Monday 14 July 2014

PAEDOS IN THE PANTRY - In Support of Stephen Fry

I am a care leaver and a campaigner for victims of child abuse.  I thought I had better establish my credentials before the accusations of paedophile supporter start flying into my mailbox.  The truth is I agree wholeheartedly with Stephen Fry and I applaud him for his bravery in standing up and calling a spade a spade.  He may not thank me for this, but he's the little boy with the guts to say 'the Emperor's got no clothes'.

Rooting out elderly men who groped their underage secretaries 40 years ago, does nothing whatsoever to assist the genuine victims of child abuse.  Too many of the complaints are scant, trivial and unsubstantiated, yet lives are being ruined because we appear to be in the middle of a witch hunt against society's new enemy.  The Paedophile. 

Will we learn anything new from it?  Not really, perhaps don't give the keys of a high security hospital to a narcissistic psychopath. But in most societies that's a given.  Removing the lonely oddbod who looks up girls in knickers in his lonely bedsit, won't save any lives, the chances are, he's terrified of kids*.  Making a psychological evaluation of those with power of vulnerable people (its not just kids) would be far more effective and would save thousands more lives. 

During one Government purge against the new enemy, 140 kids were taken into care, and 39 men committed suicide (Operation Ore).  That wasn't justice, that was barbarity. Kids in care by the way are the most likely to be abused, so how goes it for that 140? Most of those accused were acquitted, but their lives were ruined.  Have we ever seen figures of how many children were actually saved?

For whatever reasons the authorities have created a storm about paedophiles in our midst that simply isn't true.  I feel as though we are entering an era of 'reds under the beds', but now it seems to  be paedos in the pantries. 

It is completely false to claim that our children are in constant danger from strangers in parks and on the internet. The majority of children, probably 99%, are abused within their own homes and by people who know them.  Stranger danger is so rare, most of us can count on one hand and name the poor mites who were snatched. 

If this new band of paedophile hunters genuinely cared about child abuse, they would focus their resources on the abuse that is happening every day within thousands of homes up and down the land, not on inappropriate hanky panky from 40 years ago.  If the frontline resources dealing with such tragic cases as Baby P, had anything like the funding given to this new moral crusade how many thousands of real children could be saved?  Ones for whom we do have facts, figures and statistics. 

This is not about finding those abusing children, it is about feathers in caps. Macho men trying to prove how much testosterone is running through their manly biceps as they smash in the heads of the sexual deviants and show the world what good, clean family values they have.  And of course the audience applauds because everyone one wants to string up a paedophile don't they? As the loudhailer yells 'will those who don't, please form an orderly line for the ducking stool'. 

I actually feel for the men who are the victims of this latest police purge. Mostly because they cannot speak out, and people cannot be seen to support them.  Paedophilia is the most heinous crime any person can be accused of, ergo they are scuppered before they can even begin their defence. For many, the offences they are accused of are so trivial and banal, that the sane among us would dismiss them in an instant. Unfortunately, when a crusade is underway, sanity flies out the window. 

My views on paedophiles has changed considerably over the years, mostly because I have taken the time and trouble to study the subject.  Unfortunately, open discussion about the issue always begins and ends with hysteria.  Those trying to point out the sheer fruitless, and maybe sinister, reasons behind investigating crimes that happened decades ago, will always be shot down and accused of supporting paedophilia.  It always ends the discussion, which is probably intentional.  Its one of those, 'you are either with us, or against us' issues that make otherwise normal people's boil, to the point where they become totally irrational. 

Stephen Fry will no doubt come under heavy fire, but I say bravo to him, those who pointed out the madness of the USA's McCarthy trials were similarly vilified and history proved them dead right. 

* I once had care of an elderly disabled man with learning difficulties who had a penchant for school girls in mini skirts, he would probably tick many of 'r u a paedo' boxes, he hung around parks, and he googled kids in knickers.  But he was a gentle and harmless soul, and crucifying him would be reminiscent of the hanging of Quasimodo in the Hunchback of Notre Dame. What a cruel world this is, if this is what society wants. 


  1. Hi, have you read the sentencing remarks about Max Clifford and Rolf Harris?

    Max Clifford forced a 15 year old to give him oral sex (which today would count as rape)

    Rolf Harris's youngest victim was just 7 and he also subjected his daughter's friend to a 16 year campaign of abuse.

    So why are you implying that it's only groping?

  2. I agree the crimes of Max Clifford and Rolf Harris were horrific, but as a child, having lived under a regime of sustained, systemic abuse, I find the majority of the accusations I have read in these celebrity cases are so trivial, I have to question how these shrinking wallflowers (Vanessa Felt among them) survived adulthood at all. It makes a mockery of the real victims and stinks of vendettas and paybacks rather than a genuine attempt to protect vulnerable children.

  3. I have to disagree Rosalinda. The majority of accusations that have come to the public's notice have been made against persistent offenders, whether those accusations were of a grope or more serious nature.

    Furthermore, I certainly cannot agree that being affected by the sexual touching of an older man is the sign of a 'shrinking violet'. Abuse, in whatever form, affects people in different ways, particularly where a child is involved. It should never be tolerated.

    1. I agree it should never be tolerated, and as a ferocious mummy tiger I would literally tear the hands off anyone I saw attempting it.

      However, having seen and experienced systematic, institutional abuse, I can't help but find the majority of these accusations trivial. As a young secretary in London, I and most of my peers experienced groping on a regular basis!

      What bothers me is that most of the perpetrators appear to be household names, and I can't help but wonder what we are being distracted from. Kids nationwide have experienced abuse at the hands of pervy uncles and family friends, and some of those 'unknowns' had access to hundreds if not thousands of vulnerable children. The fact that almost every case is a headline grabbing name does make wonder what it has to do with child protection.

  4. By headlining these celebrity cases, it puts the problem of historical abuse more out into the open. That also forces the police to act more vigorously on accusations of historical abuse. Consequently, those who have been abused might be more willing to come forward and name their abusers - famous or not.

    1. I don't think that's the reason Anon. If every child molested by a pervy uncle or a family friend came forward, the police system would collapse.

    2. Just before the Savile story broke, I became ready to speak up about the abuse I had been subjected to in a Remand Home in Buckfastleigh, and Red Bank in Newton-le-Willows.
      I am told by Devon County Council and the Home Office and everybody else I contacted that no records at all exist for Fullaford House Remand Home. OK, it was 1960, but to tell me that no records, nothing, remains to show that it ever existed?
      As for Red Bank, that is still there. They say they don't have records going back that far. Neither, it seems, does anybody else. Somehow, I don't believe that. Mary Bell was there in the late 60s.....I bet they still have her records.
      Even with my saying that I didn't want compensation, just that my voice be heard and that my name be added to the 'list', nobody cared.So what is the point of kids coming forward ? The authorities don't give a shit, they never did. I'm sorry, but my abusers were never famous, never a name to grab public attention, they were just dirty bastards who preyed on young kids who were too frightened to speak out at the time. and in the early 60s I was hardly going to tell anybody how i'd been buggered whilst doing my time. Being a juvenile offender was shame enough.

    3. I myself was in fullaford house Buckfastleigh in the 1970s,
      it was a horrible place, most of the people in charge were
      nasty bullying thugs.

  5. Individual molestations, especially historic, are very difficult to prove unless there is physical proof available. However, all persistent offenders should be brought before the judicial system.

    Unfortunately because the police and other authorities have historically turned a blind eye on many of those accusations, especially accusations against those in authority or 'celebrities', persistent offenders have been able to continue to re-offend.

  6. The abused is the one who suffers in all this ,all there lives its with them making them feel ABUSED.

  7. Strange. I've spent the last 2 years trying to get anybody to listen to the story of my abuse in Remand Home and Assessment Unit. Emails to the Home Secretary elicit no response. NAPAC, NSPCC et al just tut-tut. Operation Yewtree had no easy access without actually going to a Police station. I live in Spain. Newspapers, reporters, nobody gives a toss. Oh, they all pretend outrage, but when it comes to giving a bit of advice or help to an old(ish) man, they are too busy. All the stuff we read is just froth...all smoke and mirrors with a few old celebrities being brought to book for what is not really paedophilia. Real paedophilia seems to be the domain of those that can afford to buy protection.

    1. Well said. And in fact I have given similar views in the blog I have just posted.

      People like yourself and indeed myself, are only too familiar with the previous lack of interest from the authorities.

  8. Yes I agree with Fry in part. However restricting searching to the homes let's the gay paedos off

    BTW. Macarthy was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived and a great patriot. He was right about those for the communist trials, nearly all Jewish, and this is why MaCarthy gets a bake in history

    1. Ah, the great Alan B'stard MP, lol.

      I think you will find history has proved that Joseph McCarthy was wrong, wrong, wrong!

  9. Great post!

    'Unfortunately, open discussion about the issue always begins and ends with hysteria'


  10. I am trying to work out when I was in Fullaford house. Hang on, I got a brand new moped that was L reg. ( that's how dim I am ) I was able to keep it at Fullaford and get to work on it. I have to be honest and say that I never saw or heard of any sexual abuse going on in the house. I can say what I remember in the wooden cym next to the shower block. I remember this because we were playing football and I had the nerve to tackle a staff member and take the ball off him. For my pain, he layed into me with such force, I was out cald. I woke up with 3 broken rib's and a mother of all head's. Cant for the life of me think of his name but he lived above the class room's that was once the old stable block. I never reported it, nor did the other lad's. I got found out when I sneezed in the dinning come tv room and nearly went through the roof with pain. Another staff member noticed and I was sent at great haste to see Mr Huntly. Who was as some of you would know, the main man. In his office I was told to strip to my pant's. He pushed a few rib's and after returning from orbit he decided that I was going to Hospital. I dont know what happend over that but for sure the shit had hit the fan. Mr Huntly ( I call him that because I hold a deep respect for him ) he was a strict but fair man. Apart from Mr Punch'y all the staff at the time I was there were great. I dont take away anything you guy's are saying. The time you were there, there might have been a change of staff or I was dam lucky. Thinking back, do you guy's remember when we had shower's ( they were in a open room with only pipe's coming out of the wall in those day's ) this one member of staff was all way's standing by the sink's looking at us showering. Did'nt think much of it then because nudity was not such a big hang up in the olden time's as my son call's it. Today that would be thought as very strange. Different time's then. Glad I found this page and would love to hear from some of you chap's that were there around my time.

    1. Jim Elliot or as we had to call him mr Elliot

  11. I was in fullaford house in the 70s and I can also say some of the staff were abusive, the headmaster was an alcoholic and use to get us out of bed in the middle of the night and make us run around in our pjs in the freezing cold I remember some of the staff names if you wana know them I was also in a home in Bristol were charges were brought against some staff but to no avail they get away with it I suppose te legal system thought we were all telling lies I don't think so

    1. Oh yes please. I would love to know the name of the chap that lived in a flat above the class room's. I think he had a name like Bannister or somthing. Dont hold me to that, It was a long time ago. He was the guy that gave me the brocken rib's with one hell of a beating. Thinking on it. The head did like his drink and went to the pub every night. He drove a old rover 80. Yes I remember being taken out of bed and either standing at the end or having a bit of a run in what ever weather. I dont know how to get in proper contact with you if you wanted it that is. Would love to exchange note's. One last point I do remember one time a kid would not change- shower or somthing and the staff hedged all the kid's on to strip him butt nacked in the dinning room then dragged him into the shower block where he had the yard brush treatment. Bloody sick now thinking on it. Thank's for contacting.

    2. Looking back, it was 1960 when I was there and the pervert was 'The Major'.
      The man in charge was called Thorogood....never was anybody so mis-named.
      The Major was fond of physical and sexual abuse, not necessarily in that order.
      Were he alive today, i would put him down.

    3. Hi l was at fullaford early sixties and l remember working in what was called the quarry.l eventually was put on the pioneer board.Did not witness any abuse but the rules where strict an had to be followed

  12. It was the 70's I was there. As said the main man was Huntly. Found him fair but had his moment's.Nothing dodgy at all. Sound's like I missed the real bad stuff that was going on. That is still not taking away anything that you guy's went through. It was mostly beating's in my time. Dont know if you are aware but the house was pulled down some year's back. It's now a posh housing complex. Can still see element's of the old ground's. The football field is all built on but the duck pond was there last time I looked. I take it by what you say,your pervert never got any form of justice dished out. Not that any form of prison would be harsh enough.

  13. As a update I wonder if anyone is interested but social services are now under taking a new round of burning files. Their excuse is they are moving offices. I know this because a friend of mine has been contacted by the person that is doing the distroying, he saying he has just read her file. Need less to say she is less than impresed.

  14. Hi all I was at fullafford house in the 70s the head people were mr and Mrs Huntly, there was other staff names I remember Peter Jackson, Peter Bragg, bean head, John sharples, Martin (ted) Turner, Barbara Thomson, Winnie head cook, Mr Pollock teacher, Mr Smith teacher nicknamed mr beaky and Jim Elliot. Well the time I had spent there was not too bad and the staff treated us fair and punished us when we done wrong !

  15. Hi all I myself was at Fullaford House 1976 and left 1979 the staff were fair and treated us accordingly and if we done wrong then we would pay ! The member of staff who lived above the old stable block was Mr Bamsey and he a thing for Barbar Thomson another member of staff.

    1. I was at Fullaford House Buckfastleigh from 1977 to 1979 when i turned 16 was supposed to be there 6 weeks ended up there for over two years. i had no problems there and actually enjoyed my time there. Chris Timms

  16. Hi all can anyone tell me what happened to Fullaford house and is the house still there or not ?

  17. Was derelict in the 90's and demolished 15+ years ago. Small housing estate there now

  18. Yes some staff were great but some were not I remember winnie went to see her before she died she was the cook don't remember the gardener from Ford Park got 17 years for child abuse in fullaford and Ford Park Mr and Mrs Huntley were carer's not alcoholics

  19. anyone know anybody staff or anyone else(social workers,coppers,kids etc) from 1981 and anything about the two who absconded in feb/march 1981?would be very helpful

    1. Yes remember 1 boy he skinny quiet had alot of shit while there. Beatings and such would not give in. Would like to see if he is still a stubborn shit. John langhorn only name I seem to remember think he was a social worker or something. Just had to survive was the 80s.

  20. I was there 1971 and do not recognise any of the activities mentioned above maybe after my time I do remember the Gardner was it Ted maybe someone can confirm it ? I had no problems there at all and went on to Wotton under edge from there and onto home to Newcastle after that

  21. I was there mid sixties. Pretty harsh routine really. Never saw or witnessed any sexual abuse but some of 'em were quite intimidating. A guy called Foot was fond of roughing kids up. Elliot, used to teach woodwork, was basically OK and a tall guy who taught lessons was OK too. He suffered some kind of breakdown on the job, just went into a kind of catatonic state one day right in front of us! They came in and led him away. Thorogood was in charge, could be a bit soft and would always give me my mail without opening it first and checking it. I was the youngest kid there at the time. The Saturday afternoon football matches were a bit extreme and Foot used these to flatten kids into the mud.I remember two kids. One a little older than me called Reardon, and a Scottish kid who was referred to as 'Jock' with a flat broken nose. You lived in fear some of the time but barks were worse than bites in the main. As I say, I was the youngest and didn't challenge much but I think some of the older ones who did got taken out the back and 'put right' as it were. The kitchen ladies were kind, and I remember Huntley as kind also. He came to be in charge after I left. Strange days.

  22. I lived at Fullaford from November '72 until I got married in May '78.
    My Dad was Leonard Huntley and Mum Jan Huntley,they were the Superintendent and Matron.
    The only incident involving paedophilia was to do with a master called Derek Hooper.
    He wasn't caught until he was working at Forde Park,Newton Abbot.
    I remember the punishment for late night talking was being made to run around the circle at the entrance barefoot and in pyjamas,I hated it when this happened,as my bedroom window overlooked it,I felt sorry for the boys and couldn't sleep.
    Apart from that,my Dad didn't believe in corporal punishment,although he could be sharp tongued at times.
    He certainly liked a drink,in defence I would say this was partly due to never being able to switch off ,if there were any problems the masters used to come to him even when he was off duty.
    If anyone who went there wants to talk,I would be glad to hear from you.My email is
    (Only from 73 onwards,though,I don't know what went on before we were there.)

    1. Hi I know all I was there for a couple of years and would just like to say if I had to put my kids anywhere it would be fullaford it rock thanx Mr hunt and Peter brag Roger danim and all the others miss bean head time of my life just sorry I got shipped out of the Ford Park that's where the bad people was

    2. I tried that you were quite ignorant, cold and suspicious

  23. What bollocks some have said , nobody mentioned cart racing,the older fucks ran the place when I there .do what they wanted cause they could lol ,how the fuck can you be there and go out on your L reg whenever you wanted ,you cunt .sham 69

  24. Paul Sinclair...I went to Fullaford House in the seventies. I remember Peter Bamsey, Ted Turner, Freddy Gilbert and Huntley. Never had any problems there. I was shipped out to Brooklands Langport, then to Forde Park. I was abused by Derek Hooper at Forde Park and gave evidence at his trial. I am at the moment a Core Participant in the (IICSA) Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.I spent the last two years in care at Northbrook in Exeter and I must say Northbrook was a great place. I left there and went straight into the Royal Artillery.

    1. I was at Fullaford House Buckfastleigh for over 2 years till I left in 1979, had no problems there remember the staff well all were quite nice in a normal way Peter Jackson was a bit weird but other than that was fine, Pete Bragg, Ted Turner, Fred Gilbert, all.good staff to name a few.
