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Well goodness, gracious me! On this peaceful, if slightly overcast Bank Holiday Sunday, while the rest of us were enjoying a leisurely breakfast and quality time with our loved ones, the strange anonymous creatures who inhabit Jill Havern's forum were pounding out a seemingly unending stream of hatred towards myself, Sonia Poulton, Blacksmith and now, Chris Roberts.
What is that possesses these creatures, and possession it surely is, they must go to sleep thinking about us, and wake up raring to continue where they left off the night before. How many ways can you say 'I hate you'? several thousand it would seem, and if you can find others of the same ilk, it can go into days, weeks, months and even years. Have I got the message they don't like me? Lol, yeh, kinda. Can I do anything about it? Well, no, not really. As I have pointed out before, my existence or non existence will make no difference whatsoever to their miserable lives. Hatred is their oxygen, bile is their soul food. Even if I were to oblige them and respond in the same way as Brenda Leyland, they would merely turn their attentions to someone else. They started off hating and hounding the McCanns, but the McCanns wouldn't play ball, so they had to find someone else.
Is Tony Bennett a plant? Who cares, lol. If he ever had any credibility. it is long gone, most see him now as the deranged, attention seeking busy body that he is. His 'work', apart from being total crap, is completely worthless, it matters not one iota in the McCann canon. His theories and conclusions are based on nothing other than his own distorted view of the world around him, his fear of sex and his hatred of women.
He is not so much a plant as just another troll in a long line of trolls that have plagued this case. I actually doubt very much that Team McCann want assistance from him in any way, shape or form. 1. His greed and attention seeking matches theirs, 2. He is a pathological liar who can't be trusted and 3. Seriously, who on earth would employ him?
The Jill Havern forum may once have been a place of interest to those wanting to learn about the mysteries behind the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, but it is now as toxic as the pro McCann sites with only a handful of haters and hounders agreeing with each other and egging each other on. Whilst other forums are discussing whether the missing child will ever receive justice, CMoMM are discussing the evils of my diet book! All the good posters have left, and anyone brave (or daft) enough to join, is torn to pieces within moments while their chief stalker 'researches' their background and posting history. It is now nothing more than a den of fear and loathing, in the same category as the death dossier sites JATKY2 and Stop the Myths. And just like their stable mates, when the time comes, there will no doubt be a lot of document shredding and denial, because anyone attached to it, will have much to be ashamed of.
My regular readers will no doubt be relieved to know that I am no longer going to comment on the antics of Mr. Bennett or the vile commentary of the disturbed posters on CMoMM. As interesting as it has been watching their dysfunctional, obsessive behaviour, it is time to move on.
I will continue commenting on the McCann case as I have always done, but like everyone else, I'm bored silly with the drivel spouted by Bennett and his venomous little band of banshees. They have nothing of interest to say, and nothing to add to the fight for justice for Madeleine, they, like their odious poison pen letters are now consigned to my spam box.