Tuesday 4 August 2015


For the first time in years, British politics has just got exciting! I had all but abandoned any hope of a lifeline for society's most vulnerable, but now we have a Labour politician brave enough and popular enough to challenge these heartless tory policies and remind the Blairites of the people they are supposed to represent.  Thousands turned out in London this evening, and the atmosphere was electric.  Not militants, not loons, but ordinary, decent and compassionate people - the kind of people our politicians stopped listening to, because they believe they know what is best for us.

The Blairites sneer at those supporting Jeremy Corbyn, maintaining that the former PM is the only one who knows how to win elections, as if the same rules apply 20 years on from his heyday.  This is a different Britain now, a harsh, bleak society with an ever growing underclass and children going hungry. The most vulnerable are dying at a rate unheard of since the middle of the last century and the present generation have a lower life expectancy than their parents.  

This isn't the time for the moderate politics of the centre ground, it is the time for Labour to remember who they represent.  Whilst the large corporations may have all the money, the public have all the votes, and the public are turning out in their thousands to tell them they want change.    

The squeeze on society's most vulnerable is unnecessary, and indeed, downright cruel.  So little is being saved, its roots lie in scapegoat and propaganda politics.  Only 0.5% of benefit claims are fraudulent, and this loss could be wiped out by, say, one giant coffee chain paying its tax to the country in which it operates, for a year. 

Unfortunately, New Labour have gone so far right, that you can't distinguish them from the Eton tories they banter with.  The House of Common appears full of Little Lord Fauntleroys vying for cabinet positions and a country pile in which to retire.  They no longer represent ordinary people.  People who are having to endure the reversal of the humane labour laws that protected previous generations.  Now zero hours contracts are commonplace (how do you get a mortgage?) and employees have few, if any rights.  Disembowelling the Unions, perhaps wasn't such a good idea after all. 

The Labour party have been searching for that 'winning' formula, a photogenic, highly polished career politician, because that's what has worked on both sides of the Atlantic for 20+ years.  In order to be PM (or President) you need a Colgate smile.  Or at least that is what those in the 'know' would have us believe.  Gordon just didn't have that well groomed, sparkly tooth 'X' factor, and look what happened to him?  I won't even mention Michael Foot in his donkey jacket. 

Unhappily for those who dictate the way we ought to be thinking, they have hit a wall of canned food destined for a food bank, and an angry public asking 'when will someone stop this madness?' and 'where the hell are the Labour party?'.   You only have to look at the number of luxury properties Tony Blair owns to understand where his priorities lie, the only consolation is that he will never be able to truly enjoy any of them. Those promoting more Blairism should hang their heads in shame. 

If Jeremy Corbyn wins the Labour leadership, there will be much to look forward to.  The UK may even become a beacon for the rest of austerity ridden Europe.  It will be as if we had got the guillotine before France.  I jest of course, I merely want to see government reshuffled and led by those who would strive for a kinder and more equal society.  

Jeremy Corbyn is the only labour leadership candidate who opposes austerity, if any of the other candidates win, we will get more of the same and Cameron will continue to get an easy ride as he carves up the NHS and persecutes the disabled.  If the passionate and articulate JC wins, Prime Minister's Questiontime will become very interesting indeed. 



  1. Hmm, I can't help but feel he's only in the lead apparently because a) the other candidates aren't very good, and b) the newspapers want him to win. I remember well what they did to Peter Tatchell, and if JC becomes Labour leader sooner or later they'll do the same to him. No leader could survive such a coordinated media propaganda campaign - ask Tatchell.

    What the people queuing up to hear him speak really need is a national newspaper or two that will tell something of the truth the other papers won't.

  2. Well, Corbyn has certainly been consistent over the years regarding Bush's and Blair's little war adventure. Stating today -

    Asked if Mr Blair should be charged with war crimes, Mr Corbyn went on: 'If he's committed a war crime, yes. Everyone who's committed a war crime should be.

    'I think it was an illegal war, I'm confident about that, indeed (former UN secretary general) Kofi Annan confirmed it was an illegal war, and therefore he has to explain to that.

    'Is he going to be tried for it, I don't know. Could he be tried for it? Possibly.'

    I genuinely hope, Corbyn is not overly fond of rambling in the countryside - like, say
    Dr Kelly and Robin Cook.

  3. Yes, I love it. Giving all those `smooth-men` a run for their money, with their slimey slick speke, their smart suits and their baby faces. Someone said on `Profile` tonight - `It takes a great leap of imagination to see Jeremy slipping into the back seat of a chauffeur driven car outside Downing Street ..."

