Following on from my last blog, and the reasons why this case remains unsolved, Clarence Mitchell I think, deserves a special mention.
The appointment of Clarence Mitchell as Government Spokesman, is unique I think, in crimes involving British citizens abroad, please correct me if I am wrong, but I have never heard of it before. I'm not applying sinister reasons on the part of the Government, I expect it was something the very assertive Gerry and Kate asked for when Tony Blair asked if there was anything they could do.
However, the appointment of a spokesman from the Government to speak on behalf of the family, gave the impression that the British government deemed them innocent and approved of their campaigns and fundraising. Clarence (government spokesman) made it clear when he said, 'just put the money in brown envelopes and send it to Rothley'. True, he may not have been a government spokesman at that particular time, but in the eyes of most of the world, he was.
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Helping or hindering the Search? |
Gerry and Clarence undoubtedly clicked. I'm guessing there was a bonding session as they flew out to PDL together. Not quite the mile high club, but a bromance based on shared dreams. Both are narcissistically blown away by their ability to deceive others. Clarence stayed out in PDL for 3 months, being paid for presumably, by the government. But who was he taking his instructions from? The Home Office or the family? Was he being paid by the British government to smear the Portuguese police and judiciary? Why did the McCanns even have a government spokesman?
I believe he started working for the McCanns personally, around September 2007, when they were made arguidos. Who can forget how he stood outside the McCanns' Rothley home, with Gerry and Kate trembling in the background, as he read out a statement on their behalf.It was a staged affair, reminiscent of those sheepish interviews given by politicians on a Sunday morning, while we read vivid allegations about them in the News of the World.
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Man in control of hair |
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Man freed from wind tunnel |
Many I think, especially the headline skimmers, took the constant presence of Clarence, as being a sign the authorities did not believe Gerry and Kate were involved in their daughter's disappearance. And Clarence's gift for sounding important, and making his clients sound important, took this deception a long way. What would we have thought of Karen Matthews for example, if she had had an official government spokesman? Maybe, if the authorities believe her, so should we?
Changing public perception isn't a crime, nor should it be, advertisers, politicians and bloggers would be out of business. It was Clarence's job, to make the public think kindly of his clients, and he was prepared to go to any lengths to achieve it. Whether he should have been funded by the Foreign Office to do this, is another question.
ReplyDelete[21 May 2007]
"At Monday’s meeting with the British police, Gerry was told about plans to launch an appeal in the UK aimed at holidaymakers who had been in the Algarve in the weeks leading up to Madeleine’s abduction. They would be encouraged to send in to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection agency any photographs they had taken in which people they didn’t recognize could be seen in the background.
It was later the same day that Gerry met Clarence Mitchell for the first time. Clarence, a former BBC news correspondent working for the Civil Service, was the director of the Media Monitoring Unit attached to 10 Downing Street. He still had many press contacts and had made it known to his Cabinet Office bosses that he missed the cut and thrust of big stories and would be interested, if an opportunity arose, in acting as a government press handler on a major event. As a result, he was seconded to the Foreign Office to come out to Portugal to handle our media liaison as part of their consular support for us."
ReplyDelete"What was your biggest career break?"
Clarence Mitchell: "There have been a few at different times. Getting into papers in the first place, after a couple of years in a boring job I didn’t like, in a bank. And being on a motorway when an aircrash happens in front of you, from a reporter’s point of view, is a big break. Having the Prime Minister as your local MP is a big break. I’ve been in the right place at the right time many times. And without the government role I would never have been in touch with Gerry and Kate, so you could say that was a break as well."
Hi Rosalinda
ReplyDeleteYes, we need to talk about Clarence Mitchell.I find him more and more bizarre, the more I read about him.
In 2008 he’s hired by Audrey Fitzpatrick and her partner Dave Mahon to assist in the search for the “stranger” who “kidnapped” Audrey’s daughter Amy, who went missing in Malaga on New Year’s Day 2008.
How come that the couple does not urge the Spanish police to solve the “kidnapping” case?
In 2013 shortly after Dave Mahon becomes suspected of having something to do with the death of Amy’s brother Dean Fitzpatrick, Audrey and Dave get married. Audrey Mahon/Fitzpatrick has under very suspicious circumstances lost two of her children, but pictures of the glory marriage show the happy couple smiling. Am I the only person, who feels that there's is something creepy about this?
Dave Mahon is then found guilty of manslaughter of his stepson and is sentenced to 7 years in prison.
Without any deeper knowledge of the case in question, I still cannot help but think that Mitchell’s mission in this case as in other cases he’s involved in, is to deflect attention away from those who first of all should be investigated.
Has CM blood on his hands?
"In 2008 he’s hired by Audrey Fitzpatrick and her partner Dave Mahon to assist in the search for the “stranger” who “kidnapped” Audrey’s daughter Amy, who went missing in Malaga on New Year’s Day 2008."
DeleteAre you sure about that?
Björn 19 November 2017 at 20:29
Delete"Has CM blood on his hands?"
Explain what you mean by asking that question.
9 Jan 2008
"The Department of Foreign Affairs has also offered consular assistance but that offer does not appear to have been taken up and no Irish official is present in Fuengirola.
Interpol has not been alerted and the gardaí also say that they have not received a request from the Spanish police for assistance and their liaison officer based in Madrid has not been asked to travel to the Costa del Sol."
26 Jan 2017
"The case is certainly not being actively pursued by any police force and when Amy’s name is typed into Interpol’s missing persons web page, it draws a blank."
21 June 2008
DeleteCosta del Sol
'Dubliner Amy Fitzpatrick disappeared in Spain on the night of January 1 last while walking to her home in Calahonda from a friend's house on the Costa del Sol.
"We had a very encouraging meeting with Clarence. He flew into Dublin just to meet us and flew back to England a few hours later," Audrey told the Herald today.
"When Clarence appeared on the Late Late Show a while ago, a lot of people were telling him about Amy so he left his number for us to contact him," said Audrey.
"He offered to come over to meet us. It was very good meeting him. He has offered us real help in getting Amy into the British media," she said.
"He was confident he will be able to get Amy's story on the BBC and on Sky and on GMTV too," she said.'
@Anonymous19 November 2017 at 22:11
DeleteNo, Anon
I'm not quite sure if Amy's mother and stepfather asked CM (or Freud's Communication) to assist them or if they were just offered help from "up above"I should have assumed that they asked for help instead of claiming that they did so.I'm not so familiar with that case. Anyway, someone paid Mitchell and I believe that it's worth discussing that, especially in the context of the Madeleine case.
@ Anonymous20 November 2017 at 08:47
DeleteYes I have seen that - but it does not say "In 2008 he’s hired by Audrey Fitzpatrick and her partner Dave Mahon to assist in the search for the “stranger” who “kidnapped” Audrey’s daughter Amy"
I will wait for Björn to provide proof of his allegation.
@ Anonymous20 November 2017 at 10:33
DeleteHi again
CM offered to help the Fitzpatricks/Mahon to keep Amy and their story in the public eye and they were pleased about being helped.
I cannot posibly know what deal they made, but CM is not a charity person, so someone or some organisation must have paid for his assistance, perhaps the BBC or some British newspaper to whom CM could sell his story.
You may well, if you so wish, substitute the verb "hire" and read "take on" or "accept the offer", as my text wasn't intended to be about semantics.
Anyway in 2008 CM flew over to Dublin, as the quotation by anon 08:47 shows, to meet Audrey Fitzpatrick and a potential serious criminal, who later killed Audrey's son. In what way has Mitchell's committment to this case helped Amy, or her brother?
@ Björn 20 November 2017 at 15:30
Delete"I cannot posibly know what deal they made, but CM is not a charity person, so someone or some organisation must have paid for his assistance, perhaps the BBC or some British newspaper to whom CM could sell his story."
If you cannot possibly know then why are you making the accusation that "In 2008 he’s hired by Audrey Fitzpatrick and her partner Dave Mahon to assist in the search for the “stranger” who “kidnapped” Audrey’s daughter Amy"
Maybe you should withdraw the accusation and just say that you hate Mitchell as much as you hate the Mccanns.
'' CM gets himseld involved and perverts the course of justice and that's the reason as to why I ask myself if he's blood on his hands.''
DeleteSo that's what he was brought in to do ? Pervert the course of justice ? Cover up a crime ? If you're right, It's not just him, but 3 Prime ministers, a couple of secretaries,a Portuguese PM and MI6 who have blood on their hands surely . CM didn't 'get himself involved' in the McCann case. And, had he tried to, with so many politicians panicking about an abducted child, he'd have been told to go away until a narrative was sorted.
Apparently, CM was doing the tour and, on the Irish leg, was on the big chat show there, The Late Show.As he was elevating his own profile through the McCann case, local people /audience members etc, thought they'd bring the case to his attention as it involved a missing child, dissatisfaction with police abroad, and lack of high profile media coverage.It's easy to understand their thinking there.So, CM took the gig. He gave guarantees that he could, and would, change all of that. I don't recall it happening though, do you ?
DeleteI suspect CM reacted to what he was told, then, later, actually looked at the story and it's main players. The proverbial' ''oh shit'' moment would have followed I suspect , once he realised it was far more than just a suspected abduction. The whole story is lurid and has tentacles wrapped around far more than the fate of the missing child.It had strained and questionable relationships between her and mum, her and the seedy step dad, gangsters of Irish descent, gangsters from the UK living by the family, and socialising with them, in Spain, guns, and money. Then there was the 'burglar' who accessed the solicitors papers ( or bought them, as I suspect).But the motifs for parallels are there I suppose; Daughter abducted abroad ; Social services being alerted back in England( but provable rather than rumour) ; estate agents with questionable contacts ; police allegedly disinterested abroad.
Apparently, on the last night she was seen, she was with a friend, and a friend of stepdad, and her brother.The brother was later killed by stepdad.Some say he was confronting stepdad about that night.Stepdad claims the son forced himself onto his knife during an argument( who 'argues' with a knife ?). Then there's the 'missing' pink phone of the daughter that she had when she left her friend's house and which was seen by her friend and her mother. The missing phone was caught on camera sticking out of the hand bag of 'distraught mum' during a TV interview. So, the missing girl never made it home and was never seen again by her guardians. But, somehow, her phone did. There's the ignored slam dunk. The Olive Press is a decent source online for this mess.
Maybe CM made the promise hastily. Surely a man with his contacts, CV, and profile would be risking far too much by immersing himself into such a tangled and seedy web. Maybe he realised that and decided to step back, or was 'advised' to . It's dangerous to blindly jump to the defence of someone (or some people) without first knowing for sure that they are the innocent party. Or that they're the victims of apathy and have been left helpless. You need to know, before you start shouting from every media platform on or offline, the facts. And, of course, that you won't be left with an omelette on your face. This case wasn't fresh when brought to his attention.The McCann case was. The difference in CM's chosen actions must have been guided by the lack of certainty of the Irish case and the guarantees he'd received from Whitehall prior to removing his political hat to wear his old PR one again.He must have known he could trust that advice.But what was it..
2 June 2009
"Speaking from her home on the Costa del Sol in Spain, she told the Herald that two private detectives working for a Barcelona-based firm of investigators had worked in the past on the case of missing tot Madeleine in Portugal. She said she had not told any members of her family that she had engaged the private detectives until recently."
@ Anonymous20 November 2017 at 22:04
DeleteMitchell is not a private investigator and is not mentioned in the article anywhere. I do not understand your point.
It’s not a point, it is information.
Delete13 March 2008
'Clarence Mitchell, spokesman for the McCanns, confirmed today: "Our relationship with Metodo 3 is continuing.
"They are being kept on on a monthly retainer.
"Brian Kennedy will continue to pay their fee of £8,000.
"The Find Madeleine Fund will continue to pay their operating costs which have averaged about £50,000 a month up until now but have started to fall and will probably continue to do so as the number of leads they need to follow up drops off.'
'Mr Mitchell said: "If spending continues at its current rate and nothing comes in, we'll be down to £407,000 by the end of the month.
"But money is still coming in, albeit more slowly, and we've always been happy with Metodo 3's operational work."'
The issue I have is why team McCann was allowed to hire dubious investigators without any research. Surely CM with media & government contacts could have advised Team McCann not to do business with them.
DeleteJohn100 at 14:03
DeleteThat depends on what they were trying to achieve. Personally, I doubt Metodo3's investigations had anything to do with reuniting Madeleine with her family.
"Gerry and Clarence undoubtedly clicked. I'm guessing there was a bonding session as they flew out to PDL together. Not quite the mile high club, but a bromance based on shared dreams. Both are narcissistically blown away by their ability to deceive others."
ReplyDeleteWhat a load of rubbish that you muse and guess.
"I'm guessing" seems to be your theme nowadays - just spout anything without any basis apart from your very very warped opinion.
22 May 2007
DeleteGerry McCann arrived back in Praia da Luz with Clarence Mitchell.
"He [Clarence Mitchell] and Gerry had chatted non-stop during the two-and-a-half-hour flight to Faro. When Gerry had told Clarence about Jane Tanner’s sighting he was astounded that this still hadn’t been made public. We decided we would really push the PJ to release this critical piece of information in the hope of identifying this man and child."
@Anonymous20 November 2017 at 10:25
DeleteYes a good quote - they chatted non stop on a plane but does it equal "a bromance based on shared dreams. Both are narcissistically blown away by their ability to deceive others."?
Or is that something just made up by one of Ros's guesses?
"We decided we would really push the PJ..."
DeleteIt was an educated guess 16:36, from the moment they stepped off the plane, Clarence rarely left Gerry's side. Clarence, the Master of Spin and Gerry, his eager student.
DeleteAnd look how much they achieved? By June they had major celebrities onboard and were planning events for a global Madeleine Day every year. I'm guessing Clarence was among the audience sat wide eyed as Gerry gave his 'Wider Agenda' presentation, probably thinking, 'ah, they grow up so quickly'.
What Clarence Mitchell was able to do and was allowed to do was to bring the government down to the level of gutter tabloids. He can talk about resigning from the government to take a post with the McCanns (in a case that may have been solved the next day) but unless he got the blessing of senior officials it wouldn't have happened. I don't know what OG will conclude but if the pink one is not among the defendents justice will be seen to be worth nothing
ReplyDeleteBring them down to the level of the tabloids ? They've shared the same gutter for 50 years. They scratch each others back and many brown envelopes are swapped. CM was invited to leave Whitehall to weave his spin for a case that the PM and Chancellor deemed urgent and(apparently)a matter of national security worthy of the scrutiny of Military Intelligence. Strange for a police investigation at a holiday resort wouldn't you say....
I disagree 06:52, once he left government employ, he was free to do as he wished, a private citizen.
DeleteI would imagine he had well stepped over the mark by then, in the way he was representing the McCanns. He was arranging press conferences and putting forward efits of suspects, and assisting the McCanns in, what some might describe, as perverting the course of justice. He certainly wasn't behaving in fitting manner for a representative of HM. Government. I suspect his resignation was mutually agreed.
That Clarence so willingly staked his entire future on Madeleine not being found is bizarre. Too many of these cases end with the body being discovered weeks, or months later. Planning events for milestone anniversaries is probably the least helpful thing you could do to find a child. Especially while the searches were still fresh and ongoing.
That response of yours was so widely misleading VT I'm going to translate.
Delete'Gerry was invited....... blah blah PM and Chancellor... Military intelligence blah blah.'
= Gerry who was raking in millions, offered him a job with huge potential.
By September of 2007, Clarence couldn't even get the MCanns a meeting with a Minister. 'All we were offered' he said 'was someone mid level consul'. His own words from the Vanity Fair interview. It seems, when he left government employ, he lost his contacts.
It's not as wide off the mark as your reply. I didn't mention Gerry. Why say I did ? And pleas, address your dismissive blah blahs to Amaral. Or is it ok if he mentions the MI6 impact and involvement.
DeleteYou try to put distance between CMs role in politics and his role as a McCann spokesman. It isn't that way. One minute he was in Whitehall in a cushy job, the next he was 'resigned' and within two weeks of May 03 he was lunching with the McCann family. later , he returned to his job as a politician( even though his job had become 'untenable' round about 2007). Do you seriously believe He wasn't already a wealthy man before any of this ? His BBC career, political career , his PR business ? Discerning eyes can see that he was a politician representing the McCanns ( therefore his politician bosses). But that would have made the already political neurosis look even worse.
Nonsense VT, Clarence has a journalist background, and his spin role in Whitehall was virtually the same thing. And politicians aren't separate entities from the rest of us, they are ordinary people who call themselves politicians - discuss politics, your a politician.
DeleteDiscerning eyes can see he was a politician. Laugh out loud funny VT, discerning eyes can see he's a hack spinning a yarn. And why on earth would he have been a wealthy before any of this? He was on a regular civil service salary, and if he enjoyed high earnings, he would have spent them. People live within their means, whether it be £30k or £200k, it's never enough.
Once he began working for the McCanns, which I believe was around September 2007, but please correct me if I'm wrong, he was no longer answerable to the Home or Foreign office. They were no longer his employers, he was an employee of the McCanns, they gave him his instructions.
Once his connection with his former employers ceased, that was it. Read the Vanity Fair interview.
You are trying desperately hard to prove that Clarence was steering everything on behalf of some unknown person in the government. That's almost as bizarre as Bennett's theories.
Clarence clearly went rogue and I doubt very much there was an amicable parting of ways. Holding press conferences with alternate suspects to the official police investigation, is hardly diplomatic, and possibly illegal.
And the fact that he went rogue, makes him untrustworthy. He was enticed away by the promise of fame and fortune, not a good trait in the secret services or politics. And especially not in a friend.
Meant to say, I know you didn't mention Gerry VT, that's why I did.
Delete''Discerning eyes can see he was a politician. Laugh out loud funny VT, discerning eyes can see he's a hack spinning a yarn''
DeleteLaugh out loud indeed. A politician doesn't spin yarns then. OK. Don't laugh too loud.If you hear a siren hide under the stairs.
'' And why on earth would he have been a wealthy before any of this?''
A wealthy what before or all this ? Be more clear. Check his CV.
'' He was on a regular civil service salary, and if he enjoyed high earnings, he would have spent them. People live within their means, whether it be £30k or £200k, it's never enough.''
Yet Blair is a billionaire, as is Cameron. Go figure. CM had lucrative careers in TV, Whitehall and a separate one in a high end PR company.
'' which I believe was around September 2007, but please correct me if I'm wrong, he was no longer answerable to the Home or Foreign office.''
You failed to understand my point about him having to swap hats from politics for one of PR ( them back again). He was in charge of media monitoring for the Government that had spun out of control with illegal wars and a number of suspicious deaths of those who wouldn't tow the line. He's untouchable.
''You are trying desperately hard to prove that Clarence was steering everything on behalf of some unknown person in the government. That's almost as bizarre as Bennett's theories.''
I'm not trying desperately to prove anything. I'm simply stating what I believe. I didn't say 'some unknown' anything, I said the Government. The Labour at first, then the Tory. It isn't as mad as you want to think. By the way, should you really dismiss anyone's ideas if you admit you're throwing 'informed guesses' ( guesses in other words) about like confetti ?
''Clarence clearly went rogue and I doubt very much there was an amicable parting of ways.''
Clearly why ? And 'rogue' from who ? I think you missed another word out.
''And the fact that he went rogue, makes him untrustworthy.''
''He was enticed away by the promise of fame and fortune, not a good trait in the secret services or politics. And especially not in a friend.''
So, he packed his trunk and told Westminster something along the lines of ''Sorry, I quit.I'm off to PDL to make money and begin a media circus concerning that very sensitive case over there that you're all trying to get to the bottom of and MI6 are concerned about'' Yep, genius. I'm sure they wished him bon voayage and went back to sleep.
''Meant to say, I know you didn't mention Gerry VT, that's why I did.''
Nice.So, you put words in my mouth and then criticise me for them even though you said it. You haven't done that for days. I'll put it down to recreational beverages.
Clarence was not in the same league as Blair and Cameron, financially or otherwise, and the idea that he is untouchable is again, laugh out loud funny. You have been watching too many spy movies.
DeleteHe went rogue from his job as government spokesman for the family. That is, he was much, much, more than a spokesman, he crossed a line. And as sarcastic as you are being with your 'packed his trunk' paragraph, you actually have it in a nutshell.
What did you expect the government to do? Recall him? If he wasn't working for them, they didn't have that power. Once he began working for the McCanns, his government role finished. Again, read the Vanity Fair article.
You left Gerry out because it suits to you to have people believe Clarence was taking instructions from the PM and the incumbent government. He wasn't. Gerry and Kate were his employers, he took instructions from them.
When you've finished the tiresome teenage 'laugh out loud' maybe you can start backing up your latest ramblings you call muses. Saying that you 'laugh out loud' at any posts that are far more interesting and sane than your own desperate fantasising is just an attempt to sway people toward you and your fragile egotistical arrogance.You've already detailed all of the McCann finances and details of their money laundering. Now you're telling us what CM is worth, according to you.He went rogue did he ? Can you give us the details about that please ? Because if you can't, it just reads like you're making up more wild stories to make your own wild story seem realistic rather than the usual bitter nonsense. You really should know and understand a lot more than you do about this case considering it's joined your OCD list. Or is that just the McCanns .
DeleteOuch! I feel as though I have just been told off by the headmaster!
DeleteThe thing is 14:04, your are not a headmaster and in fact have no authority over me whatsoever. I can, LMAO,ROFL and muse as much as I like, this is my blog.
'I have already detailed ALL of the McCann finances, blah, blah', err, actually I haven't, like many, I am merely wondering what happened to the millions.
'Now I'm telling you what CM is worth'. Again, no I'm not. I've got no idea what he is worth, and I only guessing he went rogue, because he wasn't exactly acting like a government employee.
I don't make up wild stories 14:04, I live by the philosophy of KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid), that's why I'm not buying Ziggy's claim, that people above the McCanns were responsible for Maddie's disappearance.
''Clarence was not in the same league as Blair and Cameron, financially or otherwise, and the idea that he is untouchable is again, laugh out loud funny. You have been watching too many spy movies.''
DeleteTheir are many extremely wealthy people around who are not in the same league as Blair and Cameron. They're still wealthy. I see you find the concept of him being untouchable funny. The man you say has lied on camera for ten years, to papers for ten years and in lectures for ten years.The man you claim hijacked this case for fame and fortune by constructing a narrative to shield the parents and the burial of their child's corpse.The man who controlled various reconstructions and had the actors sign the official secrets act or equivalent. The man you claim lies with every tooth in his mouth to quote author, Amaral. Yet the idea that he has a charmed life is laughable ? You really think he's just a 'hack spinning a yarn' ? That seems sensible and sober does it ?
CM is a master of the media spin . He knows what the larger slice of the public want to see and hear. He knows the important role the tacky tabloids play. It's all about form, not content ; headlines, not details ; sensation, not boredom. If he left his lucrative jobs to 'follow the money' as you claim, how did he miss the bus ? The audience want salacious detail and gossip. They want to see the better off take a fall and make us feel a rare moment of superiority. They want to see the mobs gathered outside Court No 1 hurling insults and tomatoes at a van. But CM has taken the opposite route. He's made himself look dishonest as well as his bosses ( past and present) and made himself the last turkey in the shop. He's defending the perceived enemy of the massed ranks. He's antagonising them to a man by doing it. He's made himself the target of as much anger and accusations as the parents. All this from a master of media and politics and with careers galore who didn't need it.Yes, lol etc.
I don't watch spy movies by the way. Movies are fiction and edited for public palate. They do the same with the crime genre too. That's why watching them doesn't qualify anyone to consider themselves an expert in either area . They should consider being a movie or TV critic and nothing more until they've done the real studying.Then they can talk about people 'going rogue' and explain it. Clarence Mitchell isn't Harry Lime.
''You left Gerry out because it suits to you to have people believe Clarence was taking instructions from the PM and the incumbent government. He wasn't. Gerry and Kate were his employers, he took instructions from them.''
He had to be 'between jobs' before he could take instructions from anyone or be offered a new career. Shall we call the timing a coincidence so your story doesn't fall of the tracks completely ?
I believe he claimed thy were responsible for the covering up rather than disappearance.
DeleteClarence is a regular guy, a professional going from job to job, he's not landed gentry.
DeleteNo-one is untouchable, though I am sure Clarence will be flattered that you think he is. He is no more untouchable than Gerry and Kate, who were also running a dubious investigation and publicising other suspects.
There are hundreds if not thousands of cases of unsolved crimes, where the perpetrators seem to carrying on with their crimes unchallenged. See Donald Trump.
I don't have a story. Clarence went out to PDL as a government spokesman, then he began working for the family directly. That's it.
He gets license to manipultae lies and reshape them into mistakes or errors on behalf of the Gov. He maipulates public perceptions by doing the same for any 'future strategies' the same bosses have in mind. He gets license to edit and censor what the media can make public. That makes him a 'regular guy'' does it ? Why can't we do that ? And how does that resemeble this perceived joint Machievellian and magical hold over the governement, media and police you insist the McCanns have ?
Delete''There are hundreds if not thousands of cases of unsolved crimes, where the perpetrators seem to carrying on with their crimes unchallenged. See Donald Trump. ''
I gather you've been dwelling on the Twitter /Fakebook twighlight zone again. Wild guess of course. I'm sure it isn't really swarming with Americans whining about a president who has odd hair and hands. It's already old and boring and, mostly, unimportant. The fall guy's in and that's it. Thank God Clinton never got the job. I'd rather have a babbling halfwit who thinks the world turns via twitter spats than her. She's Obama in knickers. So is Obama probably. See Benghazi. Above all, see as many videos of Trey Gowdy as you can
1 - ''Clarence clearly went rogue '' - Ros
Delete2- ''He went rogue from his job as government'' -
3 ''Clarence is a regular guy, a professional going from job to job'' - Ros
Sometimes it's like walking in on someone musing out loud indecisively.
VT at 17:57
Delete("The man you claim lies with every tooth in his mouth to quote author, Amaral.")
Carlos Anjos
16 April 2008
"The head of the Portuguese police federation, Carlos Anjos, accused Clarence Mitchell of engineering a fight with officers to sabotage a reconstruction of the disappearance.
Police statements made by Kate and Gerry McCann were leaked to the media last week as they travelled to Brussels to promote a campaign for a child alert system.
The statements revealed Maddie was left crying the night before she vanished on May 3.
At the time, Mr Mitchell accused police of masterminding the leak to overshadow the visit.
But Mr Anjos told the respected Portuguese newspaper Jornal de Noticias: 'He is a liar and a Machiavellian."
Thank you for the correction 20:39
DeleteI got the right quote but the wrong face.But the initial point about CM being a 'regular guy gong from job to job' being slightly laughable is unblemished by the mistaken ID. Thank you :-)
He didn't get a 'licence' from anyone VT. You are really are dim at times. Assertive people do things we mere mortals flinch at, they don't have 'licence' they just do them.
DeleteYour final paragraph describing Hilary Clinton as Obama in knickers, reveals both your prejudice and your sexism, and is no surprise whatsoever.
OK, VT, Clarence is top secret agent like 007, independently wealthy, living in a penthouse, drives an Aston Martin and his briefcase turns into a helicopter.
DeleteWhen not seducing scantily clad Russian agents over the roulette wheels in Monte Carlo, he is flying to the rescue of British citizens struck by tragedy. As soon as that Bat signal goes up, he's there. What a guy.
''He didn't get a 'licence' from anyone VT...You are really are dim at times. '''
DeleteHis job in Government gave him license to undertake exactly what I pointed out. I didn't say 'given a license'. You call me dim..
''Your final paragraph describing Hilary Clinton as Obama in knickers, reveals both your prejudice and your sexism, and is no surprise whatsoever.''
You want to read it that way and hope your small faithful will join the little bandwagon.Your humour is counterfeit.It fits.
The 007 post is juvenile. mail it to Goncalo 'MI6 derailed the investigation to protect the UK' Amaral.
"BBC reports widespread, institutional child sexual abuse in the Jehovah's Witnesses Organisation. Let's not forget Brian Kennedy's JW connections"
ReplyDeletebennett should tread very very carefully with his attempt to link/smear Kennedy to something so terrible without any evidence whatsoever.
@Anonymous19 November 2017 at 22:15
Whatever case CM takes on, he's the ability to distract attention away from what could be the solution of it. The tragedy regarding Audrey Fitzpatrick's son might not have happened hadn't CM sided with Dave Mahon 8 years earlier.
If justice is about to be done, as in the Mdeleine case in 2008, CM gets himseld involved and perverts the course of justice and that's the reason as to why I ask myself if he's blood on his hands.
Clarence deserves more..investigation.
ReplyDeleteThe only PR sleaveball with a wikispooks entry, linking him to MI5 and their nefarious cleansing operations
First on the scene to the unsolved Jill Dando murder( a jaked 9mm round to the head), worked for Mathew and his pater Clement Freud of PDL and now 10 years for the McCanns on their unsolved abduction myth. He has to be the best spinner money can buy. Time now to help Mugabe CM.
Mugabe yes, and perhaps send a CV to Trump ;)
DeleteAt some point, questions will have to be asked of the role Clarence played. Those press conferences for example when he and the McCanns released photofits of suspects they believed the police should be looking for. If you transfer the whole McCann circus to the UK, imagine suspects in a major crime, putting out pictures of alternate suspects and running a separate investigation to the police, who they have deemed incompetent.
How much did the separate investigation of the McCanns and their spin doctor impact on the first investigation? Do detectives in major crimes really want suspects to be so actively involved in an investigation? Especially, if those suspects refuse to go along with their advice?
Of course, everything Gerry, Kate and Clarence did was in plain sight, and in that way it normalised it. Gerry and Kate were searching for their child, no-one was going to question how they went about it.
Running their own investigation was applauded in the British media, the parents were presented as heroic, they didn't just sit back and let the police get on with it, they joined in. It should be noted however, that when Operation Grange opened, all the campaigning, fundraising and sightings came to an end.
Your hatred has become really mad now. You post endless criticism that they weren't looking for their daughter. Now it's critcism for the public praising them being desperate and searching for their daughter. Your view is supposed to be cynical but it isn't, it's poisonous.
Delete"Björn20 November 2017 at 10:44
ReplyDelete@Anonymous19 November 2017 at 22:15
Whatever case CM takes on, he's the ability to distract attention away from what could be the solution of it. The tragedy regarding Audrey Fitzpatrick's son might not have happened hadn't CM sided with Dave Mahon 8 years earlier."
Prove that!
Don't hold your breath for proof
Delete" Cristobell Author @RosalindaHu
ReplyDeleteNov 19
NEW: 19/11/17 #mccann"
Why didn't you include Clarence Mitchell@mitch_1uk in your tweet Ros?
It is a myth that CM lost his Government contacts in Sept 2007 .
ReplyDeleteHis Vanity fair interview is for the gullible.
He arranged meetings between the Mccanns and the Home Secretary Jackie Smith in 2008 Home secretary Alan Johnson in 2009/2010 and Teresa May in 2010 to name a but a few'
Clarence is a Government tool whichever clowns are in office
ReplyDeleteJust a few words regarding a recent crime case in Denmark/Sweden.
When the popular, and much admired inventor and submarine “captain” Peter Madsen is greeted by Danish journalists in Copenhagen harbour, just an hour or so after his self-made submarine has sunk into the muddy waters between Denmark and Sweden, he’s calm and appears to be relieved. He then, as always, seems such a nice chap to many people, especially to his Danish fans.
Then nobody,not even the police, including myself, suspect, that PM just hours before has murdered the young Swedish journalist Kim Wall, who was on board his sub, then abused her dead body sexually, thereafter cut her body into pieces and finally dumped all the body parts in different in places in the sea.
Had he been granted an official spokesman, had he got a chance to run his own investigation, use all his contacts in higher places in the Danish society and had he also been allowed to tell his own “story” to the Danish papers, which he insisted upon as soon as he’d been rescued, he could have sabotaged the whole investigation.
There never was a Swedish or Danish CM, so he never got that chance. The case now seems to be solved after just a few months and the adventurous Kim Wall wasn’t, as some people suggested, kidnapped by strangers. Neither had she gone abroad without telling anyone, but brutally killed by PM, who tried to dispose of her body but failed.
a heartwarming tale
Delete@Anonymous21 November 2017 at 14:08
"a heartwarming tale", Yes indeed. Your reaction is not unexpected, but in fact very natural, because when cruelty and horror in real life become incomprehensible and unthinkable, we can still pretend that it's just a tale, and that's a strategy I sometimes use to avoid thinking too much of the worst scenario, when I'm about to understand what may have happened to Madeleine.
Are you sure you try hard enough @Bjorn
DeleteYou have made a few enemies Bjorn, and I feel bad about publishing some of their replies, but you respond to them admirably. I suspect you are hitting nails on head Bjorn, and that unnerves them.
Delete"Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton22 November 2017 at 09:16
DeleteYou have made a few enemies Bjorn, and I feel bad about publishing some of their replies, but you respond to them admirably. I suspect you are hitting nails on head Bjorn, and that unnerves them."
Yes you heavily censor replies expressing disgust at
Björn's comments.
He hits no nails on the head he is just a nasty person with some very suspect ideas!
His replies are not "admirable" they are rubbish - which you would see if you took the blinkers off for a while.
So I 'heavily censor replies expressing disgust.....'. How do you know?
DeleteBjorn is very insightful, one of the academics and scholars who post here, and who's posts I open and read with relish.
Did you know 10:14, that if you can speak another language, it takes your brain UP to another level? It's one of those facts Michael Caine should have included in his 'Not a lot of people know that' book. Ergo, I have a special admiration for linguists. Which may explain the bizarre crush I have on Vladimir Putin at the moment.
Bjorn often takes the discussion up to a higher plane 10:14, and for that I am extremely grateful. As I have said many times, I love to learn 10:14, and I am very fortunate that I have so many wise and eloquent contributors, I truly do learn something new every day.
Odd that you 10:14, accuse me of wearing blinkers.
Hi Rosalinda
DeleteThanks for your support and comment Rosalinda. My take on the case has nothing to do with hatred,but has always been that the McCanns should be further investigated, and it seems they haven't for more than nine years.There's so much in this crime case, that hasn't been sorted out or properly explained.In fact there are very few, if any "innocent explanations", which CM promised us many years ago.
As for commentators, who attack me for personal reasons, I don't care. All that matters to me is that the crime, which have been committed is going to be solved and anybody with just a little bit of common sense knows, that the solution of it is not to be found in Bulgaria,but in Rothely.
''As for commentators, who attack me for personal reasons, I don't care. All that matters to me is that the crime, which have been committed is going to be solved and anybody with just a little bit of common sense knows, that the solution of it is not to be found in Bulgaria,but in Rothely.''
DeleteThat would explain the ten year wait then I suppose. The PJ and the dogs were running all over PDL when the solution was in Rothley, England.No wonder they came under fire. It was that 'common sense' they lacked all along. I'm taking it that you're accusing the PJ and SY ( and OG) of lacking that common sense.After all, they've all been on a salary to solve this case that only needed common sense.It's a little difficult to say everyone in the investigation was in need of common sense surely.Or do you think that they've all turned a blind eye to the obvious because they were told to by someone ? Don't tell me - it's because they're doctors. Right ? And doctors are superheroes..
''You have made a few enemies Bjorn, and I feel bad about publishing some of their replies, but you respond to them admirably. I suspect you are hitting nails on head Bjorn, and that unnerves them.''
DeleteHe only ever bangs one nail. When asked for proof or evidence or to elaborate he goes quiet.No wonder so many posts to him don't appear
Björn proclaims - "the solution of it is not to be found in Bulgaria,but in Rothely."
DeleteOnly the gutter press have reported that OG are searching in Bulgaria - OG itself have not confirmed that. When will you learn not to believe everything that you read in the redtops.
"Rothley" - that's interesting - who do we know who lives there?
@Anonymous22 November 2017 at 20:23
DeleteHi Anon, let me just clarify what I'm trying to say, as you may have misunderstood what I meant.
When I’m saying that Rothley is a better place to go to than Bulgaria, if the SY wants to solve the Madeleine case, I do of course not literally mean that, but I’m’just trying to paraphrase what a lot of people have said and published, who like myself believe that the solution to the Madeleine case lies with the McCanns and their friends, that the Operation Grange has been in Nowhere Land (not just in Bulgaria and just not in a geographical sense) far too long and that Mark Rowley and his colleagues should therefore now restart their investigation from where the original one was shelved and investigate those who weren’t sufficiently investigated in 2007/08 , that is the tapas 9.
@ Björn23 November 2017 at 15:26
Delete"but I’m’just trying to paraphrase what a lot of people have said and published, who like myself believe that the solution to the Madeleine case lies with the McCanns and their friends,"
So you are just repeating what other people have said and not, as Ros says "Bjorn often takes the discussion up to a higher plane".
Have you ever thought about posting something insightful and original to show others (apart from Ros) what this "higher plane" is that you are on?
"He [Clarence Mitchell] also chaired a seminar on UK police-media relations post Leveson for the Metropolitan Police Senior Leadership Group, co-presenting with the Met Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe."
Question : What do a murdered journalist ( Kim Hall ), A 17 yr old tragic murder victim ( Becky Watts) , and a 15 year old ex -pat suspected abductee ( Amy Fitzpatrick),who was last seen in Spain with her killer step father's questionable contacts, have in common ?
ReplyDeleteAnswer : If you try really, really hard, you can find parallels in the case of a little 3 year old girl who was snatched away from the family holiday apartment and never seen again.
Ros : ''the loving parents of Becky, didn't undermine the police by contacting the press and launching a publicity campaign..Taking the search away from PDL, was all part of the strategy.''
Bjorn : '' Yes, we need to talk about Clarence Mitchell.I find him more and more bizarre..In 2008 he’s hired by Audrey Fitzpatrick and her partner Dave Mahon to assist in the search for the “stranger” who “kidnapped” Audrey’s daughter Amy..''
''Without any deeper knowledge of the case in question, I still cannot help but think that Mitchell’s mission in this case as in other cases he’s involved in, is to deflect attention away from those who first of all should be investigated.'...Has CM bllod on his hands ?''
Bjorn : ''If justice is about to be done, as in the Mdeleine case in 2008, CM gets himseld involved and perverts the course of justice and that's the reason as to why I ask myself if he's blood on his hands.''
''Then nobody,not even the police, including myself, suspect, that PM just hours before has murdered the young Swedish journalist Kim Wall...Had he been granted an official spokesman, had he got a chance to run his own investigation.... he could have sabotaged the whole investigation. ''
'' Kim Wall wasn’t, as some people suggested, kidnapped by strangers. Neither had she gone abroad without telling anyone, but brutally killed by PM, who tried to dispose of her body but failed.''
''we can still pretend that it's just a tale, and that's a strategy I sometimes use to avoid thinking too much of the worst scenario, when I'm about to understand what may have happened to Madeleine. ''
Which all 'obvioulsy' points to the McCanns being responsible for their daughters fate then faking an abuction. I had no idea the mountain of circumstantial evidence was so high. Is it laugh out loud high ? Or is all of this to be taken as valid.
DeleteAs regards Madeleine's fate and who's responsible, perhaps those who don’t believe that Madeleine was abducted, should distinguish between death, concealment and disappearance.
This blog steers clear of the nitty gritty 09:38, out of consideration for the innocents involved.
DeleteIt is odd, that you would ask myself and my readers for graphic and more explicit allegations. Perhaps you need evidence for your own allegations that this is a 'Hate site'?
I note too, that you, or others of your ilk, try your utmost to taunt us into saying something libellous, for the same reason as above.
You lot have been playing this little 'searching for headlines game' for the last 10 years, and it's so obvious, we old hands are laughing at you. This isn't a 'hate site' and I am not a bitter old woman victimising the innocent parents of a missing child.
I am one of very few writers willing to challenge the propaganda and disinformation put out by Team McCann. I am not governed by media moguls, nor censored by pedantic lawyers. I speak my truth quietly and clearly and I listen to others. Even the dull and the ignorant.
I don't need to sink to the kind of depths you are looking for 09:38, nor do those who read and post here. You will find what you at looking for in abundance at the cesspit, all the 'facts', libel and slander you could wish for.
''It is odd, that you would ask myself and my readers for graphic and more explicit allegations.''
DeleteIsn't the post just requesting a clarification of the definitions ? Death, concealment and disappearance ? They seem to make up the core of the blog after all.
VT said:
Delete"If you try really, really hard, you can find parallels in the case of a little 3 year old girl who was snatched away from the family holiday apartment and never seen again."
Actually, if you try really, really hard and even have a totally credulous nature coupled with a very creative imagination you will still not find any evidence of an abduction from 5A.
"Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton22 November 2017 at 10:12
DeleteThis blog steers clear of the nitty gritty 09:38, out of consideration for the innocents involved."
By "innocents" you must mean those that have not been arrested, charged and found guilty in a court of law.
Look at the numerous accusations that have been posted on this blog over the years and continue every day.
Maybe you should ensure that you and people who comment here abide by your own stated rule and consider all of the "innocents involved" and not just the ones you pick and choose.
Anonymous22 November 2017 at 13:32
Delete''Actually, if you try really, really hard and even have a totally credulous nature coupled with a very creative imagination you will still not find any evidence of an abduction from 5A''
I have an inquiring mind.It's also open. My nature isn't really relevant here. You have a locked mind.It's narrow.Your function is to play rescuer to Ros when she flounders; prop her up and massage her ego . I pity the nature of those who do nothing but promote the idea of a child being dad without any body or evidence the police can use.Ghoulish is the most acceptable and clean description that I have for them.
Anonymous22 November 2017 at 14:26
DeleteIt's all covered by the disclaimers of free speech and 'musing' apparently. Or double and treble standards and hypocrisy.
I'm getting really sick of your nasty, snidey remarks VT/ Ziggy. I don't waste time on ill mannered, unpleasant people in the real world and don't see why I should here.
DeleteMy heart literally sinks when I see you have posted. Not because you have anything interesting or alternative to say, but because you have exactly the same whiney, unpleasant nature as those you represent.
It's always someone else's fault. If people don't believe the McCanns abduction story, there must be something wrong with them. It's ghoulish to think a child who hasn't been seen in 10 years is dead! WTF! Since when is logic and reason ghoulish? This alternate reality you have created, is just not cutting it anymore.
Be warned VT/Ziggy, I am getting very close to binning you again. If I am finding you unpleasant to read, I imagine my readers are feeling the same. Not because you are defending the McCanns (badly), but because you are doing it by being rude to myself and other posters.
In this little spat, you have launched an unprovoked attack on SYIACM and implied that I need a man to come to my rescue when I flounder. What am I, Blacksmith in knickers?
To VT:
DeleteFirstly, I do not have a locked mind. My theories regards this case are far ranging and have been re-examined countless times this past 10 years, owing, not in small part, to Ros's observations and many others who are willing to see if the hypothetical can pass the empirical test. For me, the more ideas I hear the better.
Should any investigative police force shy from the reality of a missing child, who may very well be dead, for fear of being labelled "ghouls", then they would not be covering all bases, all possibilities.
Sadly, fatalities happen in the real world and with kids it is the family who are the "usual suspects", initially.
Secondly, Ros does not need "propping up" or any ego massaging. Do not disingenuously project yourself onto her. You underestimate Ros, VT. Many have. All have fallen to the wayside.
Now there's an image.Who said Blacksmith needed rescuing by a man anyway lol
Delete''My theories regards this case are far ranging and have been re-examined countless times this past 10 years, owing, not in small part, to Ros's observations and many others who are willing to see if the hypothetical can pass the empirical test. For me, the more ideas I hear the better.''
Willing to see if the hypothetical can pass the empirical test? OK. So, how is that going to happen ? What kind of test is it and which hypotheical-and how would it pass ? You're basically saying that you agree upon a hypothisis, see if it can be considered feasible and if no proof exists to actually support or disprove it, it can't be called incorrect. You can apply that kind of logic to any 'hypothetical' as long as no evidence can be produced to support as much as one.
'' For me, the more ideas I hear the better.''
I'm all for ideas. But I'm all for keeping them with that label; ideas.
''Should any investigative police force shy from the reality of a missing child, who may very well be dead, for fear of being labelled "ghouls", then they would not be covering all bases, all possibilities. ''
I agree.But when Redwood talked about the cold reality of two lines of investigation-dead or alive- what happened ? Everyone and his dog chose to latch on to it as him giving the game away; that they thought she could be dead( not was dead). That's the most popular of his quotes you can find online.The people who quote it have little time for anything else he said.Just that bit.
Police aren't considered ghouls if they have to consider the possibility of the child being dead and buried.They should have considered everything from day one.Considered, not stated categorically.
''Sadly, fatalities happen in the real world and with kids it is the family who are the "usual suspects", initially.''
Again, I agree. But I don't endorse the theory that an accident happened and they threw her body away.I believe they would have reported it and an accident is an accident.Worst case scenario- neglect.
'' Do not disingenuously project yourself onto her. You underestimate Ros, VT. Many have. All have fallen to the wayside.''
Do not ? Who mad you commander.Pop psychology, nice.I had a feeling a post like this, from you, would turn up shortly after the earlier one i made. I never underestimate anyone.I have no idea what your 'fallen by the wayside' means.Did they just stop reading ?
@ SixYearsInaComaMan 20:01
Deleteyou're having a laugh now aren't you!
To VT:
DeleteYou said: " agree upon a hypothisis, see if it can be considered feasible and if no proof exists to actually support or disprove it, it can't be called incorrect."
No. I don't do that. If testing out my theory results in it being incorrect then that's what it is. Incorrect.
A fatal accident you would report it. You might not if an autopsy might reveal foul play.
The 'fallen by the wayside' bit refers to those who have denigrated Ros over the years who now find themselves in barren, authoritarian, deserted cesspits and unavailing knitting circles whilst Ros's blog continues to burgeon and flourish.
To Anonymous22 November 2017 at 21:25
DeleteYou said: "you're having a laugh now aren't you!"
I think Ros is having the last laugh.
Yes.The good humour never stops flowing from her. Such a pleasant lady
Delete''A fatal accident you would report it. You might not if an autopsy might reveal foul play.''
DeleteI said report an accident, not foul play.Foul play causing death is murder or manslaughter.
''No. I don't do that. If testing out my theory results in it being incorrect then that's what it is. Incorrect.''
My question was what the test was and how you'd do the test.What constitutes pass or fail ?From where I'm reading it, apart from finding someone to agree with a possibility ( your hypothetical) there isn't a way that police forces wouldn't have already tried. Ideas or theories are not considered to have significant support without a degree of rigorous testing, not a few people discussing likelihoods.
you mean the last lol surely
DeleteTo VT:
DeleteYou said: "I said report an accident, not foul play.Foul play causing death is murder or manslaughter."
That's right. It was me said 'foul play'; where the option of cadaver occultation might be considered.
Depends on what hypothesis you were testing as to how you would conduct it and whether or not empirical verification was thereafter derived.
Hi SYIACM, always good to see you and always good that you can see the same as myself. In this instance, the very narrow mind of VT/Ziggy cannot comprehend how a woman can run a successful blog - there must be a man behind it!
DeleteAnd you are right. I'm not in the least bit unnerved by anything VT says, nor am I kowtowed by his aggression and bullying. As the late Zsa Zsa Gabor once said, macho does not prove mucho.
So questioning Ros now is bullying and aggression. Superb stuff. If what you spouted was half as relevant as you think it is, nobody would be able to expose the weaknesses in it. Well done fishing out yet another quote . This time to make a stand for feminism you choose a woman who was famous for spending 70 years chasing men and writing memoirs about it and how much money and fame she got from it. Pure genius that was.
DeleteHi Ros
DeleteWhy isn't my tea on the table? lol!
Women, eh? You'll be getting the vote soon. ;-)
Always a warm welcome here, and I ought to see how you see things since I've listened to you for years.
Having 'done the rounds' of every forum, group and Twitter over the years we must have seen it all, from grandstanding to little dictatorships. Btw, I've been looking at posting and viewing numbers at the cesspit and knitting club and your blog outstrips them all (combined) about 8-10 fold.
Again, their loss is your gain, offering us all a platform to say anything we like as long as we don't steal the last After 8.
I like the weave of auto-biography with thoughts and ideas coupled with all the combined knowledge gathered from absolutely everywhere over 10 years, here. How normal people talk in "real life"; so much more than emotionless walls of text rife elsewhere, the human touch.
Can you imagine how many times I would have received the "OFF TOPIC" admonishment anywhere else?
They all lost the plot whilst you have made one of the most successful, long lasting blogs of them all. It has always been a good read here, per se, too.
Now! Get back in the kitchen and do me tea! lol
SixYearsInaComaMan (hides lol)
Good heavens 19:10, is the starch in your drawers giving you jip?
DeleteI don't have to go fishing 19:10, I have a lifetime of memorable quotes in my head, one for every occasion. Zsa Zsa loved men, and they loved her, who am I stand in judgement? Also, she was very witty.
I stopped being in awe of saints, victims and martyrs in my mid teens 19:10, when I decided being a nun or a goody two shoes wasn't for me. The bad girls were having a lot more fun ;)
Viva Mae West, Talullah Bankhead, Jean Harlow, Bette Davis, childhood idols, and idols still, but probably frowned upon by your good self. Should I restrict myself to quotes from Mother Theresa and Margaret Thatcher - both were pure evil btw.
Your scorn reminds of an A-level class I once taught. One young man, who was very religious, objected to our study of the promiscuous Lord Byron. We were studying Romanticism at the time, which must of course include the antics of Lord Byron and his equally liberal minded friends.
I didn't answer him directly, instead, I threw the question out to the class, and was very pleasantly surprised when those students I knew I could rely on, were able to answer his question, far more eloquently and with far more clarity than myself.
It led of course, to a lively and interesting debate, that filled the entire two hour lecture. The students were, by a process of elimination able to see the dangers of censorship based on the character of the author or artist.
If I shouldn't quote actresses of bad character 19:10, you should go home and burn all your books, DVDs, and probably every piece of art you love. Is the gothic poem Christabel any less beautiful because Mr. Coleridge was off his head on opium when he wrote it?
I think for you 19:10, the doors of perception have always remained firmly closed.
You would probably get tea and homemade scone SYIACM, because even though I am a radical feminist, I cannot suppress my inner need to play hostess and mother hen. I have all the fine china and several 3 tier cake stands! I once had 'Tea' at the Ritz, and I'm always trying to recreate it :)
DeleteBad feminist wise, I have let the sisterhood down, by raising two tyrants, little one even too lazy to hit me, tells me to 'go whip myself' and threatens low marks on his feedback form. He can spot the difference between a homemade Yorkshire pudding and a frozen one, and there are consequences! When he was job hunting, I told him to look under vacancies for Despots and Tyrants.
But I digress, we have indeed encountered some very strange people of the years SYIACM, in the early days especially. The paranoia on the forums and some of the facebook pages, was literally laugh out loud funny. Ditto, the growing fear of clones and trolls. I've always kind of been on the sidelines, bemused. They all take themselves sooooo seriously. I did at one point, have dozens of clones myself, that is weirdos changing the spelling of Cristobell, and pretending to be me. To be fair, some of them were really funny.
I have to say I have probably learned more about human behaviour in this last 10 years, than I ever thought possible. Scary that so many 'regular' people have such dark and bitter alter egos online. A need to control and censor the words of others, the power to forcibly remove if a poster doesn't agree with you.
It's not a power I have ever wanted SYIACM, I'd much rather someone else did it, lol. I was asked a couple of times to join admin of a couple of the Facebook groups, but the idea of belonging to a group, gives me the screaming abdabs. It's taken 50+ years, but I have finally realised I am not a team player. I'm not much of a boss either, my instructions for the day would always be, do what you like.
I am delighted the humanity and humour is getting through SYIACM. I'm a typical Irish woman with a posh accent, the readers cannot see, the sharing wink, and the playful nudges, that accompany many of the put downs.
They take many of my words quite literally. When I opined that moaning on the internet saved kicking the dog, I was all but reported to the RSPCA! At the time I was the owner of a much loved rescue mutt, who lived to the grand old age of 19. I credit him as co-writer of my first book, due to his annoying habit of running over my keyboard in order to bark at someone. However, much like myself, the older he got, the more he couldn't be arsed.
''The paranoia on the forums and some of the facebook pages, was literally laugh out loud funny. Ditto, the growing fear of clones and trolls. I've always kind of been on the sidelines, bemused''
DeleteOn the sidelines ranting to everyone about trolls and trolling.Imagining everyone who you couldn't see or hear was typing posts on behalf of 'Team McCann'. Bemused is right.
''I am delighted the humanity and humour is getting through SYIACM. I'm a typical Irish woman with a posh accent, the readers cannot see, the sharing wink, and the playful nudges, that accompany many of the put downs''
I'm sure many can imagine you sat winking and nudging with nobody else in the room. It would explain so much.
''I have to say I have probably learned more about human behaviour in this last 10 years, than I ever thought possible.''
'Behaviour' by reading what people type from miles away.Explains your grasp of it.
'' Scary that so many 'regular' people have such dark and bitter alter egos online''
Says Ms Fragile Ego who throws hissy fits daily if someone doesn't agree with her.
''A need to control and censor the words of others, the power to forcibly remove if a poster doesn't agree with you. ''
Like you have on this and other threads you mean ? Oh yes, I forgot, we pretend that they're 'nasty' or aggressive' don't we, so you don't look like a hypocrite .
''It's not a power I have ever wanted''
But love wielding it when the day's going bad .
Now, where was I before the squelchy bug invasion.
DeleteI'm itching to know what they are saying about me in their little papal conclaves. I suspect there are a lot Ooh, errs, and well I nevers. That actually suits me fine, because it's mostly what I'm going for. It's their complete lack of humour I think, that makes them so funny. They are like the non funny remnants of Dad's Army, Queen, Country and ffs, don't split an infinitive. They are easily shockable, probably why I stuck around for so long.
I expect your experiences in these groups fared no better than my own SYIACM, it vexed me greatly that 'admin' (Nazis) had the power to edit, censor and ban my posts. Often changing the meaning of what I had written entirely! Then of course there were 'locking the thread', a stunt pulled by jobsworths, who go into a panic, when they don't understand what's going on - which would be, most of the time. Then there is the 'cooling off' period, the time designated by said Nazi, for all those bursting with something to say, to go away and think about it. So many interesting and enlightening debates, that were shut down just as they warming up, because they must abide by rules and regulations. Rules and regulations with the good intentions of preventing anyone being ‘distressed’ (fecking namby pambies) but totally on track to cause anger, resentment and division. They have achieved their goal.
I know of course that it is not becoming to gloat, but I suspect Tony Bennett would give his right arm and possibly left testicle, to have the kind of audience and the kind of postbox that I have, lol. He loves to debate, or more accurately preach, but he has all the appeal of a dusty, out of a date Law book, and as much relevance to an audience today. HideHo, Jill Havern, Candyfloss, are no better, so fixated on one subject, they have lot all sense of reason and common sense.
This case attracted a lot of activists, in the early days especially, who were, to put it mildly, sanctimonious twats who wanted to use the Madeleine story to brag about their own perfect parenting skills. Yes, I’m using the language of the McCanns here, but it is true. It’s a bit like watching Jeremy Kyle,. For a while, at least condemning others for their appalling behaviour makes us feel superior. Unfortunately, the more outspoken sanctimonious twats seized control of all the Madeleine discussion. I think of them as rabble rousers urging the crowds to grab pitchforks.
Most people aren’t cruel, but they do want to see the child and the detective who searched for her, get the justice they deserve. I’m glad my blog is being accepted by more and more each day, that is an open forum where all voices are welcome. Thank you SYIACM, your kind words are so inspiring, and very much appreciated.
Hi Ros!
DeleteOoo home made scones. Are we having some of your home made jam on 'em, as well? Talking of "Who's gonna be Mum and pour the tea?" my Mum had a 3 tier cake stand which might make its annual appearance along with, yes, of all things, a table cloth on the table at Christmas. Fairy cakes, jam tarts and lemon curd tarts - Mum-made!
Kids. How sharper than a serpent's tooth and that. One of yours too lazy to hit you? lmao! You were asking for it, though, trying to foist a frozen Yorkshire pud on him. Now either he was indeed tryrannical regards you whipping yourself or he outed you as a member of Opus Dei, complete with barbed wire garter. I'll leave that image
Hey, digression, not confusion, is good. The forums would hate it if you went off topic. Like they'd press the "Just a minute" buzzer and cry "Deviation!". It was like the dot com era all over again when the Mirror Forum closed, the mad scramble to be the admin of THE forum with the most members. The problem, largely, is that, yes, the topic per se is a serious one, but it doesn't mean we should all be sat up straight, Sunday Best, all turning to Hymn No. 101 and drink the Cool Aid.
Glad you could saw the funny side of some of your impersonators. I don't think you attracted too many of the more sinister ones because they couldn't wind you up! The most memorable would be called "Wig-gate", now. For some reason it was deemed you were actually bald and wore a rug which in turn spawned many Cristobel hairstyle piccies. Then there were those with you with a photoshopped giant spliff. I expect you giggled at all that.
Yes, this past 10 years we have encountered the full spectrum of human behaviour and weird characters. From the incurably dim to the lofty imperious arrogant. I am an inveterate rule breaker like you Ros, been banned from every forum going because most of their admins have no bloody sense of humour. I have never liked being told what to do and has got me into lots of trouble. Damn good fun, though! Hee!
Being a team player is fine if you're all pulling the same side of the tug-of-war rope - but life's nothing like that. "You can go you're own way..." Thank you Fleetwood Mac!
Which brings me back to you and your blog. We can talk about anything and everything here whilst you pour the tea, top up the coffee; you even get the posh biscuits out (lol) and lighten the mood like nowhere else. And that is ultimately attractive, because, in the main, people want fun, a laugh, somewhere they feel comfortable, even amidst some distinctly uncomfortable topics.
To conclude Part 1 (lol) I have seen how many have either deliberately or stupidly taken what you say literally. Burn the witch! lol. Yet all flavours of person are always eager to engage you in discussion since you made such a splash on the scene - and have caused waves ever since lol!
Six YearsInaComaMan
As we know Ros, there's nothing worse than NOT being talked about! I can confirm you are continually addressed but you know what they say about earwigging - how you might not like what you'd hear? Not with you! You would love it. They are like politicians trying to be comedians - but yes, they'd have to have a sense of humour first to pull that off!
DeleteMy experiences with groups echoes your own. My similar bugbear was when a thread was finally getting heated and therefore exciting and some po-faced admin would lock it. Talk about anti-climax. These jackbooting admins are their own worst enemy, almost always hypocritical - whilst the members steadily and ineluctably disappear and leave them to it.
Nothing wrong with a good gloat, Ros. Or a "I told you so". If that is how I feel - I go with the gloat! Great feeling. Those who throw their weight around are the architects of their own downfall. Apparently it is deemed as unseemly schadenfreude, but we know there's nothing better than watching someone fall on their own banana skins! The cesspit has earned its more appropriate name (Bennett/Havern banned me after 2 days, years ago!), Hideho the thread-locking Queen, MMM a place that makes lettuce look interesting.
Everyone wants a piece of something that's taken the world by storm, so yes, a mystery like this one has attracted the nutters amongst the normal. It is easy to make yourself feel better by comparison - "I'd never leave my kids alone" etc, which is fine. If you left it at that. Point made. What do you reckon, a bit "He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone?" (OMG, who do I sound like now! Arrrrgh! lolol)
Life has a habit of not doling out happy endings as often as it ought to. Justice is often denied and it can be very frustrating. Thankfully, there are hordes of us who refuse to give up and the success of your blog is testimony to that. Praise where it is due. You've never deviated from being YOU, one jot. WYSIWYG!
I for one am an unabashed Cristobel fan. I think it was the home made jam that swung it lol!
Now, I have this fine, designer, real-hair luxuriant peruke I'd like you to take a look at... ...
I'll get me coat! lol
Ooh lol at Wig-gate SYIACM, one of my blessings in life, is thick, lush Paddy hair, it's my crowning glory. A pic I put up on an especially good hair day (just came out of hairdressers) kicked off the wig rumours and photoshops, Elvis, Hilda Ogden, giant spliff lol. They were meant to hurt, but I found them hilarious, as did sons, little one wanted to join their group!
DeleteAs for CMoMM and MMM members only areas, I bet the Cristobell threads are the only ones buzzing, lol. They are so cowardly, that they need a safe place to bitch, because they know I’d kick their arses if they said it out loud. Actually, I probably wouldn’t because I pity them, I can’t imagine anything worse than having to hide in corners whispering, they live in fear because they have chosen to live in fear. Sad.
As a tiny child I wanted to be brave more than anything else, probably because the No. 1 hit at the time was Tommy Steele’s Little White Bull, and my mum would sing it to me all the time, ‘Tora little bull, you’re a brave little bull, your my little bull’, I can even hear her singing it now. Little did I know that that bravery would lead to a lifetime of conflict. Not only did I stand up for myself but for anyone who needed a voice. I feel an overwhelming sense of sympathy for those who cannot communicate, through inability, lack of confidence, or fear of consequences. I cannot imagine any greater prison than not being able to state your case. I don’t know what bugs me more with Gerry and Kate McCann, their blaming of everyone else for their misfortunes, or their campaigns to silence people.
But I totally agree that there is no need to keep a sense of decorum at all times when discussing a serious topic. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve been told to ‘think of the child’. Digressing slightly, actually completely, in the very early days I posted on the AOL Europe Board, there was no admin, no censorship, and no sanity! I loved it, lol. There were of course, the usual groups shouting ‘order, order’ etc, who were constantly demanding rules and regulations, known colloquially as ‘the respecteds’ - yes it was a pisstake. I once lowered the tone by opening a thread entitled ‘I’ve lost my glasses can anyone help find them’. Naturally, I was called every variation of stupid, disruptive and mentally unstable, but it led to a very lively discussion with over 500 posts, happily, with one poster suggesting I look under the microwave, and yes, there they were!
LOL, at not being talked about, it was the only reason I read their forums! Some could and did write volumes about me, lol, their psychological profiles put me somewhere between Mata Hari and Ena Sharples. Tigerloaf and Tigger were dire however, even though I was their main topic, I couldn't even read to the end, ha ha.
The gushing and fawning is toe curlingly sickening. I feel like I've been force fed a bucket of syrup. Is it supposed to be 'banter' ? Pack your bags folks it looks like we're going on quite a long ego trip.Bring a boiled sweet or two.
DeleteYou are not being force fed anything you plonker, you choose to read here! Other options are available, the cesspit for example would be right up your street. No banter or syrup there ;)
DeleteTo Anon @ 24 November 2017 at 13:06
Delete"Gushing and fawning? Toe curlingly sickening?"
I do hope so. We do a very reasonably priced line of good quality sick bags, with FREE delivery! lol
P.S. Nice reply, Ros lmao!
Hi Hilda, sorry, Ros, lol!
DeleteI remember that one. Giant hair rollers! It reminds me of what many famous people have said, that, they knew they'd really made it when Spitting Image did a puppet of them. Some were cruel parodies but most of them saw the funny side, like you and sons did. A famous Mum!
When the cesspit has nothing better to do, which is about 24/7, they refer to you as "a certain blogger we know", such is their pusillanimous habit. You're off the hook just now as it is Sergey Malinka's turn to be vilified...
Back at Woman's Realm, sorry, MMM, of the dedicated Cristobel threads I think two are locked and one remains open. Just as well as the knitting patterns threads are hardly riveting lol.
As a child of '57 it would be Sunday, the radio would be on, and inevitably, on Housewife's Choice: "..and a Mrs Ratface of East Grinstead has requested "Little White Bull" for her nephew, Pugsley..." lol. The underdog, the David and Goliath schtick. Point is, there is only so far you are prepared to be pushed around before you fight back, in spades, with the look of total astonishment on the bullies' faces. As I said to VT, don't underestimate Ros. As Mr Speaker might say, "The lady WILL be heard!"
As for the ‘think of the child’ admonition I think we all take it as a given that's why 99% of us are here. No need to virtue signal.
AOL was mad! Probably the last of its kind and akin to the bun fight comments section of the Daily Mail. Odd, isn't it, that when one 'lowers the tone' it invites the greater audience, who are relieved that someone has the nerve to say what they'd always wanted to, but were afraid to say it! In that sense, it's not really lowering the tone; more a return to how ordinary normal people converse. And always wih some humour, frowned upon by those stricken with no personality!
Whereas I reckon you could pull off a reasonably convincing Ena Sharples (see Wig-Gate lol) you are not Mata Hari - no! That accolade would be better dropped off at the old 3As admins' door. Their main body of threads was actually quite strict but they did have a dedicated satirical section. But it was the harbinger of things to come. When 3As folded the break off groups and forums created thereafter were, by and large, dictatorships. The actual Mata Haris went to "the dark side".
So, how about you being more the lovechild of Sam Clemens and Lucrezia Borgia? lol
I'll get me coat AND hat...
SixYears(and the rest)InaComaMan
Funny you should mention syrup though, because I am actually looking for a syrup pudding recipe. Would like to do it the old fashioned way, steaming, but don't have enough memory span to keep topping up the water.
DeleteMy blog does what it says on the tin 13:06, I muse. Nowhere in the description, does it say it will be factual, humourless and stay strictly on topic. As mentioned above, such forums are available.
DeleteI really shouldn't keep mentioning syrup, it being another word for wig! If it's any help I do to boiling spuds what you do to your syrup pudding!
And remember folks, a person's blog is just that. To opine about anything they please.
Turn on, tune in, drop scones!
@ Ros:
ReplyDeleteWho are "Team McCann"?
'Richard Kerr now lives in Dallas. He is angry at his former abusers, and the mind games they played with him as a child. He has benefited from years of counselling and is now determined to tell his story. Above all else he wants to achieve “a little justice” for those who died. He has a lot more to reveal. What appears in these pages is merely the beginning.'
In 2010 C.M. was meeting with David Cameron, George Osborne and other members of the incoming Tory/Lib Government on a daily basis as he was employed by the Tory party to monitor the media as he had done previously for the Labour party.
ReplyDeleteMitchell has also run a seminar with Police commissioner Hyphen-Howe
The idea Clarence is just a jobbing journalist left out in the cold with few contacts since Sept 2007 is ludicrous and not supported by the evidence
I suspect CM was a 'government man' even when others were supposedly paying his salary. The intervention of Brian Kennedy owes more to political expediency than altruism, I fancy.
DeleteJJ 22 November 2017 at 14:05
Delete"The idea Clarence is just a jobbing journalist left out in the cold with few contacts since Sept 2007 is ludicrous and not supported by the evidence"
Oh dear - you sound like a school head of department when you call Ros's idea ludicrous.
I don't have a problem with JJ disagreeing with me 19:11, I suspect the real answer lies somewhere between both our opinions.
DeleteI agree with him, for example, that some politicians went above and beyond, perhaps criminally so, in their interference in the original investigation. And Clarence, when he left Whitehall, probably still had favours owing.
But he didn't return to Labour, he stood as tory candidate in Brighton, the least likely seat in the UK for a tory win and not much of a reward for services to Queen and country.
@ Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton22 November 2017 at 19:46
DeleteWho said he returned to Labour? JJ didn't.
''I agree with him, for example, that some politicians went above and beyond, perhaps criminally so, in their interference in the original investigation''
DeleteCriminally ? Why would they need to go that far ?
Standing as a Tory candidate wasn't supposed to be a reward, he just chose to do it.He wanted to be a member of the Tory Party.He'd already(2010) been Director of the Government’s Media Monitoring Unit, based within the Cabinet Office.Earlier in his career as a hack he covered his local MP, Thatcher, in the column he had in their local rag. Somewhere in there, he 'crossed the floor' for a short stay with Blair's Labour Party. He just seems to land these 'sensitive' positions for whichever Government is in place.He can't have them when he's a member of the opposition.So the awkward 'swapping' allegiances is just accepted without so much as a raised eyebrow.
Mitchell is a spook, pure and simple. He works for the establishment.
DeleteI don't know where you get the idea Clarence held sensitive positions from, literally anybody can stand as a political candidate. Clarence may have been endorsed by the Tories, but it was unwinnable seat for them. You keep trying to add some sort of mystique to CM that simply isn't there VT. For him the Maddie story was a big break. An opportunity to get back in front of the cameras.
DeleteIt is at times like these that your naivety and gullibility come to the fore VT, that your perspective of the world lags behind the more sophisticated. Yes, CM has had success in his various careers, but he is not special. He has to chase the news just like any other journalist. The Maddie story landed in his lap, he was in the right place at the right time. He was probably bored working behind the scenes and this was the break he was looking for.
That doesn’t make him a secret agent, a criminal mastermind, or a government go-between. Clarence likes to be in front of the camera, and he likes to sound important. Politics for him was a natural progression, and a regular pay cheque. When he stood for the tories, he was already famous, a plus for them, but not enough to win Brighton. Had he won the tory seat, he would now be settled career wise, and probably happy to have a platform in his own right. But he didn’t, and he hasn’t stood anywhere else as far as I know, so that’s probably it on the political ambitions
''It is at times like these that your naivety and gullibility come to the fore VT, that your perspective of the world lags behind the more sophisticated''
DeleteAs rebuttals go, that is probably by far your most laughable I'm afraid Ros. And it had strong competition.
CM didn't suddenly transform from politician into journalist / media man in the blink of an eye. He already had a marginally more respectable job and it was far too early to recognise that this would be a scoop. If that was his game, how come Martin Brunt has been first in for Sky all along ?
Delete''The Maddie story landed in his lap, he was in the right place at the right time. He was probably bored working behind the scenes and this was the break he was looking for.''
That's a remarkably lazy way of explaining it. It would have been quicker to just say 'it was just a coincidence'. If he was that bored, he could have left to develop the PR company or go back to the BBC. But. let's pretend the case turned up at the same time he was suffering the boredom you have no evidence of..
''That doesn’t make him a secret agent, a criminal mastermind, or a government go-between.''
Absolutely. That's why I never suggested any of that.
The rest of your conjecturing doesn't mean anything. Win or lose, CM would still be a Tory politician even if the Tories didn't win Brighton.That's the gist- being part of the bigger party that won the UK . Hence-Government man , not member of the party he was once part of, which was, by then, the shadow cabinet. You're looking at the timing of things from one angle.
Clarence said in an interview that the Madeleine case was a big break for him, and that he wanted to get back into the news business.
DeleteDo your homework.
You don't seem to understand that being a candidate for a political party does not have an income. He can call himself a politician or anything he lives, but he is not a paid member of parliament, or a paid member of the tory party.
Whatever else you are saying, is lost in the poor English.
'' He can call himself a politician or anything he lives''
Delete''Whatever else you are saying, is lost in the poor English.''
wd ros
Hi Ros,Perhaps if the wonderful UK police had kept their"Expertise in Policing"out of"Harms Way" of the Portugal PJ answers could have been supplied in Madeleine McCann's Abduction,sorry disappearance from apartment 5a Ocean Club,3 May 2007?
ReplyDeleteAnother interesting Aspect of the"Task Operation"from 2008/2009 then in October 2010,Operation Grange,running alongside a"Civil Court case"in Portugal,so the UK Police have never had their"Grubby smudged Fingers" off the case for the past Ten Years then?
Quite alarming,when they do not have final say on a Crime being committed in a "Foreign Country,Portugal"part of the European Union,yet Kate Gerry now turn to ECHR for determination on a civil matter?
Civil matters do not take precedent over Criminal cases!?
The UK police invited themselves onto the case and the UK Government colluded with various departments,for several months,until person's were named as "Arquidos"then the tentacles of the supply chain were withdrawn,along with the Parents 8/9 September 2007? Who then stated that,they and the Tapas 7/9 were "Now unwilling"to participate in any Reconstruction of the 3 May 2007,yet made a mockumentary by Dave Edgar E-Fits withheld for Five years?
What needs to be asked is why has so much "Protection"been given to certain parties for so long,do these parties have access to information that could influence certain mind sets?
My post 15.13,You only need to look at the Unsolved murder of Daniel Morgan 10 March 1987,to see how corrupt the UK Justice System is,various Court trails abandoned costing nearly One Billion pounds and Thirty years later still No person's found guilty to Daniels Death?
DeleteYet person's brought to court as Defendants in the collapsed Court Trails are suing the Metropolitan Police Service for the CPS failures?
How is it possible to seek"Compensation" in a collapsed Court case,when in all aspects it has not been Proven in a Court of Law,if they were Not guilty of the facts of the case,due to Incompetence,be it by the Police or CPS,they failed in their duties and still are to this day,Rest In Peace Mr Daniel Morgan,condolences to his family on this tragic case of Murder.
Then take a long look at the Tentacles wrapped around, involved in this case,the Murdoch empire,phone hacking,Leveson,this will give you some idea of the level of corruption within the UK,Justice doesn't even come close to being on the same sheet?
I'd wager that they're on the same sheet, but we will never be privy to what's written on it.And that sheet is so easy to pack into a pocket and travel around.It contains transferable 'magic'.
Ros 19:46 "I agree with him, for example, that some politicians went above and beyond, perhaps criminally so, in their interference in the original investigation."
ReplyDeleteThat's a very serious accusation you are making there Ros.
Yes, I can see the headline now 20:16 'Blogger criticises politicians' - stop the press, you are onto a winner.
Deletebut criticises them for what is the question
Delete@ Ros
DeleteIn your dreams.
ReplyDelete'Sergey Malinka, about my book: "Madeleine McCann" Collateral Damage'
Hold your breath for the tapas book,it's been Ten years of Loyalty,"Pact of silence"cat got your tongues,eh,Tapas 7/9,nothing to add to your well documented statements,as"Factual"in your words espoused from your lips,Nothing lost in Translation process,that you may rely on if appearing before a Court?
Delete"If its about making money i dont agree with it but if its genuinely about getting your side across then fair're far from the only victim in this case..names photos etc spread worldwide with no basis..happening right now with the two OC your child the files..they've all the truth anyone needs to see..2 suspects protected, never interviewed by uk never cleared by Portugal"
Maybe they don't see the tragedy as an opportunity to make money from a padded out book.
DeleteAfter 10 years of being asked to speak, the Russian speaks with a book. ''Please buy my book, '' he pleads, ''it contains a lot of sensitive information''. Does it really.The police have been waiting to hear any 'sensitive information' for ten years. Why withold it if you have nothing to lose.Probably because the police don't pay witnesses for information but the mugs who buy the book do.
DeleteDon't bring your hateful Team McCann attacks on Sergey Malinka here, I feel as though this blog is being infected your malicious mindset.
DeleteSergey has every right to tell his story, like so many, he too was a victim of vicious rumour and speculation, his life forever blighted, by the false allegations made against him.
Bravo, that he has done it in book, rather than in a Courtroom, I wish him every success.
Don't tell me, not 'Bravo' for the mother of the missing child.Same old same old.There's only one vicious mindset on this blog.It's yours.
Deletelol here we go again, if it doesn't go with her flow it must be team mcann lol
DeleteYet another leach sucking from the tragedy of a little girl.Scum.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous at 16:36
DeleteAnd you were thinking that Kate McCann is the only parent who wants to give an account of the truth?
Good answer 18:40!
DeleteYet another ugly abuse of the English Language 16:36.
DeleteRos (in correction mode)says:
Delete"Yet another ugly abuse of the English Language 16:36."
You of course realise that there should be no capital L in language in the context that you used it!
says the queen of ugly abuse
DeleteThank you 21:29, I did umm and aah over it :)
Delete@ Ros 19:33
ReplyDelete"Yet another ugly abuse of the English Language 16:36."
Ros 20:43
"Zsa Zsa loved men, and they loved her, who am I stand in judgement?"
Practise what one preaches.
21:14 I am judging, his/her abuse of the English language, not his/her character.
DeleteComprehension is not your strong point is it?
and judgement is yours ?
Delete@ Ros
DeleteIt should be: who am I to stand in judgement?
Looks like you Mccann book is slipping a long way down the list Ros.
ReplyDeleteNo problem 21:40, I'm kind of busy right now :)
DeleteOh yes Ros I forget - you are writing a book that will be published by Christmas.
DeleteI hope there's a recipe for mince pies in it.I love mince pies.
Delete"This is my story and how I was and still am involved in all this. The book is not fake. I will tell things that no one knows, but I will not point any fingers, ill let readers draw they own conclusions." - Sergey Malinka
ReplyDeleteSo, basically a 'new' slant on old gossip. Fill some pages with nothing important and point no fingers anywhere that could be of any value.From what I've read about Malinka, his 'enemies' were the police who harassed him.Him and his friend that is.And of course the tabloids of the UK got some mileage from it.His friend got a good pay day from that but not Malinka.Be interesting to know why he claims he's still involved. Does that mean he hasn't been cleared I wonder. It seems to be what that means on the internet after all. If there was no evidence to charge then he's free but it doesn't mean he's cleared. Still, good timing all this. Malinka pops up like a genie promoting a book as woman in purple is allegedly identified by the tabloids :) A fresh shoal of red herring.
DeleteAnonymous at 12:55
DeleteAccording to an article in The Telegraph by Caroline Gammell (17 Jul 2008), Sergey Malinka won compensation and an apology for libellous reports.
By ‘involved’ he might mean ‘haunted’, and that’s why he wants to tell his story, to which he is entitled.
As for “his 'enemies'“ you mention, what about Metodo 3?
Q: “Why now after so long may I ask please?”
SM: “2 month ago I had my firstborn son. I want him to have a normal life, so I have to clarify who is who in this story and how i got myself into this shit!”
"I have cooperated with both forces here in PT and when Sherlocks arrived from the UK. I got nothing to hide and have nothing to be sued for. Perfect combination." - Sergey Malinka
ReplyDeleteI'm happy Malinka is telling his story . He waited ten years in the hope the case had the closure that would clear his name . That closure has not arrived . It's fair that he gives himself that closure now . People forget that the child is not the only victim in this case . Far from it . The innocents accused of it are also victims . So are their families and friends . I look forward for all the illegal activities of the McCann hired detectives and their " benefactors " and spin doctor to be duly exposed in all its ugliness . I hope people will leave him, Murat and all the others in peace .
ReplyDeleteVery well said 11:10, Sergey was of course one of the real victims in this farce, I wonder who pointed the finger at him and why? Someone with a fondness for seizing computers methinks.
DeleteI've just seen a short video of him discussing his book, and I wish him well. His reasons are perfectly understandable, he is a new father and his name has been tainted by his association with this case.
I expect he does have a lot of sensitive information, not about the disappearance of Madeleine, but about the separate investigation being run by Team McCann. We have had snippets of how the McCanns' private detectives operated, but no-one has yet revealed the details, Sergey's book should prove interesting. And, probably devastating to the McCanns' case. They employed dodgy detectives and gave them a very dodgy agenda, their antics may form part of a case for perverting or obstructing the course of justice. I'm sure the detectives of OG, will be among the first to read Sergey's book.
I wish Sergey and his young family well, and I hope his book is a success. He has had the most heinous accusations thrown against him, and he is doing exactly the right thing, he is confronting them with the truth.
In catching up on Sergey, I ventured into the cesspit. Naturally the dotards and malcontents are tearing into this new dad pitilessly. I suspect their faces are permanently fixed in a sneer, probably why they have to keep them hidden, they haven't got a kind word or a decent thought for anybody. They are such miserable wretches, it's no wonder the place is deserted. That, and the fact that their grubby minds cannot accept that this case doesn't involve child sexual abuse, their favourite topic.
DeleteNote to SYIACM: ' was at that point, I got the mouse out of my pocket' - do let me know how I got on, lol ;)
DeleteI wished I had just closed the bleddy window. Now seen that festering pustule that is Tony Bennett implying Sergey had something deviant on his hard drive. Bennett who spends his life salivating over high profile criminal cases of a sexual nature. Special interests, what homosexuals get up to behind closed doors.
DeleteWell listen you sexually repressed, long streak of pee, men look at porn, women look at porn, all around you, people are having wild, uninhibited sex all around you. That's why they have smiles on their faces, and you look like you dropped a sixpence and found a turd.
You may want cameras in bedrooms and peeping tom rights, but most people are now aware of your creepiness, so it's never going to happen. Sodomy wins the day.
And Verdi, who, or what, are you? You preside of the cesspit like an unflushable turd, making sweeping, vitriolic statements about people you don't know, while hiding behind a screen name, too cowardly to own the poison you spew. You are an ugly, ugly, person Verdi, I can't wish you any worse than having to live with yourself.
Ros lol
Delete".it was at that point, I got the mouse out of my pocket' - do let me know how I got on, lol ;)"
Put it this way, Ros; in a battle of reputations 'twixt you and cesspit theirs rose without a trace!
You wouldn't think it possible but they actually do manage to make themselves look even more stupid when they berate others! The clattering cacophony of pots and kettles is deafening over there.
''in a battle of reputations 'twixt you and cesspit theirs rose without a trace!''
DeleteWhatever that means.You gush before you think.
To: Anonymous24 November 2017 at 15:51
DeleteYou know the phrase, "Sank without a trace"?
Well, a long time ago some wag had described some non-entity as having "Rose without a trace", as in someone completely unnoticeable to start with!
Evidently humour's not your strongest suit.
Thank you Ros. They have all been through enough.
DeleteIf CMOMM put their energy into reading the computer related PJ files he would see that nothing unpalatable was found in the computer owned by Malinka, there was something in the computer of one of his clients if memory does not fail me, but that is nothing to do with Sergey nor was it a criminal offence. A simple google search would also tell them that C Cleaner is a very normal computer programme that most companies use. The only thing found in a computer was adult porn in Murat's PC , which is perfectly legal and none of anyone's business as well as a copy of a newspaper literary section with book reviews that people like to class as pedophilia to suit theories.
I can only hope that the future will bring peace to Murat and Malinka and their families as well as the others.
If this case is to have closure or not, I don't know. It is now up to the police forces of both countries. Let's hope so.
And I pray for peace to come to the two people who lost their child.Remember them ?
Delete"the two people who lost their child"?
The McCanns urge you to remember Madeleine as a real, living and findable little girl.
And they've lost her.That's why there's a search still going on.That's why prayers should be said that she's found.
DeleteRos-''I don't need to sink to the kind of depths you are looking for 09:38, nor do those who read and post here''
ReplyDeleteRos-''I don't waste time on ill mannered, unpleasant people in the real world and don't see why I should here. ''
Ros-''you have exactly the same whiney, unpleasant nature as those you represent. ''
Ros -''That's why they have smiles on their faces, and you look like you dropped a sixpence and found a turd. ''
Ros- '' You preside of the cesspit like an unflushable turd, making sweeping, vitriolic statements about people you don't know,''
Ros- ''You are an ugly, ugly, person Verdi, I can't wish you any worse than having to live with yourself.''
It doesn't matter how many coats of sugar you cover it with, nature will still find it's way through and blow the game. Well done, Ros. This sophisticated world view you profess to have really serves you well.Rather like your education and charm. I'v read your often mad ranting on and off for a while. I've looked closely to see if there is one redeeming quality you possess. It should have shown by now. But you're only sincere when expressing ill will, bad wishes and spitting like a snake.Everything else you try to pass off looks strained and fake.
If my personality and character were fake, wouldn't I pretend to be a successful person? telling stories of my perfect home, my perfect relationships, my perfect life? If I were creating a character for myself, she would have a Jerry Seinfeld car, a string of lovers and lots of diamonds! Nah, I'd probably be Agatha Christie, roaming the world and being mysterious. More likely, I would be a mad old dog woman with a house full of rejected mutts. One of my all time favourite films is 'Hotel for Dogs' - it's a Masterpiece!
DeleteBut I am digressing, don't know where that came from, maybe it's a couple of lines from some sort of online personality shop.
This sophisticated view I profess to have, where do I get it from? Ditto, my education and charm (why, thank you), if it's not mine, who's is it? Who am I emulating? Kate McCann, Tony Bennett? Do tell.
Tis true, I emulate those I admire, writers, artists, TV and movie stars. The kind of charm and good manners that make me stop and think, I wish I could be like that. Mostly, I emulate writers I love, writers who can bring their own kindness and decency to their texts. Harper Lee for example, told a powerful story through the eyes of a child, she didn't preach about racial injustice, she followed the finest writers' dictum 'Show, Don't Tell'. The simplicity and innocence of her words, explained the consequences of racism to generations of schoolchildren, and I have no doubt, contributed to the change in US dynamics.
I am same person on here as I am in the real world, and those around me, love me/forgive me for it. I have a sunny nature, I chat to strangers, they chat to me. I especially like it if I can bring a smile to the face of someone who looks sad, something I seem to have gift for. Virtually everyone I meet treats me with courtesy and respect, probably because that's how I treat them. You should try it sometime.
You may have a fair point with not one redeeming quality, doesn't love of dogs count? Also a maker of sublime sponge cakes? My list of faults, is indeed endless, tis true, but that again begs the question, wouldn't a fake me be faultless?
But you do pretend to be a successful person. You pretend to have been a great teacher, great author , a great 'investigator' and great commentator on things you know less about than is acceptable.You were probably a great double glazing salesperson too. As for the 'mad old dog woman', well, you said that.Incidentally, that personality shop sounds good.Have you made a Christmas list yet ?
DeleteI hate to correct the Queen of all things English, but I'm not sure you grasp the subtle difference between 'emulate' and 'imitate'. You don't emulate the people you mention. Don't be so conceited ( for once), you imitate them( poorly). Perhaps you should try to emulate the 'sunny nature' character you claim you already are, because it doesn't show on here.Quite the opposite in fact. Even your 'regular contributors' are thinning out judging by the contributions to your crusade.
Keep up the good work with the sponge cakes, and let's hope that one day you develop an affinity with human beings to rival the one you have with the dogs you love.
''but that again begs the question, wouldn't a fake me be faultless?''
Not at all. She'd share her flaws thoughout her self- aggrandising in case the conceitedness and nastiness gave the game away.
@ Anon 13:29 and 16:18
DeleteExcellent comments - I agree with you.
@Anonymous24 November 2017 at 16:18
DeleteFor what reason are you humiliating, insulting and offending Rosalinda? Why do you not discuss the Madeleine case or Rosalinda’s view on it instead of attacking her personally.
I don’t know who you are Anon….. , but I can always guess what you are, and that could be a person, who tries to project his/her own shortcomings onto someone he/she dislikes, whose life he/she cannot possibly know more about than anyone else, who has got to know Rosalinda through her blog.
If your intention is to discourage those, who agree to Rosalinda’s basic view on the Madeleine case, from commenting on her blog, who, unlike yourself, have something worth saying about the Madeleine case, I believe that your attempt will most certainly have the right opposite effect.
If I would feel a need to say something very nasty about or to a specific person, whom I believe deserves it, I ‘d of course do so in my own name, or at least under pseudonym, but never ever anonymously as you do.
@Anonymous24 November 2017 at 18:35
"Excellent comments - I agree with you"
I'm impressed by your ironic comment.Just excellent!
And then there were three (stooges).
DeleteBjorn, you seem to be deliberately ignoring the volume of insulting remarks and attacks Rosalinda dishes out aren't you ?If she feels at liberty to do it then she should expect to receive the reaction sooner or later. The simple solution would be to be less insulting in the first place. Good manners begets good manners and civility costs nothing. There is no need to be so crass.
Please spare me the child's guide to psychology with all that projection stuff. What I say, or anyone says, has little bearing on whether or not people make what you refer to as 'something worth saying' ( or, agreeing with Ros). If they want to post, I'm sure they will. If they don't want to, maybe they just don't want to for any number of reasons. Have you imagined what they could be at all ?
You say if you 'felt the need to say something nasty about a person' and then go on to bla bla..I'd estimate that around 98% of your posts do just that.What does anonymity have to do with words that appear on a blog ? The content of the text is more important.Names mean nothing do they .
Your insults against me are not retribution for what I have said to others 00:55, they are an attack on my character and personality. You are simply the latest in a long string of McCann supporters and malcontents who have made pathetic attempts at psychologically profiling me.
DeleteHonesty and humour seem to be completely alien to you 00:55, I can see why it makes you so uncomfortable. It happens in the real world too, my honesty can be very disarming, I see it all the time. Some, like yourself, visibly squirm and go bright red, especially those wearing suits trying to sound authoritative. It's a gift, one I try to use sparingly, but one I get a certain amount of pleasure from when the need arises. I once pulled up a Judge for not speaking to me respectfully - he apologised.
When I read your post 00:55, my first thoughts were who the fuck do you think you are coming on here with 'rules' for my blog. 'You dish it out, you get it back'. Err, this is my blog. You don't get to make any rules, and you don't get to invite more of your miserable ilk on here to insult me personally.
But kudos to you. You have on this occasion managed to bring the level of discussion down to that of the cesspit and the myths forums - your natural habitat. But don't get used to it.
Dear Ros, do you seriously believe that you have to have your character and personality 'profiled' in order to see how embittered and nasty you are ? Don't be silly. It speaks for itself. And please, don't delude yourself that anyone observing what you are about has to be from your mythological 'team McCann' because you're so dangerous. If they exist they probably scratch their heads if they read your nonsense.Many people an see what your true colours are.You're not exactly deep and complex are you. You're a one trick pony.
DeleteHonesty and humour are far from alien to me.Don't try to 'read' what is and isn't. Confine that to the stories and scenarios you get yourself lost in on here .Keep it simple for your own sake.You don't have any gifts that you use sparingly.You have a flair for rudeness and arrogance. It's a shame you can't use them sparingly.
''But kudos to you. You have on this occasion managed to bring the level of discussion down to that of the cesspit and the myths forums - your natural habitat. But don't get used to it. ''
And kudos to you( to adopt your pseudo americanism) for demonstrating yet again why your guessing is a waste of time.The discussion on your various little blogs here always reaches depths as soon as you start your preaching and fantasising. Let other people discuss things .Your natural unpleasantness repels contributors who could raise your blog out of the gutter.Alas, you seem determined to keep it down there with you.
How come my natural unpleasantness doesn't repel you 13:33, you're always here?
DeleteWell, this is all very nice is it not.
ReplyDeleteRos - have you seen the film "The Infiltrator" (2016)?
ReplyDeleteIt is excellent and I highly recommend it - based on a true story.
Now think journalist looking for a tasty story. Now think SixYearsInaComaMan and how he is seducing you with his "nice" comments.
I will leave you to ponder and muse.
I wish he'd hurry up and get it done then.The blog is beginning to look like a wall full of teenage graffiti. A wink and a smile would have done the job but they don't provide emojies on here .Tasty story btw ? Really ?
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous24 November 2017 at 18:53
ReplyDeleteSeducing Ros? I'm an infiltrator? Looking for a tasty story?
Well, I wouldn't mind a few of Ros's scones and jam, I'll give you that!
I think I will paraphrase Ros. STOP PRESS! WOMAN WRITES BLOG!
What a scoop, eh? Pulitzer Prize here I come.
AKA, DangerMouseInMyPocket lmao!
@ SixYearsInaComaMan - maybe you could give us a link to the last article you had published - you know - just to show that you are a genuine journalist as you claim?
ReplyDeleteI believe there is noting wrong with that request unless you believe that posting on here will damage your career.
To 24 November 2017 at 21:23
DeleteYour FOI request has been denied. Meanwhile, it's my career choice.
LOL SYIACM, quite right too!
DeleteLOL I have tasty scones, and this afternoon will have a tasty Victoria Sponge, but that I have a tasty story is a revelation.
DeleteI love being seduced by nice words, who doesn't? As someone who hands out nice words to others freely and generously, I know, there doesn't have to be an ulterior motive. The pleasure derives from the knowledge that you have, even if only momentarily, made another human being feel better about themselves. It's a nice feeling, and one I suspect you are not familiar with.
I tend not to be suspicious of people who are nice to me, because I'm just not that paranoid. I'm a nice person, why shouldn't they be? lol.
Ps. I know who SYIACM is, and I also advised him to tell you professional stalkers nothing. I'm delighted he's denied your FOI request!
DeleteHi Ros!
DeleteI enjoy coming here and always happy to say so.
We both grew up in an era of respect for adults, policemen and doctors and minding our manners. Our formative years instilled politeness - always say please and thank you. These days, people are way too cynical and could not countenance, that, if you like something or someone, you can be vocal in praising it or them without some underhand motive. Being polite costs nothing and cheering others up is reward in itself.
We have been criticised by professionals, but in a constructive way. Initially it can be hard to swallow but you get used to it, learn from it and you just get better at what you do.
Abuse, though, is a different matter. No one should have to suffer that. So you don't suffer fools gladly. Good. Neither do I. If this was my blog I would be far more vitriolic; but as a guest, it behoves me to behave and abide by the house rules, the tiny few that there are! You know, offer the last bit of cake to the host (damnit lol!). I noticed than Bjorn comes in for unnecessary criticism by some - yet you couldn't be more polite than him. If anyone wants 'nasty' there's always the cesspit...
P.S. Always glad of good advice, Ros ;-)
@Anonymous24 November 2017 at 21:23
As for myself, I see no reason as to why I, or anybody else, should question what SixYearsInaComaMan or other commentators here say about their professions or backgrounds, as it doesn’t really have so much to do with what is said regarding the Madeleine case.
My Swedish identity has very little to do with my view on the Madeleine case, but I've revealed it, because I thought that it might be of some interest, especially as someone, a few blogs ago, obviously suspected that I was a Russian or something else.
Suppose you meet an interesting person at a party, who presents himself as a journalist and starts to talk to you and others about what he’s interested in and then goes on expressing his views on British politics, would you then, instead of participating in such a discussion ask him if he can refer to any articles that he’s written in any newspaper on the subject in question?
I wouldn’t, because I don’t go to any party, suspecting to meet false people and hoping to reveal their “true” identities. Associating, as we, in fact, are, here on Rosalinda’s blog would be very unpleasant, just as it would be in life in general, if we would constantly go around being suspicious about everything and even question what our newly made friends claim that their occupations and backgrounds are.
Well said, Björn.
DeleteI wish I could speak Swedish as well as you speak English!
You only have to look at the live feed to see that Ros's blog attracts people from all over the world.
The wider the opinion the better.
Each of us brings something different to the debate and all get a hearing here, perhaps the only remaining platform that offers that opportunity.
Delete''Associating, as we, in fact, are, here on Rosalinda’s blog would be very unpleasant, just as it would be in life in general, if we would constantly go around being suspicious about everything''
''I don’t know who you are Anon….. , but I can always guess what you are, and that could be a person, who tries to project his/her own shortcomings onto someone he/she dislikes, ''
''I ‘d of course do so in my own name, or at least under pseudonym, but never ever anonymously as you do.''
Yes, very unpleasant indeed.
Anonymous22 November 2017 at 10:33
ReplyDelete@ Ros:
Who are "Team McCann"?
Bump for Ros.
Anonymous 21:25
ReplyDeleteClarence Mitchell, Richard Branson, Michael Caplan QC, Angus McBride, Carlos Pinto de Abreu, John McCann, Esther McVey and Philomena McCann.
Don't you know?
Thankyou for your input. My post was directed at Ros.
DeleteAhh, you are spoiling their fun 22:46, they want the thrill of hearing me say their names :)
Delete1. Because they want to know what I know, and
2. They are trying to build a case for libel
I always understood Team McCann to be the very proactive family, as referred to by Gerry's brother John, in a very smug interview he gave to Sky.
Putting 'Team' in front a name was much in vogue at the time, and it certainly captured the spirit of the small army of relatives, friends, priests, bridesmaids and extended family who flew out to PDL.
However, as the summer of 2007 went on, the term 'Team McCann', sounded tacky, and a more than a tad sinister. Kate used her book Madeleine to blame it on Justine McGuiness. In doing so of course, she revealed it as a sensitive, Who are Team McCann? Who is the leader of Team McCann? What is the agenda of Team McCann? Did Team McCann conspire to pervert the course of justice? Let's hope they didn't get badges made.
''Ahh, you are spoiling their fun''
Delete''1. Because they want to know what I know, and''
2. They are trying to build a case for libel''
They ? Paranoia gone mad. Who are these 'they' btw ? Nobody thinks you know anything.Not if they've read this blog anyway fgs.
Anonymous 13:37
Delete"Not if they've read this blog anyway fgs."
In spite of your 'punctual' contributions?
I wouldn’t be so sure.
"Paranoia gone mad"
DeleteMost definitely.
Anon 24 Nov 22.46
DeleteNot forgetting the infamous Pamela Gurney (God knows who she is in real life, I hate to think), who writes such crap on Twitter #McCanns. She seems to live on a planet of her own making, not to mention looking into a crystal ball for help, and derides anyone who says anything against the McCanns in such a vitriol way, yet the McCanns have never told her to - "shut the f*ck up", you're embarrassing us as parents of a missing child - so is she a McCann, or someone else from the extended family?
OK. We'll take it she knows a lot but chooses to start blogs about everything else instead.
DeleteWho made that team up ? Are we plucking out famous faces randomly ? Adding a token family member or two ? Esther McVey ?'re being silly now. Still 9 Vs the combines army of 2 police forces ? And the match is still in play ? naaa
ReplyDeleteKate McCann:
ReplyDelete"Sheree [Dodd] had thought ‘Team McCann’ was quite punchy and suggested a united, determined and resourceful group, which is what we were."
Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton25 November 2017 at 12:54
ReplyDeletePs. I know who SYIACM is
That explains a lot.
To: Anonymous25 November 2017 at 17:25
ReplyDeleteCare to elaborate?
@ SixYearsInaComaMan
DeleteNo - I also don't do FOI requests.
(I will miss out the pillock bit)