Sunday 22 November 2015


I see Bennett is currently tubthumping and salivating at the thought of the Rapture, lol, He's got a first class ticket to Paradise and the rest of us are gonna fry.
Radical Christians are no different to radical muslims, they too believe they are right, dead right.  Their motives are not philanthropic, they want their place next to God and a front row seat to watch their enemies burn. They are just as much at war as ISIS, 'onward Christian soldiers' and all that. 

Since time began, religion has been used by every society in order to control the masses.  To put it bluntly we are 'herd' animals, we flock together, we are more comfortable in a pack, we are safer and our survival depends on it. 

In order to live as a group, ancient societies had to have rules and such is human nature, deciding on what those rules should be and who should administer them began a conflict that lasted for all eternity. They quickly realised that whoever took charge and made the rules could enjoy the fruits of others' labour, without having to do any actual 'toiling' themselves. 

However, man is frail.  His time on this earth is limited and the lifespan of tyrants and despots is especially variable because once you have got all the 'spoils', others will try to take them away from you.  Ancient man needed Rules carved in stone, ones that didn't need updating every 6 months and with all that chiselling, who could blame them. 

So how did God come about?  Well, if you go back even further, somewhere between walking upright and making tools, those big old Neanderthal heads were trying to make sense of the goodies that grew on trees and how much fun it was eating rotting grapes.  They wanted, neh needed, someone to thank for their bountiful harvests, and someone to praise so the next ones would be even better.  Clearly the amazing world around them couldn't possibly be the work of man, no man had that power. They looked upon the changing seasons as being the work of a God or several Gods.  'God' became their explanation of the world around them, if they behaved as God wanted them to, they would be rewarded, if they didn't, they would be punished.   

Of course, after a few thousand years they realised that the Autumn follows Summer follows Spring etc, whatever they did, and that sacrificing 10 goats and their firstborn wouldn't ward off the volcano that was about to erupt or the hurricane that was heading their way. They didn't dare displease the Gods by blaming them for man's misfortune, they had to point the finger of blame at each other.  

Once the 'beliefs' set in, society was under control.  The fact that God has only appeared to raving lunatics and people away with the fairies has never mattered a jot to the believers.  They choose to live the life God (via man) has mapped out for them rather than freefall like the rest of us.  They prefer to plough the fields and gather whilst singing the Lord's praises and dreaming of all the goodies to come in the next life.

The religious are the team players.  They will work their knuckles to the bone for the good of others and they will do it all in God's name because they don't seek praise for themselves. Heaven forbid.  They teach humility and sacrifice, basically all the things that will ensure the populace will continue ploughing the fields and gathering without complaint. And they will teach their children to do the same too. Religion is largely responsible for the social demographic into which we are born.  We are the result of decisions and choices made by our predecessors.  Sadly, religion teaches us to know and accept our place in the world.  The rich man in his castle, the poor man in the field.  Blessed are the meek and those who bring gifts to the altar.  

Such is life, the wants and desires of the Good Lord (or God) usually coincides with the wants and the desires of the leaders and the wannabe leaders and having 'God' on your side usually swings the vote if you want to annihilate certain sections of mankind.  If you can whip up a big enough crowd up into a frenzy, you can bring down the walls of Jericho. 

Mostly, I don't have a problem with religion, if people want to pray or believe in a higher power, that's up to them, whatever gets you through the night.  Personally, I prefer to be in awe at the achievements and creativity of mankind, even those of the religious nuts.

For me, the scary thing is the fact that religion still dominates the 21st century.  And the fact that we actually take religious people seriously and allow them to dictate the way in which we live defies logic.  I am as aghast that the word of the Pope still has influence over millions worldwide in the same way that the word of ISIS now reaches out to the radical Muslims.  How many people in third world countries died of Aids because of the Pope's ruling on condoms?  

Religion is the root of all evil and sadly it is not contained within small churches or mosques where the deluded gather to worship their unseen entity of choice.  They demand that the rest of us join them or face God's wrath in the form of manmade punishments.  Their faith that God will punish us in the next life is however pretty slim, so it is their duty to ensure we suffer in this one.  All religions are about suffering, they teach obedience, sacrifice and humility, human traits that make the masses governable.  

Happily most people can now see that the promise of a reward in the next life is a ploy used by unscrupulous employers to pay low wages, and by religious fanatics who use the gullible to blow up their enemies. In a logical, humanistic world, religious zealots would be in strait jackets and given psychological help for their paranoid delusions, but in this world, they become leaders.  Not just in the unstable Middle East, but also in the West - George Bush held regular prayer meetings in the White House and Tony Blair is now more Catholic than the Pope.  Understandable perhaps, when you are killing hundreds of thousands of innocents with weapons of mass destruction, you better be doing in God's name and not your own.  Bush and Blair like the ISIS terrorists have also claimed in their place in Paradise.  When you use God's name for mass murder it is not only acceptable, it is to be applauded.  

Sadly, we atheists are caught in the middle of all the crazies, not only must we tolerate them, we must respect them, obey their laws and die and when they go for the mass murder option.  An option that is becoming more frequent as these ancient scriptures are adapted for the 21st century by Islamists and Christians alike.  And therein lies the insanity.



  1. Sez you: 'Radical Christians are no different from Radical Muslims'. Really? Tell me the last time members of Salvation Army or the local Gospel Hall were:

    1. Flying planes into skyscrapers.

    2. Beheading hostages.

    3. Blowing themselves and innocent passengers up on the London Underground.

    4. Enslaving and raping young girls.

    5. Burning prisoners alive.

    6. Massacring holidaymakers on beaches.

    7. Gunning down French cartoonists.

    8. Blowing up airliners full of holidaymakers.

    9. Crucifying children.

    10. Slaughtering people in bars and at rock concerts.....etc., etc., in a litany of Koran-inspired horrors.

    1. You are not looking in the right places Janette. Half the claptrap you have stated as fact is propaganda put out by Western media and the rest, can all also be attributed to 'heroic soldiers' of the allied forces.

      You have been taken in by all the manufactured hysteria. This has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with oil. Check your facts before making sweeping statements.

  2. Sez you: 'Radical Christians are no better than Radical Muslims'. Really? Tell me the last time that members of the Salvation Army or the local Gospel Hall were:

    Really? I haven't noticed the Salvation army:

    1. Flying planes into skyscrapers.

    2. Beheading hostages.

    3. Blowing themselves and innocent passengers up on the London Underground.

    4. Enslaving and raping young girls.

    5. Burning prisoners alive.

    6. Massacring holidaymakers on beaches.

    7. Gunning down French cartoonists.

    8. Blowing up airliners full of holidaymakers.

    9. Crucifying children.

    10. Slaughtering people in bars and at rock concerts.....etc., etc., in a litany of Koran-inspired horrors.

    1. Zat you again, Tony?

    2. Malleus Maleficarum, 9 million murdered (mostly women) in the name of Christianity, most were burned alive or drowned.......beat that Isis.

    3. Thank you for taking the time to reply Janette and for the lists of atrocities supplied. I am not sure what purpose it serves, prisons the world over are filled with murderers who claim their God told them to do it. And many are Christians. The problem with ancient texts is that evil people interpret them for their own unscrupulous ends. It happens in every religion, Christianity is not immune.

      At the moment, we need compassion and understanding, not the wrath of God. Right now we are facing a humanitarian crisis that, for all we know, could be on the scale of the last century's holocaust. The people fleeing these monsters need our help not our hostility.

      As a child of the 60's, I remember that the horrors of WWII were still fresh in the public's minds. The words from the sign above Auschwitchz resonated in the pubs, workplaces and the nation's sitting rooms. 'This Must Never Happen Again'.

      We can no more wipe out all those who believe in the Prophet Mohammed any more than they can wipe out all those who believe in the Christian God. Its kinda stalemate. As history has shown us, it really doesn't matter how many millions of people you kill, you cannot forcibly make people 'think' as you do.

      What we need to remember is that the handful of maniacs committing these atrocities in no way represent the majority of Muslims worldwide who want only to live in peace.

  3. You have promised a thousand times to stop taking any notice of Tony Bennett. What is it exactly that draws you obsessively to read his articles and keep on responding to him and talking about him?

    1. Because he is an abomination to everything that is kind, decent and humanitarian 16:14. Like the mad mullahs in Syria, he too is attempting to stir up an angry mob with his Christian God of Vengeance.

      I think the best way to deal with it, would be to cut out all the middle people (us) and simply put Bennett, Hobbs and all the rest of his Christian jihadists in a room with equally fanatical members of ISIS and let them sort out who's God is bigger, between themselves.

  4. Tony Bennett keeps on talking about Jesus Christ. He seems to admire him and believe in him. Did Jesus Christ say or do anything wrong or bad? If so, what?

    1. I am sure Jesus Christ was a thoroughly good egg 16:17, but I much prefer Hercules. To be fair, even as a kid, I always preferred the Greek and Roman Gods. They kind of gave you something to get excited about, and as an aspiring little feminist, I was delighted that they had Goddesses too!

  5. It's not Jesus Christ that did wrong.
    Try looking at TB.

  6. Shouldn't this blog entry be called

    "An Atheist's Guide to Religion"


    1. that or 'The Flintstones' Guide 17:43 :)

    2. Well Ros 19.50 - you are either calling yourself an Idiot - or your readers Idiot's.

    3. You don't appear to be au fait with the 'Idiot' guide books 21:43, they were very popular a few years ago. I especially recommend 'The Idiot's Guide to Philosophy' :)

      Many lines from my favourite films and books stick in my head, but 'Explain it to me like I'm a 4 year old' from 'Forrest Gump' has a special place all of its own. I was the luckiest kid because I had a dad who explained everything to me as if I were 4 years old, even when I was in my 40's! He had a passion for encyclopaedias and what he didn't know, we would look up together.

      It doesn't make you an idiot if you want to cut straight to the point discarding all the bumf along the way. As Bill Gates said 'I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it'.

  7. Cristobell i think u hit the nail on the head with this blog idiots guide to religion this is exactly what they are controlled idiots we even have humans with a high iq members of mensa who when it comes to religion they are idiots they all going to feel so cheated when they pass away from this world and there no one there for them no god with his loaves and fish religion is man made nonsense that has caused so much trouble in this world all these different religions and different gods think about a world without religion i bet u its a better world maybe its time we knocked down churches and mosques and tell people if u want to pray do it in your own home

  8. Indeed 18:22, no wonder the FBI found John Lennon's 'Imagine' so subversive! These lunatics have all the freedom in the world to give themselves a 1000 lashes within the privacy of their bedrooms. Heck, they can even invite a few friends to join in. Who cares? Whatever rocks your boat, lol.

    What irks me is their determination to make the rest of us join in. It is not enough that we are going to fry for all eternity, they want us to sing happy clappy songs as well :(

  9. hope you listen to this Roz, it always cheers me up when religion pisses me off.

  10. 23:11 Many thanks, couldn't c/p, so can you give me a clue? ;)

    I'm not sure religion pisses me off so much as fascinates and intrigues me. I am quite literally blown away by the beauty of the art and culture it has passed down through our history. Even as a tubthumping atheist, I am a huge fan of Choral music! If we didn't have religion we wouldn't have Handel's 'The Messiah' or the Sistine Chapel.

    I just think it is shame that ancient man went for the po faced 'it's all about the misery' prophets rather than the fun loving hedonists. How different life might have been if the party animals had made the rules!

    1. utube>zappa, dumb all over with lyrics.

  11. To: JATKY2: Are all atheists self-centred egotists who cannot grasp that there might just be a power higher than themselves Bonnie, or just the narcissistic moi? lol.

    There is no power higher than yourself Bonnie. You and you alone are responsible for everything you do. Everything you have in your life is the result of choices made by you.

    Accepting there is a higher power is a cop out. By staying under your 'Father's' wing, you can remain a child forever more by leaving all your major decisions up to him. You have given away your free will.

    You don't need a God to tell you that when you do good things you feel good and when you do bad things you feel bad. Those are natural human instincts. And if you cannot distinguish that yourself, it is not religion you need, so much as therapy.

    1. Your best piece to date Cristobell. Glad someone else realises that each one of us is `god` - I am god, you are god. To place responsibility for our being on some other imaginary soul is just a cop out. And does no one feel sorry for this supposed soul they call God - poor bloke/woman having responsibility for 7 billion souls is a bit much. The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear.

  12. Wasted breath, Ros. If the lunatics still can't see we caused all this after 100 years of our violence in the region they'll never get it. 2003: "Hey, Bush and Blair, you lied to us. Your violence got us into this mess!". 2015: "David and Francois, We're with you! Bomb them for us and then bomb them again!".

    Mass insanity.

  13. Every bomb we drop generates more recruits for their armies. If you think they're vicious now, Janette, wait until they have some of the weapons we use on them.


    You can run.

    But you can't hide.

    None of us can escape Judgment Day

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. If we're talking arrogance, believing that the ultimate power over the universe happens to exactly agree with your own views on existence would seem to be highly worthy of the word. We talk about religious people as if they all agree with each other on their own religion - they don't. One will believe that animals don't have souls, and another will believe that their late pet Spotty will be beside them in heaven when they get there. Some believe that if you don't accept Jesus as your saviour then you'll go to hell, others think God judges everyone based on whether they were good regardless of belief. There are pornstars doing gangbangs that think God is on their side, billionaires who think God is on their side, countries that kill millions in illegal wars and airstrikes that think God is on their side. The one thing they have in common is that they are certain that God agrees with them and is on their side. They have the biggest big brother of all.

  17. I see TB is singing the praises of his cess pit. How gross is that. Hopefully the law will catch up with him. Again.

    1. 21:51. Yes, I have taken a look and find it highly amusing. Bennett claims CMoMM get 20,000 hits a day, yet less than 400 of those have looked at his anniversary thread and only 7 have responded. One being HideHo, who doesn't appear to have clue where her loyalties lie and the rest presumably are waiting for the pay off from the Madeleine Foundation or Richard Hall's videos. Unfortunately, some people who make bad investments hang on in there til the bitter end, rather than acknowledge they have made complete fools of themselves.

      I actually took the time and trouble to read Mr. Bennett's potted history on Wiki. He always appears to be setting up Funds, Foundations and Trusts, they are at the heart of every high profile justice campaign he embarks on. The reality is, sometimes 2 + 2 does actually equal 4.

    2. HiDeHo will post her lies, misinformation and libel anywhere that she can.

      She has been proven wrong so many times but still pushes her rubbish - luckily for her, some people think the sun shines out of her arse.

    3. I have no problem with HideHo, but I do find the arguing over the different theories beyond pointless. Even if they all slam each with law suits, neither HideHo's theory, Bennett's or Textusa's will make the slightest difference to the outcome of the case.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Re: John Lowe tells us there was a MATCH to Maddie in the car & more about DNA & FORENSICS

    Post Tony Bennett Today at 4:55 pm

    "@jean-pierre.t50 wrote:
    I mistook this forum for one seriously interesting in discussing and investigating this case."

    So he joined thinking this was a serious forum, and has left after being rumbled.

    What liars they are - who can believe a single word they say?

    says bennett - the man who said he would never comment on the Mccann case again and apologised to the Mccanns.

  20. I used to like reading over there, straight after the World news. Sometimes even before ..
    Now its just full of nastiness, ruled by, can't remember their names, but good people have gone by the wayside.
    "Worried Mum" I think was a decent poster.

    I'm not a member anywhere, and frankly the whole McCann thing is as dead as poor Maddie.

    I think we should all pack up and go home, as Grange did long ago.

    We wish for arrests, but it won't happen. Pack up your kit and go home. It's over.

  21. The mystery will never be solved, the scales of justice have been in the McCann's favour for far too long. The only good thing to come out of all this is the McCann's WILL be recognised wherever they go, people have good memories of cases such as this can you imagine what it would feel like having the finger of suspicion pointed at you all the time? It's enough to make you want to go into hibernation! I think Kate looks ill, whether that's through guilt or trying too keep up the pretence the strain is certainly showing. I often wonder if the pair of them will stay together or go their own ways once the twins have flown the nest.

    When Kate said she wishes she had her old life back.. I wonder if she meant before she met Gerry or before she had the children.

    1. And there you go panning out the McCann's future 15-52.Did you come to that conclusion on your own or did you use a crystal ball .?

    2. 08:40, No need for a crystal ball just some common sense! Whatever their future holds doesn't look too Rosie does it? They might have a healthy bank balance, and avoided being questioned at length about all their confusing and inconsistent statements which were a joke, no doubt they feel proud of what they have achieved, conning the public into believing the money they donated was for a genuine search for Madeleine when all the time it was being used for unscrupulous investigators! That in itself shows you what kind of people they are.

      All good things come to an end... be sure your sins will catch you out, what more is there to say? Both of them will wish for their old life's back just like Dr Amaral wishes for a successful outcome and justice for a little girl who seems to have been forgotten. MONEY TALKS! Loyalties only last until the money stops, what then.. a race to board the lifeboat.

    3. All these years later and folks are still talking shite.

    4. If they are talking shite they're taking a leaf out of the McCann;s book!!

      Funny how folks like to discredit everyone else, but are unable to put anything worthy of discussion forward themselves. All these years later and still the McCann's won't tell the truth about their daughters disappearance, all they do is make excuses about the smell of death on Kate's clothes, whooshing curtains, broken shutters, checking on the kids, and a whole host of other unbelievable rubbish that they expect the more sane amongst us to believe. Absolute hogwash and about as believable as the Harry Potter tales!!

  22. "Yes. We have recently had a lot of statements, previously thought to be honest witness statements, that have come under intense scrutiny and have been found to be questionable at best and clearly dishonest at worst."

    says bennett the excuse for a man who gave a false apology to the Mccanns in the High Court and lied afterwards when he said he would never comment about the Mccann case again.

  23. Bennett is a proven liar. Time and time again. How anyone actually takes him serious is a complete mystery. Complete mystery of Tony Bennett or is it the complete mystery of Smithman. Either or, its nothing to do with poor M.

    Tragic stuff.


  24. I now see that bennett thinks it is good fun to mock Smethurst again - this time about a pub he supposedly owns.

    bennett has previously paid £10,000 (£2500 to the find Madeleine Fund + £7500 costs) for his comments about Smethurst.

    Keep going bennett.

    1. Yes I saw Andrew, and it does of course beg the question, what has Smethhurst's pub got to do with the disappearance of Madeleine? It seems that once Bennett has opened a file on you (and I suspect he opens a file on everyone he meets) EVERY area of your life is open to public scrutiny by him. Sadly, the internet allows him access to the private lives of whoever he chooses to stalk. Whatever you share with your family and friends, Bennett will share with the world.

      Though tis true to say the creatures who egg him on are also without moral boundaries or any sense of common decency, I can only wonder at how many can't leave Bennett's gang of thugs for fear that their own 'files' will be exposed. They are paranoid about their identities being revealed, so it is not an unreasonable assumption.

      Mr. Smethhurst's pub, has of course got nothing to do with Madeleine's disappearance, this is just plain, old fashioned spite and another example of Bennett's gnawing anger at people who are more successful than he is.

  25. Ros, what's the update on the sudden police rubbish that Tony Bennett aimed at you, Sonia and Andrew, which happened to be on the same day, ages ago.

    Another fairytale i guess. Cant see anything on the cesspit to say the 3 of you are facing trial and looking at 20 years.

    More Mr B rubbish, which sadly, is very predictable.

    He needs locking up himself imo.

    1. All will shortly be revealed 23:24, Bennett has indeed claimed he is the victim of a malicious media campaign (oh the irony, lol). Inevitable of course, Bennett is very similar to Kate and Gerry, when caught in a compromising situation, they claim to be the victim. Their successes are all their own but their failures are always down to someone else.

      Bennett has been playing the victim all his life. It probably started with him telling tales on his playmates in the infant class to grassing up his co-workers as soon as he got his first job. He has no idea why people don't like him, but he truly believes the power of God and Harlow Police can compel them to, kinda like an exorcism, but in reverse ;)

  26. Ros, Tony posted this comment on his forum last night.

    Hutton and 'Andrew' police investigations - update

    Post Tony Bennett Yesterday at 9:57 pm
    Quick update:

    HUTTON - I received this message from Essex Police a few days ago: "Mrs Hutton has been issued with the harassment warning against yourself".

    'ANDREW' - The police have made special arrangements to treat as priority any call I make to them regarding any further threats by Andrew. I have not yet heard any result so far of their efforts to trace who he is

  27. Hi Karen. Yes, Essex Police do now seem to be acting on behalf of Mr. Anthony T. Bennett, what a shame Kate and Gerry didn't go down the Malicious Communications route, it could have saved them over half a million! Perhaps it is also something Robert Murat, Martin Smith and Mr. Smethhurst should now look into.

    Initially I was going to have a major hissy fit, maybe bang out a 5000 word diatribe on what a loon Bennett is and how Judge Dredd it is that police now seem to have the power to enforce censorship online, without investigation and without the right of reply.

    But do you know what? All this unbelievably petty nonsense doesn't bother nearly as much as it bothers the complainer and the enforcers. I have no boxes to tick or targets to reach and I couldn't give two hoots what Bennett thinks about me.

    As arrogant as this may sound, I am not getting involved in a tit for tat battle with Bennett and bureaucrats, because Bennett and his ilk bore me senseless! My time is way too precious to waste on them. They can scour websites and forums for juicy snippets til the end of days for all I care, I have got far better things to do. Bennett is nothing more than a pest who is trying to use the strong arm of the law to force people to play with him. And now he has found Malicious Communications, he has a new game where the police and his victims have no option but to interact. More fools them say I, if you throw his ball back, even just the once, he will never go away.

    1. He`s a little tell tale tit, who always tells teacher. He must realise surely that the police know of his snitching reputation and how he loves getting people into trouble. Lets hope someone pointed them in the direction of CMoMM and they got a glimpse of the abuse aimed at you, Sonia and many others. He can hardly go snitching on other people when his own forum is far worse. But the police always make out they are acknowledging the complaint - they have to, but you can imagine what is said behind the scenes down at the cop shop.

    2. Essex police cant stand him. You know, the same police force that he constantly says is corrupt.

      A bit of a laughing stock in the area. Well everywhere, apart from his own forum, where he applauds himself with his own socks.

      What a disgrace.


    3. Ha! You can't scribble anything without bringing Bennett's name into it. You are the obsessed one and now claiming the police accept every complaint on face value without investigating the validity.

      Even when the police have deemed you guilty you still try to act the innocent party. It's about time you started acting your advanced age instead of a little 'Miss! It wasn't me!'

    4. It is true that claims are not investigated.

  28. So you have had some sort of written warning? What could happen if it's felt that you don't mend your "wanton" ways?

    1. LOL, I could be arrested and prosecuted Karen. I am not permitted to call Bennett names (directly) lol, I will simply have to be more creative ;)

    2. I am mystified by this. Have the police really got nothing else to do than dealing with charges of name calling on the Internet?

    3. So you believe a Police warning warrants LOL and you admit you will find ways round it - and publish it!!!!

  29. Respect cristobell for testing TB with contempt he deserves ..
    On religion you are possibly right in much you say as a Rastafarian.. It's about living the right life to treat all with equality and stay close to Mother Earth is not fanatical in anyway it's gentle and caring & was heavily outlawed in Jamaica in its infancy as a threat .. Rastas were killed and despite what people say please always remember dreadlocks don't me Rasta a heart & soul is enough!

    1. I have not really looked into the Rastafarian religion, so now you have set me on a quest! lol. I like what I know of it so far, every Rastafarian I have met has been super cool! And funnily enough, my dear old Irish mother was a huge fan of Bob Marley! Have now added a week in Jamaica on my list of things to do before I die! :)

  30. Ros says:

    "As arrogant as this may sound, I am not getting involved in a tit for tat battle with Bennett and bureaucrats, because Bennett and his ilk bore me senseless! My time is way too precious to waste on them. They can scour websites and forums for juicy snippets til the end of days for all I care, I have got far better things to do. Bennett is nothing more than a pest who is trying to use the strong arm of the law to force people to play with him. And now he has found Malicious Communications, he has a new game where the police and his victims have no option but to interact. More fools them say I, if you throw his ball back, even just the once, he will never go away."

    Remind you readers of how many times you have said exactly the same thing and then a few days later posted again about bennett?

    Why didn't you give a straight answer to the question asked of you by Anonymous 27 November 2015 at 23:24?

    It seems you only decided to reveal you had received a Police warning after someone else posted what bennett had posted Yesterday at 9:57 pm!

    How disingenuous is that?

    Maybe your readers will start to believe that you do not tell them the truth.

    1. Life has taught me that it is not wise to act in the heat of the moment 17:42. I did what any reasonable, thinking adult would do. I took a few days to calm down and think about it all logically before responding.

      It occurred to me that spending weeks, months, or God forbid years, exchanging box files of documents with Bennett and/or the Home Office and the IPCC doesn't feature anywhere in my future plans. I only have control over my own life, I can't change things around me, I can only change myself. I know how destructive and soul destroying it can be to be get caught up in legal actions that involve dragging up the past. Making a point doesn't really mean that much to me anymore. The thought of reading and replying to lawyers' letters makes me want to put my head in the oven. And the thought of regularly facing you know who in a Civil Court, brings on projectile vomiting. Do I really need to put myself through all that? Nah.

      Bennett is a vexatious litigant, his history is littered with legal actions and FOI demands. He needs legal opponents who have the time and funding to engage with him. Reading and replying to letters and attachments from Bennett must have run up hundreds of fee earning hours (at least they get paid for it). Not to mention of course watching his antics online. At this moment I am picturing smartly dressed young men and women strapped to spinny chairs and mousemats with their eyes pinned open as they search Bennett's 'work' for signs of sanity.

      The McCanns would have been wiser and considerably better off now if they hadn't pursued him legally. To be fair, I have no idea what other option the McCanns' had, his (self) publicity stunts were becoming more and more outrageous.

      Unfortunately, by responding to him they gave him more publicity than he could ever have achieved on his own. Some might say, it was mutually beneficial for both sides. The McCanns had a face to pin the 'hater' label onto and Bennett was getting the tabloid front pages he desired. Sadly, the hater label then applied to anyone who doubted the parents. We were all considered to be bigoted, self righteous cranks rather than the rational, quite normal, people that we actually are. Ordinary people like Brenda Leyland, who feared the malicious supporters of Kate and Gerry, trolls like Tigerloaf who ran a campaign to write to every McCann critics employers, friends and neighbours etc.

      Many who use anonymity are aware of the repercussions of becoming known as an 'anti', most, especially if they have been around for a while, have witnessed it first hand. Stop the Myths ran their 'Hate List' long before Brenda's death. Their objective is to goad until they get a response worthy of a sensational 'hater' headline. They need evidence that there is a hate campaign against them. Mr. Bennett has been very obliging. He set up an organised group and started a Foundation confusing donors by using the name of the missing child in the title.

      In a nutshell, I do not need to take any part in Mr. Bennett's cringingly embarrassing attempts to get my attention, I have words. And the pen is mightier than the sword.

    2. I wish they would tell the truth about Jim Gamble, Brenda Leyland and Helen of Bury. Everything else, from my perspective, can be forgiven.

      Julie Harrison x

    3. Who is this Helen of Bury? Please tell.

  31. I see the cess pit is now reduced to an advertising site for HiDeHi. Other than her and a couple of witches they seem to be in terminal decline. IMO.

    1. Havern's site will be taken down if they don't get rid of hideho and delete her her libel.

      And remember - bennett is assisting the libel as he is "Researcher/Moderator" and has the power to remove the posts.

    2. TB's name is not highlighted in purple like the other Mods. Why?

    3. I don't know what you are accusing HideHo of 19:54 and 21:46, and I don't want to know. I don't feel strongly about anyone's theory, to be honest, I couldn't care less. The idea that people are falling out because they can't agree on the date the child died or whether there was or wasn't neglect, is ludicrous. HELLOOOOOO crazy people, the world is still turning - whether you can prove the last photo was real or photoshopped doesn't matter one iota! And studying other people's holiday pics for 8 years looking for 'signs' is just plain weird.

  32. Unfortunately for myself and my readers, Bennett will never leave me alone, he is a bit like a pitbull, once he sinks his teeth in, he won't ever let go. He believes my readership is rightfully his. In his mind, he has done all the 'work' and anyone interested in the McCann case should be following him.

    He doesn't seem to understand that it is not my fault he can't write for toffees, that is entirely down to him. And it's not my fault his research is so poor and his comprehension skills are non existent. If people do not want to read his boring, bible thumping drivel, that's entirely up to them. Trickery and chicanery will not bring those readers back to him, he really needs to work on his personal skills and maybe do a writing course. That of course would mean him accepting the blame for his own failures, and we all know sure as eggs is eggs, he will never do that.

    As for my being disingenuous. Good heavens, why should you (whoever you are) be privy to what goes on in my life? lol. Maybe you should take that big old long nose of yours and stick it back in its natural cesspit habitat, I am sure it is much more comfortable there.

    1. Once again you comment about bennett.

      He bores you, your time is much too precious, you are not getting involved in a tit for tat battle, you have better things to do, he is nothing more than a pest.

      But once again you comment about him!

    2. To be fair, bitching about Bennett is one of the very few fun aspects to this case. One of the worst bullies on the internet is getting a bit of payback. Kate and Gerry weren't able to do it with the highest paid lawyers in the land, and Operation Grange aren't able to do it with the might of the Home Office behind them.

      Most of the people Bennett bullies are not in a position to defend themselves against his poisonous allegations, and others are too afraid they too may fall victim to his stalking. He keeps files on everyone, it is how he knows so much about every poster, old, new and reappearing. No doubt he knows the real names and addresses of those so desperate to keep their identities hidden. That gives him power over them.

      He has no power over me, he has nothing to 'expose', I speak my truth loudly and clearly, I am not ashamed or threatened by anything I have done or anything I have written. I ditched the Catholic 'guilt' years ago. I'm guided by my own humanitarian instincts, if it feels good, do it, if it feels bad, don't. And if it felt good at the time but feels bad now, who cares, lol.

      Bennett is hurting a lot of people. I am but one of his victims. The cesspit is littered with libel and abuse towards many innocent people. They are currently scrutinizing the statements and publically declaring the people named as liars. Doesn't this fall under Malicious Communications?

      A quick scan of his entry on Wiki shows a lifetime of hounding and sticking his nose into high profile criminal cases, how many people has he harassed? I suspect there are dozens, if not hundreds, of people who could legitimately bring Malicious Communication charges against Mr. Bennett. Robert Murat especially, who recently had such a tirade of filth aimed at him on Bennett's 20,000 hits public forum.

      You have the option of whether to read my blog or not 23:16, what you do not have is the option to tell me what I can write. What is it with you people?

    3. There it is again. No one has writing or comprehension skills that go anywhere near rivalling yours. Remind me again which year you were nominated for the Man Booker prize?
      Surely a writer of your such self proclaimed talent should have publishing houses falling over themselves to get you onboard ?
      Or perhaps your bezzie Sonia 'I'm a real journalist I am' Poulton could pull a few of her well connected strings and get you a regular gig on Sunday supplement? Perhaps you could collaborate on the most gripping, lofty subjects engaging the world press at present? Something like 'Fat kids' or 'My personal trolls? Or..... she might be able to swing you an interview with Katie Hopkins, you know, the one with her own TV show and column, whose career, according to Sonz ' was finished'

      Double helping of sour grapes ladies?

    4. As I read your post 01:55, I picture a scrunched up old man, with spindly fingers and a threadbare cardie, dipping his quill into a pot of puppies blood. A cross between Albert Steptoe and Ebenezer Scrooge.

      Are you so negative about every aspect of your life, or only about the lives of other people? May I suggest if you concentrated a little more on your own achievements, you would be less bitter about the achievements of others?

      Please do not fret yourself about mine or Sonia's careers, we don't :)

  33. Can anyone follow jeanmonroes posts? She needs help.

    1. I was banned from CMOMM for simply asking her to tone down her use of inverted commas, the bann was sanctioned by non less than Tony Bennett, Bennett had previously taken a dislike to me and sent me a bitching reply when I told him it was no ones fault other than his that he was taken to court for breach of undertaking a court order.

      Thats how the nest of vipers is run; the chosen half dozen or so see constructive criticism as a personal attack.

    2. I'm sorry to hear that 13:16. I think a lot of people are left feeling disgruntled after an encounter with CMoMM! Ask the wrong question and you quickly end up in the cooler or banned. They keep a very close eye on their membership because they are wracked with fear and paranoia. They know their forum is full of libellous and slanderous posts and at some time they may wish they had never been associated with it.

      I was as mad as hell when they suspended me, so angry and frustrated that I had no right to reply. How dare they! Grrrr. Now, I blame myself, I had given them that power, I was free to post anywhere I wanted, not least on my own blog. doh!

      It was astonishing how many people had been left in the same boat, as the hundreds of replies to this blog quickly revealed. I think the pompous way they treat their visitors and guests is an appalling display of bad manners. It does of course explain why there are so few of them, and why they have to hide their real identities.

  34. Ros says: "To be fair, bitching about Bennett is one of the very few fun aspects to this case"

    But you went much further than having "fun" and bitching.

    Hence you received a Police warning.

  35. My conscience is clear 11:18 and it is my conscience that guides me.

    1. Then it seems you are away with the Pharaohs - in da Nile.

      Just accept that you went too far, got a Police warning for it, and move on.

    2. Bennett v Roz which of the two have ended up in court, ermm spilling their guts and with ip addresses of all those associated with CMOMM?

    3. There seems to be nothing I can say that will stop you poor little grinches from tormenting yourselves over your IP addresses. I'll try again. I couldn't give two hoots who you are! And if I did find out, I would probably feel very sad for you.

      I'll say it again, just for clarity. I don't care. No-one cares other than yourselves. A-List celebrities like Robert De Niro go for walks in the park, Kate Price turns up a book signings, so I wonder who these VIPs think they are, that they believe they will be mobbed? lol. Well, I think we can rule out Royalty, Academia and anything above middle management (at best). They ooze too much bitterness to have had any sort of personal success in their lives and they covet the 'luck' of those more successful than themselves. They are undervalued. It's all textbook stuff.

    4. Well there we have it, Roz caught hook line and sinker. Absolutley no comprehesion of what I said at 19.56....I take it from your reply you are the one revealing IP.s.
      To me you have now just shown yourself as a self indulgent protagonist.

      If you read my posts carefully you will see I was acually taking your side, then you go do a Bennett on me........are you both one of the same I wonder?

    5. Well I take it from your reply 23:48 that someone IS revealing IP addresses, Oooerr, bet a few of you are quaking in your boots, lol.

      I look forward to this battle of filing clerk .v. filing clerk, with great interest (not), I bet it will be gripping stuff :)

    6. You still fail to comprehend my point. Bennett was the one who turned up at court with I.P. addresses, and let me make myself clear, I couldnt give a flying fuck if TB revealed my I.P. I was simply making a distinction between his integrity and yours, then you go for the attack and call me childish names.
      Dont let it happen again.

  36. No one will post on the cess pit while HiDeHo is a moderator.She is a joke. Her videos are a joke. She ran away from the Injustice forum because she couldn't defend them.

    1. However, the cleaner is credible. LOL.

  37. How can your conscience be clear when you have received a police warning?
    If you don't moderate your comments you will be in serious trouble. IMO.

    1. As you can see 1947, I have written hundreds of thousands of words and only one was found to be offensive.

    2. I see far more offensive comments written elsewhere!! Those that complain about Cristobells blog are some of the worst offenders. Once these critics get a snippet of information about anyone, they embroider it blow it out of proportion and enjoy watching peoples response to it.

      I'm of the opinion by using your real identity and trusting people with private information about yourself is a big mistake, especially on here were you don't know these people from Adam. Would you tell someone you'd just met about your private life? NO definitely not! Don't give them the weapons to attack you with. After being on the receiving end of the gang culture, and bullying that exists on forums I'm glad I escaped with my sanity still intact, suspended from a forum years ago for trying to defend myself against some of the nut jobs, that lie, twist your words, play the victim, get their friends to back them up by going in their private cupboard ( I think it was a room set aside to plot their next move against you, lol) Then when they'd coerced the others into getting you booted out they'd be cackling with glee knowing they could say what they liked about you, and you had no way to retaliate.

      I wonder how many of those responsible for such childish behaviour are still around today? You never know they could be reading this blog and recognise who I'm referring to! lol. WILLOW THE WISP are you receiving me? >>>>> over and out.

    3. We all know you have written hundreds and thousands of words - most of them have have no consequence or meaning whatsoever, One word - yes ONE word is enough.

    4. I agree, Anonymous at 22.46. It's been my misfortune to encounter some absolutely foul spiteful bitches on forums (apologies to the four-legged variety) who consider it their right to deny you and others free speech.

    5. The internet is an ideal place for malcontents to post the contents of their twisted minds anonymously Eileen - they say online things they would not dare say out loud in the real world. They know their views are obnoxious, hence their need for anonymity.

      I wouldn't take it personally Eileen, focusing on and getting angry about other people's perceived faults is a pretty pathetic way to live. That they have a need to find targets online for their rage is sadder still.

      Their own lives are clearly out of their control, damaging the lives of others is the only power they have. Their rants against you were no doubt like their rants against me, a projection of their own 'rage against the machine'.

      What these angry people online cannot seem to grasp is that they do not know us, whatever we do in our lives will make not one iota of difference to theirs! Would the members of CMoMM and JATKY2 live happily ever after if I stopped writing? Would they suddenly find the peace and contentment that eludes them?

      Come to that if the Madeleine case were resolved to their satisfaction (whatever that might be?), would they 'retire' and never look at another high profile crime ever again? What do they want? Another blog methinks, lol.

    6. Eileen 11:51, Much better to post here, far more enjoyable than having to fight off the holier than thou types, who stick together in their little cliques waiting to pounce on unsuspecting posters who have their own mind and opinions! The way some forums are run I'm surprised you don't have to salute the Sgt. Major before entering or have your head dunked in the loo in one of their initiation ceremonies just to see if you'll be accepted as one of them, lol.

  38. Ros says:

    "There seems to be nothing I can say that will stop you poor little grinches from tormenting yourselves over your IP addresses. I'll try again. I couldn't give two hoots who you are! And if I did find out, I would probably feel very sad for you."

    Oh dear.

  39. Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton29 November 2015 at 20:41

    "There seems to be nothing I can say that will stop you poor little grinches from tormenting yourselves over your IP addresses. I'll try again. I couldn't give two hoots who you are! And if I did find out, I would probably feel very sad for you. "

    Oh dear don't you welcome comment now?

  40. Obviously I do welcome comments Dave, I've just published two of yours!

  41. It's unbelievable Bennett has submitted yet another FOI request. Why the hell does he think they should keep him informed? He is trying to interfere with an ongoing live Police investigation.

  42. Bennetts remit is to do just that. Interfere, muddy the waters, discredit witnesses, set up polls to guage 'opinions'. Then set about trying to change everyones opinion. And now GA is completely wrong with his thesis.

    Anyone would think he gets paid by the McCanns.


  43. Why can't TB honour the vows he made to the court and newspapers and leave the McCanns alone. He is obsessed with Smithman. Even his members on the cess pit are sick of it. Surely there are better ways to spend ones declining years? Family? Friends?

  44. Goncalo Amaral has had the good sense to stay well away from him Andrew - I expect the highly perceptive and insightful Detective Amaral can spot a 'wrong 'un' at 50 paces!

    The McCanns seem to be ignoring him, although some of their crew are supporting him in these police actions - bizarre eh? Mind you, there very little difference these days between the cesspit and the death dossier trolls, so they may well have amalgamated.

    1. There you go again singing the praises of a convicted bent cop.A liar/drunk and wife thumper to boot.Nice to see you have your priorities in the right order .Ding Dong.

    2. My contribution at 22:46 is anonymous but no way could I be described has having a twisted mind!! I would gladly tell people to their face anything that I say on here. The only reason I now post as Anonymous IS to avoid the hassle/unpleasantness that comes with posting in your real name! been there before, and no way would I allow my privacy to be invaded just because I want to comment on a subject that's up for discussion.

      I didn't realise when I first joined a forum years ago there were some seriously disturbed people out there.. I must admit it came as a bit of a shock as I'd never encountered this type of behaviour before. Once I experienced the true horrors of the forums I withdrew and vowed never to take part again, I'm a lot happier now that I'm no longer involved because they're even worse now.

    3. 06:54. Most people who post anonymously do so for similar reasons to yourself and there is nothing wrong with that! Sadly however, there are far too many who use anonymity to behave like absolute thugs. They cannot speak their malevolent thoughts out loud in the real world so they store them all up to direct at strangers online whilst hiding behind anonymity. People like Verdi, Snook, Tigerloaf, Jayelles, Aguila, Sabot, Tigger, the list goes on, snivelling cowards the lot of them.

      I was much like yourself 06:54, astonished at the way people behaved in the forums, it was a new phenomenon for me too. The Madeleine case especially seemed to bring out the worst aspects of human nature, with the 'good' parents naming, shaming and pointing their fingers at the bad ones.

      Just as birds of a feather flock together the malcontents quickly ganged up. On the forum I posted on AOL Europe Board, they even started segregating the forum, between the selected and the non selected, lol. I've always been a 'non selected; btw, which is why the cesspit and large facebook groups won't have me, ha ha.

      I simply refuse to be censored and I have little interest in reading forums and groups where censorship is applied, especially as the hosts are almost always cutting the contributions that would breathe a bit of life into the place and encourage people to think outside of the box.

      As an adult, I find the idea that I need someone to decide what is or isn't good for me, laughable - and when they hide stuff from me, it gives me the raving 'ump! Large groups, out of necessity or whatever, have to have control, and to be fair, I have never been a fan of controlled environments, lol.

      Unfortunately, history is littered with small gangs who feel the need to hide in the corner and plot and forums give them the opportunity to say psst, come and join us, lol. I'm not sure how they get together, perhaps it goes something like 'I really hate (insert name)' then they say, 'wow, so do I, let's be best pals'.

      I must do a blog about the whole murky forum world at some point, it never fails to make me chuckle!

    4. 23:26 (30.11.15) So glad I found you! I am somewhat niggled at the moment and in the mood for throwing a few left hooks :)

      It is a bit of a paradox really isn't it? Goncalo is the dishevelled, drunken cop who fights with his wife and Kate and Gerry are the goody two shoes, paragons of virtue who have never had a cross word! It would make a great movie, Goncalo is textbook lead detective material! The doctors way too good to be true! The plot writes itself, but the pope visit might have to come out as too far fetched, although we should keep the aliens.

      What the McCanns and those with an unhealthy hatred of Goncalo do not seem to understand is this in a nutshell; Even if Goncalo turned out to be Jack the Ripper, it wouldn't make one iota of difference to the guilt or innocence of Kate and Gerry McCann.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Lol Cristobell you're absolutely spot on with your post at 09:42 the segregation of the forums! same here, singled out for not conforming and fitting in with their little Hitler tactics. I had many arguments with the old hands as they used to call themselves, for trying to defend the unsuspecting newbies who thought they were on a friendly board only to find out rather sharpish it was anything but. Messages would be sent by the bully's to their mates to recruit more backup and they would appear on the thread like a pack of wild animals and practically tear their victim to shreds. Not very nice when you're witnessing all this spitefulness, I can assure you!! Some of those people were lonely and looking for friendship which really tore at the heartstrings, if you have a compassionate nature.

    I hope you do a blog about murky forums then anyone who reads here will be warned in advance what to expect, that's if they don't know already.
    It's a pleasure reading your blog long may it continue. You've certainly got a way with words, and the humour is something that makes you a winner. Despite what the nasties say they still come here to read your blogs so they must find some aspects of it interesting otherwise they wouldn't bother, lol :)

  47. Why does Bennett discredit the Smiths.

    Why does Bennett.discredit Mrs Fenn.

    Why does Bennett insist the last photo is 'real'.

    Why does Bennett try and get another forum shut down. MMM - not jat / myth rubbish.

    Why does Bennett get all the decent posters to ever of graced CMoMM, over the years get banned.

    Why does he get people banned that dont 'agree'.

    Why does he have so many socks to back himself up.

    Why is he so obsessed with making out the Smiths are lying.

    Why is he so obsessed with nonsense polls.

    Why is he obsessed with trying to change perception.

    Why is he so obsessed about lying about Andrew.

    Pathetic old sod.


    Any answers would be grateful.

  48. Oh cheers 15:45, reading stuff like that does egg me on! ;)

    Bleeding forums, where do I start? I was one of those innocents when I first stumbled onto forums, or chat rooms as they used to be called. I'd had the internet since 1999, but it was much slower then, and I didn't have to time to take anything other than a peek now and then.

    The AOL boards were great, they had no moderators and no censorship. I think its why I stayed with them so long. The fights were bloodthirsty! Its quite alarming to discover how many seemingly normal people spend so much of their time plotting doom and destruction with like minded malcontents.

    What freaked me out, was that to all appearance they seemed like regular folk. mums, dads, grannies (lots of grannies) with secret lives on the net. It was a bit like watching the invasion of the body snatchers, as the more sensitive opted for safety in numbers, by joining the baddies. It is better to be with the baying crowd rather than the target for their rage.

    It was crazy really because we were all basically there for the same thing. A bit of company. Even if we live in a house full of people, they don't always want to talk about the stuff we want to talk about. When I feel passionate about a subject, I don't want to hear just one opinion, I want to hear hundreds. I have often found the comments sections of newspapers to be more insightful than the original article. I wanted interaction, I wanted to listen to alternate views. It was that simple. Unfortunately, some people simply can't handle the truth, they have to look for an ulterior motive.

    Unfortunately, fear and paranoia spreads like wildfire. Any government and MSM worth its' salt can get us to check for Reds (or refugees) under our beds if it wants to. On a specialist forum, tell already neurotic people that everyone is out to get them, and you have got them hooked, invite them into a private room filled with the similarly minded and you have got a closer.

    I don't know if we should be glad or sad, that those gullible creatures that follow the rantings of you know who, didn't take a stroll past David Ganesh's place in Waco, or join the quickest lemming line to the cliffs.

    1. Cristobell )1:32, Never heard of the AOL boards sounds like I've missed out on some of the real gritty stuff, lol. What does it stand for? I'm not very good with forum speak or abbreviations, I've got to sit for hours trying to work out what they mean :) another one that I don't understand is SIC people use it a lot but I'll be blowed if I can work out what they mean! I could do with a bit of education as far as that goes, I must admit.

      Just to get back to your post, when you mentioned you can live in a house full of people and they don't always want to talk about the stuff we want to talk about... That's the annoying part, there's me wanting some feedback on what my partner thinks about the McCann case and all I get Is '' they're home and dry'' and he refuses to believe there'll be a successful outcome to the case. He begrudges me any time I spend reading up on the subject and says I'm just wasting my time, and to join the police if I want to investigate crime! It really does piss me off when people wear blinkers and can't see further than their nose It's a good job we're not all like that.

      I do spend far too long on here as I enjoy reading the various forums It really IS addictive, It reminds me of that song ''Don't go to the hotel California'' ...You can check in any time you want but you can never leave, lol. :)

    2. One logical explanation is that he cut a deal with the McCann lawyers.
      The only only other explanation is that he is off his rocker.
      It could be both.

  49. Cristobell - it's David Koresh, not Ganesh!

    Ganesh is a Hindu god.

    1. Ooops! Many thanks 08:14 though I fear a couple of forums will already be leaping with joy at the error lol.

  50. Jim Gamble will be no doubt be buzzing with achievement chemicals, another one has gone down in Wigan. Examples, who can beat it?

  51. Most of his deluded supporters thought of David Koresh as a god!

    1. CMOMM resembles the last throes of one of those weird communes where the females are vying for the cult leader's attention.
      The good news is that there are not too many deluded dwellers left.
      Havern and her sidekick Lawrence,who regard Bennett as a income generator,will run for the hills when he is outed as a fraud.
      Jeanmonroe will return to the institution she escaped from without charges as she was of unsound mind and has no idea if it is New Year or New York.
      That just leaves three "sponsors" the rancid Sallypelt, the rabid Aquila and the increasingly unhinged Pennylane.
      Then we have the creepy Googlegasparstatements,who keeps his eyes on the enemy,that is anyone outside the commune who disagrees with the manifesto.
      What a hoot.

    2. Has Aiyoyo run off with Barry Sutton?

    3. A little rat poisoning would be a nice solution for the eagle.
      It will be less painful than when she realizes that she has lost her "investment" in the Harlow harlot.

    4. Aiyoyo is not in the commune as she is in a penetentiary in Alabama and ll her sentence will not be reviewed until she tells the authorities where the bodies are buried.....

  52. HiDeHo is doing a sterling job of stifling any debate. So all is not lost.

  53. I see verdi is having a laugh at the expense of a missing child. Moron.

    1. Yes but as Verdi said:

      " Verdi Today at 8:21 pm I've got the attention span of a languishing amoeba..."

      Never a truer word.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It was a script Andrew, all of it, including the fake death of Brenda Leyland (not her real name).

      Well done Jim, a stroke of a 53 yr old was achieved, but I'm not quite DEAD yet.

      Julie Harrison, Wigan xxx

  56. " Tony Bennett Today at 11:18 pm

    We will have to continue this discussion in private - please send me a 'pm' if you want to know more"

    Ah yes, behind closed doors!

    1. Bennett will never solve this case, and you can take that to the bank.

      This is for the liar Gamble, we have full awareness of the gargoyles whom trawled my medical records prior to the Brenda Leyland. (liar Helen) death hoax.

      Hide behind Kay Burley, Martin Brunt and Sky News at your peril, foolish evil Gamble.

      Julie Harrison, Wigan

    2. Do you mean Helen the project archivist, who looks rather a lot like the putative Brenda Leyland? Or I am barking up the wrong tree?

  57. So Not textusa is Andrew?

    1. Not Textusa has answered Andrew's previous post. It needs blue ink (!) to distinguish the separate bits.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. How strange. Why has Andrew posted as Not Textusa?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Douglas,engage your brain before posting.

  59. Given what you say about Bennett's activities and extreme views (misogyny, homophobia, hatred of Muslims and Europe etc., do you think there is a case for getting him sectioned under the Mental Health Act? How would you get the authorities to do that?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Hooray! At last I see a real prospect of the divisive figure of Bennett being eliminated (not literally of course lol) from the McCann scene which he has polluted for so long. It looks like a very useful alliance of sincere truth seekers, you, Sonia, Andrew and Not Textusa are now coming together, plus of course your good friends on candyfloss's forum which has done so much to expose Bennett.and his ilk at Jill Havern's forum for what they really are. The attention-seeking, zealous meddling menace still spouts his rubbish over there and remains the biggest obstacle to the unity we need. We must get rid of his idiotic theories and get the culprits of Maddie's disappearance brought to justice. How can we stop him - for good???

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Anonymous at 15.03 yesterday. From what I can see, the intention of the other forum is not to "expose Bennett and his ilk" but simply to give their side of the story when he posts questionable statements about them.
