrassing emails to Goncalo Amaral, as so often happens, I am cringing on his behalf. He really is shameless if he thought Goncalo Amaral would stand next to an armchair detective who claims to have disproved his theory? What is wrong with him? Do you think he had a knock, or several, on his head at some time? I'm trying to be charitable here.
I think we all accept he is delusional, but what I can't figure out, why one, let alone half a dozen people are completely mind controlled by him. I am starting to suspect he has an alternate ego who escapes from the attic wearing a long dress and a grey wig, a la Psycho. I should probably stop there, I am having images in my head that no-one should see.
The honourable Goncalo Amaral has sound judgment on many aspects of this case, not least where Tony Bennett is concerned.
Sonia Poulton is very quick to lay the blame for this latest squalid mud slinging festival at the door of everyone's favourite bogey man, Tony Bennett. She carefully omits the role played by the man she so publicly supports, who has been happy to leave his alllegations of unspecified wrong doing lingering in the cyber sphere like a bad smell - I'm talking about the other team captain, Ben Thompson.
ReplyDeleteSo whilst like a lot of people banned from CMoMM I have no patience for Tony Bennett, I hope I am not so addled by my time on forums (I've been on both) that I can no longer see the bigger picture.
Sonia Poulton did not, as threatened deliver a documentary on David Icke: "Unmasking a Messiah - coming to a screen near you." If she has got a documentary #explosive then my hunch is the subject will be trolls - with her own self indulgent, unwatchable tale of being a 'victim' at its centre - and Madeleine will probably just be a convenient name to weave this tale of woo around in my opinion. That is if it ever comes or even exists - and that too is questionable IMO.
One last thing Christobell, I've always liked your blog and your irreverence but schadenfreude is not a good look - and some of those grannies who keep their cool and don't hit the sherry til after six o'clock are not as feeble as you migh think. Some of them are able to look at the bigger picture and not get too bogged down by the details or the various cults of personality that have sprung up around this case. You've always kept your autonomy up until now and it would be sad to watch you loose that as if there is one lesson in this it's don't trust anyone.
The problem at MMM is there is no control.Freedom allows the loose cannons to insult good people like Ros, gratuitously. She also lets them post shamefull nonsense that is off the scale of decency such as the Huntley was framed baloney.
DeleteCandlyfloss comes across as a nurse Ratched figure from "one flew over the cookos nest".A cold,heartless
battleaxe hovering in the background only appearing to give the residents their medicine and to make sure they post something,anything as long as the threads keep rolling along.
I don't blame Sonia, Jane, she is a journalist with a hot documentary, it would be as inappropriate for her take sides, as it would for, say, Martin Brunt. I wasn't going for irony there btw, lol.
DeleteThere may well be non zoncked out grannies in the midsts of those forums Jane, but they have adapted to the tone set by the owners and administrators and it is at a very low level.
The behaviour seen in forums, is no different to the behaviour seen in any closed, exclusive groups. You either adapt to the majority view or you are excluded or ostracised. Many put up with this, because on the whole, the benefits outweigh the losses. Most people have an inner desire to 'belong', it's a primeval survival instinct. All those throwing stones and cheering executions are in the 'safe' group, or so they believe.
As for the schadenfreude, I am but human Jane, allow me my 'told ya so' moment, but I'll try not to drag it out, lol.
Those insults were gratuitous 16:03, and many thanks for confirming that! Perfectly acceptable to Freedom, but completely off the wall where common courtesy and respect is concerned.
DeleteLol at your descriptions of the pair, especially Nurse Ratchett! They proclaim to be the arbiters of sweetness and light but for some reason, they must keep their NICE discussion in a closed setting with only approved members present. Just like the cesspit.
In any event, I got bored with MMM long ago, discussion was impossible due to the constant gratuitous insults and attacks. I wobbled a bit the other day and took a look, but nothing had changed. They mostly wanted to discuss my spelling and grammatical errors, an unfortunate side effect of writing in stream of consciousness as I do. That they believe writers and academics are superhuman and have flawless spelling and grammar at all times is really quite sweet, bless. One Uni lecturer I had could never spell Nietzche, (and passed it onto me, doh!) - some words just won't register, it happens with everyone.
I agree, it is remiss of me, not to edit and check my blogs as rigorously as I should, and for that I apologise. Unfortunately with S of C writing, too much editing often changes the flow and reduces the spontaneity. It's a fine line, and one that torments me always - I actually have well over a 100 blogs that I have never published, simply because I put them aside to be improved and then never return to them.
I do strive to make my work the best that it can be, both with spelling and grammar, but errors slip through, I have no editor. But I have to say, I flout the rules with English, just as I flout the rules with everything else and make no apologies for it.
Those painstakingly searching for the misuse of a pronoun or a wrong placed apostrophe, usually miss the entire point of the text. It breaks my heart that these self appointed grammar police put so many people off writing in case they get it wrong.
There is NO WRONG! If we all stuck the rules, we would still be talking like Shakespeare. Language grows and evolves, one dictionary doesn't cover all. Iconic writers became iconic because they changed the rules, they subverted the genres, the Romantics brought in emotions (and drugs) and TS Elliot took us higher.
I can't help but think, the members of MMM are not avid readers. If they were, they would know that excellence doesn't lie in the correct use of English grammar, it lies in the ideas the texts evoke.
Ooh, these sanctimonious spell checkers irk me, not least because those considering writing, or starting a blog, have seen what happens when you do. I take comfort in the fact that the divine Harper Lee also received mountains of abuse. Not because she received the abuse of course, bless her, but because it illustrates the outrage of the malcontents shown to anyone 'getting above their station' in life.
As someone who used to teach English (and another fan of Harper Lee) I always found that some of the most interesting and creative writers were dyslexic. I am a bad typer and not too hot on predictive text but I don't worry about that because it's the ideas that count.
DeleteThe honourable Goncalo Amaral was convicted of perjury in May 2009 and received an 18-month suspended sentence. #JustSaying
ReplyDeletePart one of two.
ReplyDeleteReturning to the question of what the facts already tell us, and before Bennett starts whinnying agitatedly away, like an old nag with its balls trapped in the slaughterhouse gate, about how unfair I am, I remind readers that he has repeatedly claimed that I secretly help the McCanns as well as “Blacksmith’s friend”, Lord McAlpine, Brian Kennedy and others. With his usual absence of evidence.
We all know – courtesy of Pamalam/Anne Guedes – that Michael Wright’s attempts to smear Amaral in the libel trial by claiming he’d provoked threats by nutters against the McCanns, depended on quoting Tony Bennett and his Foundation’s actions. The only name he could come up with. That really is something of a co-incidence, isn’t it?
It’s much, much, more than a co-incidence. There are only two possible interpretations of Bennett’s help for the McCann couple. One, the current favourite with many, is that there’s a tacit agreement to work in the pair’s favour.
The evidence for that is merely suggestive but it is incomparably stronger than the “evidence” that Baldie, Havern and the crazed Hidiho ever claim in support of their vendettas against the Smiths and all the others.
So we await a Hidoho COMM post entitled “What is the evidence that Tony Bennett is NOT working for the McCanns?”
The only other interpretation is that Bennett actively puts others around him in danger because he is incapable, either through a psychopathic inability to see anybody – family, friends, allies, – as other than ants, or he is actually mentally disabled.
Interesting indeed that Bennett and his Madeleine Foundation, was the only evidence of the McCanns claim that Goncalo Amaral incited hatred and threats towards them. And when we look back over the years at the headlines and tabloid frontpages we are confronted with the UK's most despised and persistent stalker Tony Bennett. As you say, he was a gift to the parents. The evil villain hounding the grief stricken parents on behalf of the Portuguese detective.
DeleteI think most of Bennett's infamy arose out of his own attention seeking antics, but I think you are right, he was no doubt aided and abetted by Clarence. Would the major news channels have paid any attention to Bennett without a few pointers and prods one wonders.
I would not go so far as to say Bennett was/is working for the McCanns, he is too stupid to be trusted, but they may have ways and means of pulling his strings. I'm thinking for example, his last Court appearance when he handed over all the names and details of his forum members to the prosecution. He owed them him a huge amount of money £350k plus if I remember rightly. One wonders what murky deals were done in the corridors of the RCJ.
ReplyDeleteI warned the Amaral group that Bennett’s emailed attempts to get Amaral at his side were part of a plot, a trap, to convince the public that Amaral was only supported by lunatics and was therefore a mere lunatic himself, with all the implications that carried for the future and the fate of Goncalo. I assumed then, wrongly, that it was mere pig-ignorance and naiveté on Bennett’s part that he was allowing himself to be used in this way.
But is anyone that stupid?
To put it the COMM/Hidiho way, “WHERE is the evidence that Tony Bennett WASN’T collaborating with Amaral’s enemies? RESEARCH SHOWS THERE IS NONE.”
There really was such a plot, involving Mitchell using the tabloids as I’ve described before, and they knew that Amaral’s potential connection with Bennett was a weakness crying out to be exploited. They just needed photographs of the pair together to complete it.
Michael Wright, in court, 2013: “Tony Bennett invited Gonçalo Amaral to do conferences in the UK..."
Bennett was the only person that Wright could actually name in support of his claims. But he never got his pictures to link them, did he? And without them the court rejected his claim and excluded his supposed "supporting documents" in their entirety.
Bennett either didn’t care whether he was being used to entrap Goncalo, the single most important person in the McCann Affair apart from the parents, such were his own giant-baby needs, or, as the current theorists claim, he deliberately colludes with the McCanns.
That’s a lovely choice of explanations, isn’t it? If he didn’t care, then he’s a psycho or actually mad, and if he’s colluding then he’s lower than dirt. Take your choice.
That was a good call on your part JB, and thank all the Gods there may be that Goncalo Amaral kept his distance from the toxic creep. I don't think there can be any doubt Bennett would have wrecked GA's case if he could have.
DeleteAs you say, the two choices there are chilling. I'm obsessed with Donald Trump at the moment (gawd 'elp me), he is a fascinating study in psychopathy and narcissism, and many of his more repulsive traits are shared by our very own Toxic Tony.
Bennett, like Trump, gets attention by 'grossing' people out. As you have mentioned before JB, Baldie is incapable of being embarrassed, and I would add to that ashamed. I think it is quite possible that he put his giant-baby 'look at me, look at me' needs above Goncalo's very real and genuine cause. He simply didn't care that his actions would harm Goncalo's case, as long as his picture was on the front page of the Sun/Star.
As I have mentioned before, I once met Tony Bennett for a drink - out of pure journalistic curiosity I hasten to add, nothing more, God forbid. He is a very strange, intense man, he takes everything in quite visibly storing it up for later use. It was a brief encounter, very much watched over by my protective sons and their friends, who telephoned throughout, and who may at some point have been hiding in the pub car park. They clearly saw dangers I didn't, lol.
At one point, I put Bennett on the spot by asking him if truly, 100% believed the McCanns were involved in Madeleine's disappearance. I was taken aback by his response, no he wasn't!
The reason I was taken aback, was because for a long, long time, I had been writing about the McCanns, but I would not comment on them negatively because I did not want to add to their pain if they were genuine victims. And I often receive much criticism for it. It is cited as evidence of my being a 'Pro'. My commentary changed when I got to the point of 'beyond reasonable doubt'.
What surprised with me Bennett, a Christian (lol), was the almost war like stance he was taking against the parents, without being clear in his own mind and conscience that they were guilty. I found it very unsettling.
@ john blacksmith
Deletehave you forgotten that a "Madeleine Foundation" member - Granville Green made a trip to see Amaral in Lisbon and presented him with a fridge magnet?
I have posted bennett's Report from Grenville Green in Lisbon in 2 seperate posts if Ros will publish them.
Worthy of a good laugh.
I'm sure you wrote in good faith but I have only ever had two targets in this affair - the people who run that Pit and those members who close their eyes to the harm they have done to innocent people and stay with them. I don't think Grenville Green comes into that category.
DeleteI have a Downs daughter of my own, for what it's worth.
Grenville Green was a very active member of bennett's "foundation" He delivered bennett's leaflets in Rothley and there are numerous photos and reports of his activities on the internet.
DeleteI have never made any comments about his son's Down's and I have no idea why it would be brought into the matter at all.
Report from Grenville Green in Lisbon
ReplyDeletePost by Get'emGonçalo on 17.01.10 22:13
To all members 17.1.10 and close supporters - from Tony Bennett.
from Tony Bennett, Secretary, The Madeleine Foundation
Here’s some brief notes about Grenville Green’s 6 days in Portugal (11 to 16 January), based on what he told me on a 2-hour journey tonight from Gatwick Airport to Cambridgeshire, where tonight he’s reunited with his wife again. I’m sure he’ll have more to say in due course.
So far as he’s concerned, it was very much ‘mission accomplished’. He was able to demonstrate by his physical presence in Lisbon British support for Goncalo Amaral, he was in the court-room for the best part of all three days, he met up with some of Amaral’s supporters including of course the tireless Joana Morais, he was interviewed by British TV journalists and appeared on SKY and BBC News with his comments on free speech, and he made it to the fund-raising dinner in Lisbon for Amaral.
On the court case, as the proceedings were entirely in Portuguese, he could not follow the content, but instead chose to focus on the body-language of those in the court room.
Most noticeable, he said, was the strange body language of Dr Gerald McCann. Most of the time, he stared resolutely and fixedly ahead, at no-one in particular. His translator would whisper the English translation of what was being said to him and as the first day wore on he was showing more and more irritation at what was being said. This was evident from his shifting around on his bottom, rubbing and scratching his head and ear, mostly with is left arm, immediately after each segment of translation was whispered to him.
Grenville, who had not seen Dr Gerald McCann’s performance outside the court on day two, said that his impatience and annoyance seemed to reach a peak during that morning.
Dr Kate McCann sat next to her husband, also relatively impassive. Occasionally they would whisper to each other.
ReplyDeleteThe lady judge was described by Grenville as ‘young and very attractive’. He said: “She seemed to be far too young to be a judge on such an important and complex matter”. He said she intervened relatively rarely in the proceedings. He was told by one of the Portuguese that she was not selected specially for this trial; according to the person he spoke to, there was a strict rota for judicial appointments for trials and she was selected only on that basis. He also learnt that she was the daughter of one of Portugal’s most senior prosecutors.
There were two to three dozen people sitting on the public benches on the first day; rather fewer on days two and three. Many of those he saw on day one were also at the dinner for Amaral.
As Amaral entered the court, Grenville shouted: “Good luck from England, Goncalo Amaral”. This led to a couple of British journalists taking an interest in him and interviewing him.
He also met Joana Morais who was very friendly to him. She spent time in the court surrounded by what appeared to be translators and supporters of Goncalo Amaral. Once inside the court, he was introduced to Amaral; the two men shook hands and Grenville gave him a Grenville-style bear hug.
The evidence of the police officers, Moite Flores and the publishers of the book all came across authoritatively and seemed to cause Dr Gerald McCann to squirm, wriggle and twitch as some of the proceedings were translated to him.
Grenville got tickets for the fund-raising event on day one from his hotel. As the event at the Marraparque (not sure if I’ve spelt that right) was some distance away from where he was staying, he had to get a taxi there. He booked a return taxi and wished he hadn’t as he and Stephen enjoyed the dinner so much he didn’t want to leave. There were 60-70 guests there.
During the main address by one of Amaral’s supporters, Grenville heard his name mentioned. This was followed by a round of enthusiastic applause from those present. A little later on there was a reference to the work of the Madeleine Foundation.
During the dinner Grenville asked if one of the Portuguese people would pass a gift from him to Amaral. The gift was of a fridge magnet showing a 1939 to 1945 war poster. The poster showed a child digging in the garden and his mother planting a seed against the slogan: ‘Dig for Victory’. When Grenville began to explain the link between the poster and Goncalo Amaral’s work, the Portuguese chap said: “Come and explain to Mr Amaral himself, I’ll translate for you”.
Grenville went over and explained that whilst the British child was digging to plant seeds, he had been digging for the truth. Grenville told him that he’d also bought one for his own fridge at home and said that every time he looked at it he would think of Mr Amaral. When Grenville had to go when his taxi arrived, he and Stephen tried to slip away quietly but were spotted by Mr Amaral who came over to shake hands and thank him warmly for coming. He also said through a translator: “I hope you can come to Portugal again; I want to tell you that if you do you will be made very welcome.
At the dinner Stephen was very well received, many people chatting to him. Grenville had a long chat to Duarte Levy. He also bought Amaral’s new book: ‘The English Gag’ which he hopes to get a Portuguese person to translate for him. Joana Morais was unable to attend the dinner as she needed to upload material for her blog about the trial. She told Grenville that keeping up the blog was almost a full-time job and at busy times meant working until the early hours of the morning
oh the heady days when bennett thought that his "foundation" was worth something.
Delete"Ministers’ email addresses and passwords up for sale"
ReplyDelete"Russian hackers trade mass haul of stolen data"
'Passwords belonging to British cabinet ministers, ambassadors and senior police officers have been traded online by Russian hackers, an investigation by The Times has found.'
'Peter Jones, the Foreign Office’s chief operating officer, who has overall responsibility for IT, appears to have used a highly insecure password which occurred more than 3,700 times in one of the lists.
The lists contain more than 7,000 police passwords, including that of former Detective Chief Inspector Andy Redwood, who led the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. The three most common passwords associated with police email addresses in one of the lists were “police”, “password” and “police1”.'
Mr Jones and Mr Redwood declined to comment.'
''The lists contain more than 7,000 police passwords, including that of former Detective Chief Inspector Andy Redwood, who led the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. The three most common passwords associated with police email addresses in one of the lists were “police”, “password” and “police1”.'''
DeleteJesus *****ing Christ. And this is the mighty Met who thought the PJ were incompetent.
I've met Grenville and I've listened to his son, Stephen play the piano in a church hall concert where my daughter was also playing the piano, he seemed very pleasant and he was very proud of Stephen's achievement- he has Down Syndrome. I found that very touching. I think the story of Grenville and Stephen going to support Amaral and presenting him with a fridge magnet is very sweet and innocent - I hope you're not mocking them, anonymous. I wish all supporters of justice were as well meaning and innocent as that.
ReplyDeleteI would never mock a man because he has a son with Down's Syndrome. But I am perfectly within my rights to mock bennett's report of Grenville going to Lisbon as a representative of the oh so important "foundation".
DeleteIt is significant that Grenville resigned from the "foundation" - good for him if he saw the light.
This is all very one sided. Allow me to share my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI wish you would adhere to St Paul's advice in 1 Timothy 2:12, in which the saint says: "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent."
Psalm 137 "Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us / He who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks."
St Paul's thoughts on homosexuality, from Romans 1:27, currently an extremely divisive matter with the Anglican church: "In the same way also the men, giving up natural intercourse with women, were consumed with passion for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in their own persons the due penalty for their error."
Ephesians 5:22, "Wives, submit to you husbands as to the Lord".
@ Alam Marc Lagooa
DeleteWhile i agree that all of the above paranoid ramblings are heavily one -sided and would be more fitting in a first draft for a detective e-book rather than a sensible discussion about anything, I fail to see what your quoting nonsense from the Bible is contributing one way or another. That's another tome of paranoid ramblings and is worthless to anyone who is able to think for his or herself.The New Testament is bad enough without throwing Psalms or the Old Testament around.
Alan Marc Lagoa - oh yes I remember that name - loosely based around an anagram of goncarlo amaral. And if you do a quick search it takes you direct to bennett's cesspit and look - there was a petition:
Delete"If I recall the Alan Marc Lagoa petition didn't even raise 1000 signatures and has been going for a very long time now."
Now who do we know who is on the cesspit, likes to start petitions and also likes to quote the bible???
I wonder if RochdaleEye will turn up soon?
DeleteAlan Marc Lagoa @19:04 aka 'urcrazy'
DeleteAlan Marc Lagoa 5 July 2017 at 19:04 is "Not a priest really. Not even a bloke. Arse biscuits." Father Jack @urcrazytoo
DeleteWonderful reading your take on the forum wars Linda.Maybe your best form since you crushed "resistor" and"susible" the "resistible "ugly sister act,if you recall.
ReplyDeleteThe after 6pm sherry girls didn't seem to learn that one should never heckle a man/woman with a microphone.lol
Please continue taking your writing serious but not yourself.That it would appear is a winning formula.
Shameless (and dangerous) trolling, AJS.
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid the sad truth is that you all look the same to those who are still sane (who long ago stopped trusting anything any of you say or write about anything).
Your post speaks volumes Mr (yes, Mr) Noname - but about you, nothing else.
DeleteAJS = Anthony John Stuart "Tony" Bennett
DeleteI had the misfortune to stumble upon the character, Grenville Green, on a local(Midlands) news item(2-parter). I think they( the foundation) were in Nottingham. The main thrust of the piece was to show us the adventures of Bennett and his gang annoying the public with leaflets and indirectly persecuting the McCanns ( for which he should have faced trial).Bennett gets up close and personal and, with his creepy hushed tones, begins to resemble the love child of Christopher Walken and Lord Longford.He can also been seen perched on Gerry McCanns shoulder taking notes like a studious Grim Reaper a la B-movie. Talk about obsessed. I hope the McCanns dont have a rabbit...
ReplyDeleteToward the end of the item we meet Mr Greene and his Village People moustache. He fawns and gushes like a love-struck teenager waiting for an autograph from an idol-well ''folk hero' as he states.He likens the lone figure of Amaral to David of Goliath fame or Robin Hood ( two fairy tale heroes).With blinding wisdom and insight he lets us know in succinct fashion :''when somethings right you know it.When somethings wrong you know it.'' Step aside Laozi.
Him and his wife left the foundation not long after.As did another of the gang who got her ' 15 minutes', Debbie Butler .So much for commitment to the cause.
Maybe Mr Greene went on to do a crash course in the rapidly growing science of 'reading people' through their body language and coming to a lot of conclusions based on imagination -as alluded to via Anonymous5 July 2017 at 17:14 above :
''On the court case, as the proceedings were entirely in Portuguese, he could not follow the content, but instead chose to focus on the body-language of those in the court room''
All the way to Lisbon for that.
''Most noticeable, he said, was the strange body language of Dr Gerald McCann.''
No-really ? In a full courtroom he randomly-and without bias- chose Gerry McCann to test his skills.
'' This was evident from his shifting around on his bottom, rubbing and scratching his head and ear, mostly with is left arm,''
That's a hell of a trick isn't it ? If I could do that I'd join a circus. I'm surprised a round of applause didn't erupt.
''The lady judge was described by Grenville as ‘young and very attractive’. He said: “She seemed to be far too young to be a judge on such an important and complex matter''
I take it that this trial took place in 1936. Surely she should have been at home in the kitchen or making herself pretty for men. Mr Cholmondley-Warner anyone ?
I won't be pedantic and point out that digging and planting are slightly different.
Here's a short 2 minute highlight of Mr Greene explaining his perception of the judge :
and here's the famous five go mad in nottingham :
I also know Grenville & Stephen Green. I am astonished at the mockery of these two on this blog, and at the sneering and mockery generally of others who have worked hard at unravelling the mystery of what happened to Maddie McCann. Grenville's visit to Lisbon was well reported in the Nottingham Evening Post and helped to inform people in my area that there was public support for Goncalo Amaral. It's clear from Tony Bennett's account of Grenville's visit that he was very well received by both Goncalo Amaral and by his support network. He brought news of British people supporting Amaral to a group of people who had been sneered at and vilified in the British press - what is there to mock at here? Save your sneering for those who have hidden Madeleine's body and faked an abduction. And by the way, here's another clip of Grenville & Stephen, on the occasion of Stephen being elected the nation's first-ever local councilor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omLqWvsvo4U - watch after 2 mins 45 secs
ReplyDeleteI can't see anyone here mocking and sneering 23:53, that isn't the character of this blog. Many were taken in by Tony Bennett, myself included - for a short while, lol. This is where I take my hat off to John Blacksmith, he saw through him and the cesspit straight away.
DeleteGrenville I am sure, had honourable intentions, as indeed did many of those who joined CMoMM and other forums. A huge injustice has clearly taken place in the case of missing Madeleine McCann, and understandably there was much outrage. Tony Bennett saw a 'cause' that needed a leader and saw it as call from God. Although it should be said, God only calls him for high profile and what he believes are sexual deviant cases.
He also has a penchant for collecting subscriptions, so who knows how many good people he has conned. Most people would be surprised at just how fraudulent and corrupt the OTT religious can be.
I know so little about Grenville that I would be loathe to make any judgment, but like yourself, I applaud his actions in travelling to Lisbon and showing Goncalo Amaral that he has support in the UK. In that he spoke for many of us. I'm most certainly not sneering. And like Jane, I would say kudos to him for getting around the language barrier by focusing on the body language!
It is only right and proper that Goncalo Amaral and his circle gave Grenville a warm welcome. Something too many antis have failed to pick up from GA's book, is his innate charm and good manners. I don't know if he reads my scribblings, but it is doubtful he would greet me with 'I don't read your self indulgent ramblings'. People with good manners just don't do that sort of thing.
I honestly don't believe anyone here intended any offence to Grenville and Stephen Green, Lance, it simply isn't nature of this blog.
Tony Bennett, on the other hand, deserves everything he gets. Like the McCanns, he preys on good, but gullible, people. People he has sucked so far into his cult, that they have lost all sense of reason. His malevolent influence is even seen on MMM, like Jill, both CF and Freedom still protect him. Why?
My sympathies are with those drawn into his cult (probably only a handful now), who are either completely brainwashed or financially tied to the loon.
I don't know what the outcome of the Madeleine case will be, but for those like myself, who NEED to turn that final page, I urge them not to be misled meanwhile by the rantings of Bennett and the tedious nonsense of Richard Hall.
Not believing the McCanns isn't a crime. Nor is it a crime, or even weird, to become fixated on a puzzle, it's human nature. I am one of those like yourself 23:53, who are desperate to know what happened to Madeleine and who was responsible.
But, if you are a regular reader, you will see that I often 'sneer' (though not a fan of the word)at the lies put out by those who would mislead us. That is why my blog continues - every time they put out a lie, I will challenge it.
DeleteI can't copy and paste, but will certainly look up the video on YouTube. I worked as a support worker for people with learning difficulties, autism etc, for some time (the most rewarding job I ever had), and had many clients with Downs syndrome. I completely transferred my over indulgent parenting and doting onto my clients. I was suffering badly from 'empty nest' syndrome, lol and I loved the time I spent with them. I was of course eventually beaten down by the system, apparently it is more important to clean a microwave I hadn't used, than it was to sit with an old lady and do a jigsaw puzzle. Eventually I was just going in for disciplinaries, one for using the wrong colour ink in the contact book, clearly my days were numbered.
If I have anything on my conscience that troubles me in the wee small hours, it is the fact that I never got to explain to those lovely people I cared for, why I had to stop coming. It troubles me even now.
I am at heart, a mischievous and irreverent Irish woman who giggles at everything - with all my clients, there was an instant bond! Both my father and mother were psychiatric nurses Lance and loved their patients, just as I did. I was once standing a queue in a bank with my mother, when a Downs Syndrome lady burst out of the crowd and ran forward to hug and kiss my mum who had once looked after her. They immediately began, giggling, singing and reminiscing. I have never been prouder.
My mum, though an avid reader, didn't have the letters after her name as my dad did, but those she cared for loved because she made them laugh, and I think that's kind of nice.
I think you can probably learn more about psychology by working with 'people with learning difficulties' than through any other study. In the real world we are studying game playing, everyone is dishonest.
It is incredible just how much you can learn from a person simply by listening, even those with 'learning difficulties'. I look back on my time as a carer, as a huge learning curve. In the real world we see those who have perfected the art of communication etc, to such a degree, we deem them genius, but not insane.
At the most simplistic end of the scale, we find those who carry, in multitudes, the most basic human instincts of kindness, compassion and good manners. I think they actually gave to me, more than I gave to them, they reminded me daily of the simple, uncomplicated pleasures of life. Laughing at the terrible comedian on the TV or the sinking of the cake you took 2 hours to make!
But I am waffling. Please do know Lance, that is not where I, or indeed my contributors are coming from. As I said, many good people have been taken advantage of by Bennett, Hall etc, and that incenses me. I wish Grenville and Stephen well, they are indeed the stuff GB is made of!
A really lovely post Rosalinda. I missed it earlier so apologies for my reply which now seems redundant - I don't think all the posts show up on my Kindle. BTW when I mentioned mocking earlier, I was only referring to the fridge magnet - I didn't for one minute think anyone was mocking disability - I hope it didn't sound that way.
Delete@ Lance Abbott5 July 2017 at 23:53
ReplyDelete''I also know Grenville & Stephen Green. I am astonished at the mockery of these two on this blog''
I'm sure many would echo that if it had happened.But it didn't. I mocked Grenville Greene but didn't mention anything about Stephen.I don't see any evidence of him being mocked by anyone else either. Maybe you could enlighten us.
The Lisbon trip you're banging on about is merely an example of what being consumed by something can do to someone.He took it upon himself to be some kind of ambassador for the 'anti party'. Maybe he'd spent too much time listening to their 'messiah'.Either way his judgement was clouded, if he had any to begin with.I find his 'mission' reprehensible and it's clear that his fawning over Amaral was also a useful way to antagonise his targets .
'' Save your sneering for those who have hidden Madeleine's body and faked an abduction''
I wasn't aware that anyone had done that. Maybe you could enlighten us in that area too.They're both extremely serious allegations to make after all .If you can't enlighten us, then maybe you could enlighten the police. Or are you planning a book and / or documentary too. Don't let any lack of evidence or witness testimony hinder you. Just say it's 'freedom of speech'.
Not seen anybody mocking Grenville or his son but come on, a fridge magnet? As a gift? That's just embarrassing :(
ReplyDeleteIt is funny I know I just also thought it was sweet but if I sounded uppity I'm sorry. I used to see Grenville and his son riding around in their purple and gold UKIP car - they were definitely local characters but I like people like that they brighten the world with their eccentricities and seem perfectly harmless to me - but I might be wrong about that as I've only seen them at a distance. I hope Amaral liked his fridge magnet, he strikes me as a gracious man. It was a good anecdote anonymous - I hadn't thought about the fact proceedings would be in Portuguese but you've got to hand it to Grenville for making the best of it by analysing body language. Let's hope there was plenty of nose scratching and general twitching.
ReplyDeleteHi Jane, I'm not familiar with Grenville and his son, but like yourself, I too have a fondness for colourful characters and eccentrics, they add to the richness of life. And a fridge magnet is a nice, thoughtful gift, anything more ostentatious would have been inappropriate in the circumstances.
DeleteAs I say, I don't know anything about him, is he still around? Is he still endorsing Tony Bennett and his barmy theories? It appears to me that those who were prominent in the Madeleine Foundation in the early days have gone off the radar and may now be keeping their distance.
Hi Rosalinda, I don't know what happened to Grenville - I used to live in the same village as him but I moved about ten years ago. My memory of him is as a local character, driving around in his UKIP car and being very vocal about UKIP. Stephen became a councillor which I thought was great and a credit to Grenville and they seemed to have full lives! I don't know if they are still active, I heard Grenville married again - I wish them well wherever they are. I too like the fridge magnet gift idea, it's better than a framed photo of Nigel Farage - which could have easily featured on Grenville's list of hot gift ideas. Apparently, the first Madeleine Foundation meeting took place in the village hall where I used to live but I only found out about that recently.
DeleteHi Jane, I have since published rather an in depth reply on the subject of Grenville, and my thoughts are pretty similar to your own. I'm not a UKIP fan, but in my knowledge and experience, 'having a cause' makes life worth living, and I applaud Grenville, not just for his love and devotion as a dad, but for leading the way in making suffers of Downs Syndrome part of the community. And of course, his very impressive moustache! And huge good wishes to Stephen if he is looking in.
DeleteSo as this seems to have turned into a fridge magnet appreciation blog should we all send congratulations to the "foundation" and bennett for selecting such a nice, thoughtful not ostentatious gift to amaral during his court proceedings which he says ruined his life and destroyed him?
ReplyDeleteAnd of course special thanks to Grenville (the body language expert) for making the effort to deliver it to him personally.
Crass, and not even a hint of wit 13:07. Do try a bit harder.
DeleteOstentatious it most cerrtainly wasn't, which makes the pomp and ceremony with which it was presented all the more embarrassing loooool
ReplyDeleteOh God - he's at it again:
ReplyDelete"by Tony Bennett Today at 13:10
The naked, desperate, near-hysterical attempt to smear and if possible to destroy the work of CMOMM has surely reached new levels with this today on the Twitter #McCann hashtag by one @Carla Spade:
Those who at present have been stoking up the present campaign include: Ros Hutton, Sonia Poulton, Ben Thompson, 'Blacksmith', 'Andrew' on MMM and @fredsthefish10.
They make the most vitriolic attacks on CMOMM, but when you look at the track record of the above, how many of them have ever even published an hour's worth of decent research? - not many.
In Blacksmith's only even half-decent attempt to set out what he thinks happened to Madeleine - the 'Cracked Mirror' article - he clearly allows for the possibility that this was a genuine abduction by a stranger.
Yet these people have the arrogance and effrontery to denounce as 'rubbish', worthless and 'deliberate misinformation' the work of such intensive Maddie researchers as Lizzie Taylor, PeterMac and Richard D Hall.
TMOG must be delighted.
But we give thanks for our committed readership, who know the score, who know who the sound researchers are, and come here every day and support us"
and you get a mention Ros.
"Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton6 July 2017 at 18:34
ReplyDeleteI can't copy and paste"
You have been saying that for months - if not years.
What do think the potential publishers of your submitted literary work would think if they saw that in this digital age?
Why haven't you taken the time to learn how to copy and paste?
I was rather spoiled 19:10, my first publishers were Random House! Now I'm really into self publishing, watch this space!
Delete@ Ros 19.20
DeleteDid you not copy and paste your EXCLUSIVE SONIA POULTON HITS BACK Update 4.7.17 (as you describe it on twitter)- or did you type it yourself on here?
I see you have your magnifying glass out 19:29, no I didn't type it myself, I can copy and paste on email.
Delete@ Ros 19.37
DeleteI rest my case.
You are going to have to be more specific than that 19:41, the rest of us missed it.
DeleteIf you know how to copy and paste from email then you know how to copy and paste from anywhere. It is the same.
DeleteHighlight, select copy, go to where you want to put it and then - wait for it - select paste,
There are so many people posting here that just don't recognise how vile bennett, his foundation and foundation members were in 2007/08. I remember well and fought with him int hose times on Anorak and 3As for spouting his rubbish and trying to promote lie after lie, leaflet after leaflet and charging for them.
ReplyDeleteGrenville and his wife (then) made their own decisions to support bennett - to suggest that they were fools or taken in by bennett, insults their intelligence and does them no favours whatsoever. They made their bed they should lie in it.
I have never seen an apology from Grenville or other foundation members at that time for what they did.
Thank you for that 19:23 - it would be interesting to know what Grenville's thoughts on the Madeleine Foundation are now.
DeleteThere was candle put out for Madeleine in Rothley. This is a photo of Grenville posting one of bennett propaganda leaflets in front of it.
Notice the helmet.
"It will be of interest mainly to a fairly small group of Madeleine McCann researchers who have always suspected that Madeleine’s death was somehow related to work in the fields of bio-tech, or bio-engineering, gene therapy, cloning and stem cell research – all quite controversial but also very profitable lines of business (see my separate article on the ‘Bioengineeing Hyppthesis’.
DeleteSome thought that Madeleine might have been the result of some genetic experiment, connected with her having been created via in vitro fertilisition (UVF) treatment at an apparently ground-breaking Dutch hospital, perhaps ‘cloned’ in some way. An article in a short-lived Portuguese newspaper,Tal e Qual, claimed to have received information from inside the PJ that Gerry McCann was not Madeleine’s biological father."
Can you believe it - sharonl is now posting bennett's shit in her name:
Post by sharonl Today at 5:27 pm
we all know that bennett had to pay amounts to Kennedy, Smethurst, the Mccanns etc, For years he has got round it by getting his subordinate fools to post on his behalf.
Read what is posted and tell me who has written it?
"It will be of interest mainly to a fairly small group of Madeleine McCann researchers who have always suspected that Madeleine’s death was somehow related to work in the fields of bio-tech, or bio-engineering, gene therapy, cloning and stem cell research – all quite controversial but also very profitable lines of business (see my separate article on the ‘Bioengineeing Hyppthesis’.
DeleteSome thought that Madeleine might have been the result of some genetic experiment, connected with her having been created via in vitro fertilisition (UVF) treatment at an apparently ground-breaking Dutch hospital, perhaps ‘cloned’ in some way. An article in a short-lived Portuguese newspaper,Tal e Qual, claimed to have received information from inside the PJ that Gerry McCann was not Madeleine’s biological father."
They've gone gaga on CMOMM tonight. A rambling piece of lunacy worthy of Michael Shrimpton espouses the view that cadaver traces were planted in 5A by special services. Anything to get the McCanns of the hook. Surely the agenda is brutally clear by now.
ReplyDeleteI read up to when he said, "I must admit, with my decades old GCSE in biology, I am on shaky ground here." That was a moment of clarity which I very much appreciated.
DeleteChilcot on Blair
ReplyDelete"relied on “belief” rather than “fact”."
Consider this in relation to the Mccann case and think.
If this article wasn't written by Tony Bennett, I'm the Queen of Sheba.