Tuesday, 14 April 2020


I am struggling just now to find the kind of news I want about Covid-19.  I want to know, with examples, how the virus spread, the beginnings of each cluster and how the virus was passed on.  Was it through the schools, the shops, the physical contact or simply sharing the same air?  Did the UK do contact tracting?  Is there a crack team investigating how the virus works, where are the most likely places to come into contact with it?  Is it on trains, buses, in taxi cabs, shops, on the paper and plastic bags we collect our food in?  Is it on our food, should we disinfect our salad and tins?  I want to know the nitty gritty.  I want to know the hot spots in my area, I want to know where the contagion originated, where it came from, how it will spread.  I want to know how all those people who are staying in are doing?  Have any of them caught the virus, even though they have stuck to all the rules?

I looked at carehomes for the elderly as an example.  I wanted to know how the virus spreads so rapidly between patients who are, presumably confined within their own rooms.  Is it brought in by visitors?  Or is it being spread by doctors, nurses and carers who are not being tested and who are not being supplied with PPE?   Sadly, it is more likely to be the latter.  Those countries that have flattened the curve, have been meticulous in making sure their key workers on the front line have the protection they need.  

To be fair, I have not researched these questions too intently, I'm not absolutely sure I want to know the answers.  Silly of course, because once you have all the information you can calm your own fears.  Information gives you the power to make your own choices, to assess the risks 

If I were younger, I would probably be eager for life to return as it was.  During my twenties and thirties, I would literally weep when I could not go out.  I guess I even enjoyed going to work every day, I mostly worked in the City of London as a temporary secretary for decades, spent nearly two of them in one firm alone!  I didn't understand the philosophy behind 'Greed is Good'*, but I was fully onboard with the partying.  I worked in an area where the lunchtime pubs were filled with derrivatives traders on manic highs, it was hard to tell their ages as most were burned out by their thirties.  Always up for a good party though!  Young people must be going demented, at the prime of their life they are stuck indoors.  Thank heavens they have social media.  They must be suffering far more from the social isolation than their elders.  For we elders I think, the staying in will be months rather than weeks.

As my regular readers know, I am obsessed at the moment with US news and the antics of Donald Trump especially.  In a world that is becoming increasingly unreal, his being President of the USA is perhaps the most bizarre.  I watched his press conference last night, his worst to date, astonished that his wall of enablers didn't bat an eyelid, as he claimed to have absolute power and raged at journalists.  I only caught the tail end so didn't see the campaign ad, as fascinating as Trump the Insane is, his rambling off of statistics and tributes to himself are repetitive and boring.  I usually just opt for the highlights on twitter.  Will Trump ever reach the point where he should clearly be taken away in a straight jacket? And will the people lined up on the Praise Trump wall acknowledge it?  Will Ivanka and Jared hold onto an elbow each and prop him up 'Weekend At Bernies' style, when he starts dribbling and talking about the old MAGA days?  Has anyone checked to see if he is actually alive?  He keeps repeating himself over and over, the tape may be stuck?

But I wandered.  My kindest wishes to all who keep popping in, even the grumpy ones.  These are strange and surreal times, and it is hard to stay strong when there is so much to fear.  But, as every disaster film will tell you, staying strong is the key to survival.  Healthy food, daily exercise, reading facts from reliable sources will keep the fears in perspective.  Take care.  

*Gordon Gecko, Wall Street


  1. What you should want is some truth about Covid-19, Not what you merely want to hear.

    Don't hold your breath.So far we have more behaviourists monitoring us than we have scientists watching the virus.We have Trump saying it's clever because it's resisted antibiotics when all viruses do that anyway.To his right, sticking out of his neck like a conjoined twin, is Fauci.One more U-turn from him and he'll fall on his backside.He's deep state. He isn't affiliated to a party he's there to serve whoever gets in.He was kind- and psychic enough- to tell us( yes tell, not guess) that the next administration( Trump) would have a surprise pandemic.I think we have a different definition of 'surprise'.

    In the UK the Imperial College London have 'computer models' who face the press news we were looking at 500,000 deaths.By an IT expert.After being humiliated by David Icke, David Icke's piece was taken down, and the IT giant adjusted his projection to 20,000. Slight difference.That's what happens when you have no knowledge of the pathogen or DNA of a virus, knowledge of it's origin or power, and base projections on little more than smoke and a pay cheque.

    Globally we have the king of IT- BIll Gates who has never attended a class in medicine.He's a computer genius but now the 'leading expert' on viruses( well he can boast the invention of the computer virus and we're heading for the world of AI i suppose).The richest individual in the world has a plan for global vaccinations.Fancy that. The long held wet dream of the new world order.So his wealth and connections make up his credentials as an expert in this.Nobody has identified the virus so can't create a vaccine-it's impossible.The Wuhan market thing was 'fake nooz' apparently.But The 21 stolen vials really happened. I have provided good links on previous thread.

    Today we have an American Dr on cam talking to a news anchor and telling him he has a 7 page document outlining how to massage figures.As an example he speaks of an 86 year old lady who died of pneumonia.That's official.Her son was later tested for coronavirus( not covid-19) and showed symptoms.He had to ut Covid-19 as cause of death.this is NOT conspiracy theory.

    Why can't the military branch of heroes call on the old folk who are being left by self-isolating care workers and give them their meds and a meal ?Because they're too busy playing martial law in the streets with the other heroes, the police.

    California looks favourite to be the worm that turns.If i wa a bookie I'd make them 6/4. In England i wouldn't be so sure.But Liverpool has often been a leader in aggro.Pool tax riots,Dockers marches, Toxteth. It could kick off.People have a point of no return.The behaviourists are monitoring it.The more dramatic the headline, the more doom-laden the message and the more oppressive the delivery, the closer the flame gets to the end of the fuse.

    The key to survival is to question everything and be careful what you swallow.Wash it 3 times first.

    Sgt Zee

    Here's Trump getting schooled by a woman..that's gotta sting..an enjoyable 3 minutes


    1. Taten sagen mehr als Wörter, und Worte sind gut, wenn Taten folgen. Außerordentliche Übel erfordern außerordentliche Opposition. Dies ist nichts für schwache Nerven


    2. @ 00:35

      Nice one. Is it you, Bronstein? Forget the axe, come back - all is forgiven. You’ve been awarded Lenin Peace Prize and given an Order of Lenin. Our fight must now continue. Let’s get those bastards. I’ve got a plan.


    3. Excellent. I've got sarnies and cola cubes..let no meadow escape our riot..:)

      Sgt (Fury) Zee

    4. That’s furious! I’ve told Kaganovich to put it to Cygnet Committee that your Let No Meadow Escape Our Riot be the Party’s new motto. The ‘for’ vote will be unanimous. We are in business, Bronie. The World’s our oyster which with sword will open, and the merry wives of Windsor will waltz to our tune! Back to the USSR! Vorwärts nach Westen!

      Let’s drink to the hard-working people! Let’s drink to the salt of the earth.

      Keep the sarnies fresh. Can’t wait to embrace you.



    5. What would you say about this, comrade Lev?

      Edward Snowden and the STELLARWIND report

    6. 05:30

      I raise my sword. A filthy habit i know in these sobering times.I lead the proles onward.Today we take the Ministry of Truth. Tomorrow we take Manhattan . Here's to Winston S. Let's skewer the demons on our lances. And if it rhymes we'll fall about in dances..I love you madly, sadly as i tie my shoes..we can force you to be free..

      Fetch the horses Comrade Jo..

  2. PS - important



    1. Anonymous 15 April 2020 at 00:55

      Thank you for the link.

      A Viral Pandemic or A Crime Scene?

      A Viral Pandemic or A Crime Scene?

    2. We remember the election..it was weeks ago.The Tory ?Zion media and other backstabbers joined forces to call Corbyn a distasteful anti-semite.Some of his own yellow party walked just for effect.No specific examples of the alleged anti semitism were offered.They still haven't been.We now realise they were all lies. But,the public bought it on the whole. They do that.It's a bad habit.

      The bone of contention Corbyn was eagerly wanting to chew over with Johnson in the debates was health.In particular, his earlier secret meetings with Trump that centred around the future of the NHS( clap everyone).Corbyn was adamant that Johnson and Co were in bed with the Trmp creature and his masters.Johnson refused to discuss it beyond calling it lies.He can't pronounce fake nooz.It seems like a year ago. It was just over 12 weeks.Come forward to today and the world being under threat.And we all look at China( not it's links to America).

      Just prior to the 'surprise' pandemic The King of Vaccines stood down form his CEO position at Microsoft.Other magnates and moguls did the same in their respective businesses.As though they new a storm was close.

      In 2017 Gates warned( promised?) that we were unprepared for a pandemic.Same year 2017 Fauci tells ( threatens?) the world it 'will' happen . In 2017, just prior to the above, India, Mexico, and Africa remove the Gates foundation and it's programme following the revelations of how much havoc it had caused and how many laws they had broken.The supreme court in India will be sitting soon.The WHO broke with the foundation too. Thieves were falling out..America and the UK threatened to stop paying in to the WHO because they didn't see the money being well spent.

      Today, Trump made the announcement.No more cash.It's a finger pointing exercise.Everyone look at the WHO- not me, my handlers Fauci ( deep state) and Bill gates ( deep state).

      It's all in the timing.

      Sgt Zee

      Bobby Kennedy Jr has their number.


      The document telling Drs to lie


      The money in it for Drs / hospitals to massage the facts and stats


      A brief pen portrait of Gates
      Messiah Complex

      “A complex psychological state when a person believes that he or she is a saviour today or he or she will be in the near future. This kind of psychological issue is usually acquired by patients who have schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. It is true that people can always be a saviour. However, acting as the saviour of the whole world is somewhat impossible.”

    3. Sargent Sawdust

      Soon it will have been five years since you joined the blog. Are you making arrangements to celebrate the jubilee? Some sarnies and pedicure for gentlemen, perhaps champagne for ladies?

    4. Comrade, i have played a blinder with astonishing regularity here as you have witnessed.I have enjoyed this little oasis. It's proved to be an occasional respite from a variety of Hells i daren't describe.But now, as my most recent ahead-of-the-game prediction looks to be eerily close to being on the money again ( i said there'd be a re opening by May 1 lat week when everyone was saying next year) i think the ladies can make their own arrangements.Or, as a compromise in the name of the woke movement and snowflakes everywhere, they can have the pedicures.I'll take the bubbles.Let us raise a glass to the death of the controller virus and sing bawdy songs..

      Sgt Zee

    5. Zee

      Your post that had preceded your PS 15 April 2020 at 00:55 disappeared a couple of days ago. Has someone been amending historical records?

  3. Biden Taps Coronavirus 'Expert' Who Thinks 75 is the Perfect Age To Die

  4. Multiculturalism in the Age of Coronavirus
    by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D. , April 14, 2020

  5. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/15/five-months-on-what-scientists-now-know-about-coronavirus-covid-19

  6. Raging Wildfires Move Closer To Chernobyl Nuclear Plant, Prompting Radiation Fears

  7. The Closing of 21 Million Cell Phone Accounts in China May Suggest a High CCP Virus Death Toll

  8. Ros: "I usually just opt for the highlights on twitter."

    Do you think that may be a problem with your analysis of things Ros - your twitter pals influencing you?

    Or do you think you should spend more time doing as you say "reading facts from reliable sources will keep the fears in perspective".

    When you spend all your time on "social media" and not in the real World then you will struggle to understand anything. Hence your list of questions in your blog post,

    1. @ 23:46

      Indecent proposal? :)

    2. @ Anonymous17 April 2020 at 14:48

      @ 23:46

      Indecent proposal? :)

      Maybe you could explain your useless comment.

      It adds nothing to any discussion. It has no Humour. It is a nonsense comment.

      Apparently it gets past Ros's filter,

    3. Anonymous17 April 2020 at 17:08

      @ Anonymous17 April 2020 at 14:48


      I can, briefly. Ros is very interested in American films. Indecent Proposal is an Am film. If one likens Ros and Twitter to a married couple, then your suggestion @23:46 might be seen as an ‘indecent’ proposal by a third party. We have a different sense of humour, that’s all

      Thank you. I mean no offence.

      Good wishes.

  9. Ros what is going on with your blog. There seems to be stupid posts by someone trying to be clever - zid, ziggy, sgt zee, Sargent Sawdust.

    Do you not realise Ros that it makes your blog a playground for stupid people?

    Maybe at some stage you will make this blog for adults who can discuss the very serious problem that we have right now in a serious manner.

    Unless of course you want to just "muse".

    1. “There seems to be stupid posts by someone trying to be clever - zid, ziggy, sgt zee, Sargent Sawdust.”

      Come down, Jesus, and tell me what You see… “seems” seems to be the key word. “stupid” sounds unnecessarily offensive. I have difficulty with “trying”. However, Sargent Sawdust’s contributions to the blog are invaluable, imho. Speak now, Jesus.

      None are as blind as those who refuse to see. We can agree to differ on this if you wish.

      “Unless of course you want to just "muse".”

      Offending Ros offends me, and you know what I’m like…

      Take care.

    2. Anonymous17 April 2020 at 16:35

      ''Ros what is going on with your blog. There seems to be stupid posts by someone trying to be clever - zid, ziggy, sgt zee, Sargent Sawdust.''

      ( It's Sergeant to you)

      ''Do you not realise Ros that it makes your blog a playground for stupid people?''

      What a quality and reasoned argument. Perhaps you could elaborate.Playground ? Stupid People ? Can you qualify these observations or were you having domestic problems in this insane lock down. Can i email you a file in a cake ?

      ''Maybe at some stage you will make this blog for adults who can discuss the very serious problem that we have right now in a serious manner.''

      But surely then you'd comprehend the content even less than you do now, old sport.

      Take counsel : It's never too late to keep quiet :)

    3. @ 16:35

      feel free to join or start such a discussion or at least make a positive contribution to one when you've stopped stamping your feet.

    4. @ Anonymous19 April 2020 at 06:43

      @ 16:35

      Did you not notice that my comment said what in my opinion is wrong with this blog - i.e. stupid comments. To help you - look back at the first comment and the replies. Now I am sure that you believe that the following comment is valid:

      "Anonymous17 April 2020 at 05:30

      Excellent. I've got sarnies and cola cubes..let no meadow escape our riot..:)

      Sgt (Fury) Zee"

      Maybe you made that comment or joined that "conversation"

      I then suggested a constructive solution "Maybe at some stage you will make this blog for adults who can discuss the very serious problem that we have right now in a serious manner."

      You may believe that my comments were stamping my feet.
      I suggest that you add nothing to the blog.

    5. Anonymous 23 April 2020 at 19:26

      Have you added anything to the blog, say, over the last three months?

  10. There is only on person saying things as it is.

    That is Govr Cuomo.

    1. There's a growing army of medical people( as opposed to software billionaires and ponzi scheme pharma pigs) calling it now.Took their time but they have it sussed too at last.

  11. Sgt Zee: "i said there'd be a re opening by May 1 lat week when everyone was saying next year"

    You are wrong wrong wrong. The partial lockdown in the UK has been extended to AT LEAST 7 May.

    1. the quote you're re-shaping was actually :

      ''looks to be eerily close to being on the money again ( i said there'd be a re opening by May 1 last week when everyone was saying next year)''

      Do i have to also explain what 'close to' means ? And who mentioned the UK ?

      Try harder

  12. Rosalinda dear, some of my comments don’t get published. The two today: @12:13 and @14:36. Would you mind having a look, please?

  13. Captain Zee reporting from the front..

    This just in for those who still have doubts.Spread the word far and wide from your self isolation bunkers..take note of the date of publication ..


    and for good measure..we have all had it drummed into us how St Bill of Gates warned it was coming..and that he had his rehearsal - I mean drill - Just before Xmas. Fauci, his business partner- i mean man of science- also told us. Yet they did this in March just in time for the sudden shock virus..


    yw..now spread it..

  14. Look who's back. Former Israeli asset and Tory plant Blair. I had a feeling we'd see his evil eyes soon. As soon as it came out that the whole 'Corbyn is an anti semite don't vote labour' shit was exposed as a media spin trick sponsored by them i cold hear him breathing in the wings waiting to save face.Maybe Boris has sent him a cheque.Or some other member of the elite lazy scumbags. Anyway, here's his latest bullshit propaganda . Over to you Mr friend of Gates.


  15. Well it is lucky that nothing has happened or changed since your blog on 14 Apr Ros.

    You must be so busy that your "regular", repeat and "loyal" readers can just take a hike and eff off until you get your arse in gear.

  16. Well I can't make sense of the comments these days 18:31, and they certainly do not inspire me, and as you would know if you are a regular reader, it is the comments I look to for inspiration.

    I have to say you have caught me in the middle of a severe case of boredom and cabin fever - I have run out of things to binge watch on Netflix and even my beloved Tudors and Versailles are failing to help me escape reality. I think I have reached that point where I want to go running around screaming like a mad woman, but I'm holding it off until it rains so I can add to the drama.

    You 18:31 seem to be hurt by my absence. I'm deeply touched that I am sure you did not mean it that way. I actually appreciate my readers far more than you can imagine 18:31, the best gift you can give a person is your time, and I am eternally grateful that my readers still have time for me. I agree I do not deserve it, my undecided phase is dragging for sure.

    What would you like to talk about? I am afraid part of me died with the Brexit election and the horrendous treatment of those few good men and women who fought so hard to bring equality to the UK. I feel we have stepped back in time, not just backwards but to the right as well, like a rook in a game of chess.

    I can't handle it and that's the truth, thus my head remains very much in the sand. I observe politics, quite keenly actually, but I hold back from getting emotionally involved, which of course, is not really conducive to writing. Writing needs passion and I'm all out.

    But I am duly scolded, I will do a new blog :)

    1. @ Rosalinda Hutton23 April 2020 at 20:55

      "Well I can't make sense of the comments these days 18:31, and they certainly do not inspire me, and as you would know if you are a regular reader, it is the comments I look to for inspiration."

      Well you may make that as an excuse but it is you that posts the comments. They go through your vetting procedure and then you post them.

      The comments make no sense to anybody because they are designed to be rubbish and make a mockery of your blog. It has been going on for years - you have banned Zig - in various different forms numerous times. You told people on here not to use stupid names - but you still allow the posts.

      If you are just looking for comment numbers then just carry on with it. But let me ask you Ros - why did you allow the following comments and what do you think it did for your blog?

      Anonymous16 April 2020 at 00:11
      @ 00:35
      Nice one. Is it you, Bronstein? Forget the axe, come back - all is forgiven. You’ve been awarded Lenin Peace Prize and given an Order of Lenin. Our fight must now continue. Let’s get those bastards. I’ve got a plan.

      Anonymous17 April 2020 at 05:30
      Excellent. I've got sarnies and cola cubes..let no meadow escape our riot..:)
      Sgt (Fury) Zee"

      Now you may tell me and others may tell me not to try to stop free speech and who am I to to try to limit what people say on here - your blog - but for God's sake Ros if you can't see the difference between censorship and sensible control then your blog can die the death it should have done years ago.

    2. Ros says:

      "What would you like to talk about? I am afraid part of me died with the Brexit election and the horrendous treatment of those few good men and women who fought so hard to bring equality to the UK. I feel we have stepped back in time, not just backwards but to the right as well, like a rook in a game of chess."

      Are you taking the effing piss Ros? You are stuck in a time warp of Brexit depression. Get over it.

      You ask what I would like to talk about? Look at your blog title you lazy arse - it is what is going on right now - are you so fucking stupid.

    3. I'm sorry 21:19 but I am laughing my head off at 'you lazy arse'. Tis true, I have often during my life been a 'lazy arse', but I don't think anyone has pointed it out so graphically. I'm afraid I do not have a 'protestant' or Presbyterian work ethic. I have no inclination to break stones for the sake of it or scrub doorsteps to impress my neighbours. My idea of work and your idea of work, are probably entirely different.

      I seek enlightenment, always, there are not enough hours in a day, enough allotted years, 3 score years and 10, seems measly when you are in your 60s. There is so much I don't yet know, so many things I have not seen. Now I have the freedom to travel to follow my dreams, the world has shut down, and that might be it for me, all I have will be my memories, and at this point in my train of thought, I am Elaine Page dressed as a mangy cat with mascara running down my cheeks.

      Am I so f**king stupid you ask, for not talking about the coronavirus pandemic that is engulfing us. What do you want me to say? That it is much, much worse, than the government and media are telling us? That is literally part 1 of every pandemic, contagion, zombie film. The 'people' are always the last to know.

      I actually remain sceptical (with a 'c' grrr) about conspiracy, tin foil hat theories and such like. Unleashing a global pandemic is not a good tactic for a capitalist or communist society. This covid virus is showing all the signs of being as random as the 1918 flu. The 1918 flu, the Spanish flu, was labelled as Spanish because Spain as a neutral country in WWI was able to publish news about the global pandemic.

      I think we should look at conspiracy theories in a logical, logistical and reasonable manner. Most conspiracy theories can be dismissed once you apply logic. And, applying the logic of a seasoned old double glazing salesman, the answer to EVERY, double underlined and in bold, every, question is money. As a young innocent (yeah, I know, go with it), I was quite taken aback by this introduction to hard hearted cynicism, the inner catholic maid, was thinking 'surely not'. But yep, he was right, not just in selling windows, but in everything.

      I do not know how to allay your fear 21:19, but if ranting at me helps, so be it. I am keeping myself occupied by digging below the headlines, that is I am using as many sources as possible to find the truth of what is going on. Now as a depressive, I am used to shutting out things that I don't want to know, that I can't cope with, that gets me into all sorts of trouble, But when it is facing your/my greatest fear, I have always managed, thus far, to find the strength to get back up again and carry on fighting. I think I am going to ask for Chumba Whumba to be among my funeral songs.

    4. What we are living through now, is an entirely new phenomenon, hating to sound like Trump, no one has ever experienced anything like this before. Our nearest comparison is 1918, but we are pretty much following the medieval practices carried out during the Great Plague of 1665. Historians might say, the great plague of 1665 was eradicated by the Great Fire of London in 1666, but it stopped and went away.

      The same could be said of the pandemic in 1918 (please Trump advisors put him right), in that it eventually disappeared, a year plus later. The measures put in place to stop the spread, just like now, worked, but it took a second, much more virulent wave of the virus to drum into them how it important it was to maintain social distancing.

      I don't think I'm stupid 21:19, though I can see others would beg to differ, but I am confused as to what it is I could or should do. Can I make others feel better? Yeah, sure, by demeaning myself so they don't feel so bad. Can I reassure them that everything will be OK, hell no, I am currently considering rewatching The Walking Dead, so I know what to do in the early stages before law and order breaks down. I even find myself referring to those testing positive for Covid-19 as the Infected.

      Now, I am as placid and chilled as Snoop Dog, but even I, am experiencing hostile feelings of stay away from me when I line up to buy groceries. I used to love people, now I think, stay away or I will stab you in the head. I spend my life looking for scary films to watch, now I just watch old shows of people shaking hands and hugging.

      I can't offer any advice 21:19, except perhaps learn kung fu and how to make a nutritional meal out of a tin of a tin of cannellini beans with a tube of freeze dried garlic and a sprouting onion. My lazy arse I am afraid has been unable to solve this global pandemic, but meanwhile I recommend dancing to 'nothing going on but the rent' or 'Memory' from Cats if you want to put your head in the oven.

    5. Anonymous23 April 2020 at 21:15

      '' Now you may tell me and others may tell me not to try to stop free speech and who am I to to try to limit what people say on here - your blog - but for God's sake Ros if you can't see the difference between censorship and sensible control then your blog can die the death it should have done years ago.''

      My, my 21 :15.

      Shall we call it angst ? How about cabin fever ?Post Covid blues anyone ? Who knows...

      A couple of points for you to ponder in the hope they are helpful to you or, at least , conducive to your recovery....

      This is the 'Blogisphere'.A fine word that Orwell would no doubt be disgusted by. We can't say he didn't warn us.However, it's merely a place for some shared journaling, as i like to call it.Unfortunately, the advent of social networks have fed the population just as they were holding out their begging bowls. Finally they have a place to get it all out.To empty the collected nonsense from the dusty drawers of their mental attics.A place they can open up with little chance of being publicly embarrassed by their own candour.Alas, it has become a platform that those who have come to depend on it as a therapeutic panacea use to share everything.And i mean everything.From family snaps of their goldfish to what was on their plate at dinner time.They share the hatred of all things.From celebrities to footballers to politicians to flowers and salads.It has become the world they wake up in.They just leave their bed and put the key into the internet and start it up.This is where we are.It's a truth.And, while we may not like it it's there.It's a living breathing reality.So what can we do ?

      Accept what you can't change.be it a thing or a person's way.Be it the life beyond your front door or the virtual one.They each have their protocols.If you run at them and attempt to sabotage them, they will both chew you up.learn to accept but learn you need not let it claim your life's valuable time and energy in the way it has.And most of all, remember that the old world, as well as the grave new world, both have a place reserved for humour.It can be old fashioned 'three irishmen walk into a bar' or some bawdy nudge nudgery.Then there's the surreal and zany.The thinking man's laughter.You don't have to like it.You don't have to enjoy.Just accept it and accept you needn't take part or run at it.If ' silly names' in the ether have come to anger you so much you need to put fingers to keys, you need to consider my counsel.You're welcome old sport.

      Nathaniel Dandridge( Dr) ( zig)

    6. Anonymous 24 April 2020 at 19:34

      Look, Lev, look left. Look North, South, East and West: we are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for, I don't know.

    7. Anonymous 23 April 2020 at 21:15

      Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.

      Love you, Jack boy. No meadow shall escape our riot.

    8. @21:15

      Chill, man. Loosen up. Those two are just getting them some groovy time. It ain’t no competition.
      O God, they are dancing… They are DANsing… Take me from this place…

    9. Anonymous 23 April 2020 at 21:15

      I would like to make a few comments if you wouldn’t mind.

      “The comments make no sense to anybody because they are designed to be rubbish and make a mockery of your blog.”

      You might’ve been entitled to say this had you been “anybody”. But you are clearly not “anybody”. The comments you refer to are not “designed”, they are spontaneous and made in jest. They don’t make “a mockery of anyone on the blog, nor of the blog.

      “- you have banned Zig - in various different forms numerous times.” To put it simply, this is a lie. Please cite.

      “You told people on here not to use stupid names - but you still allow the posts.”

      This is Rosalinda’s prerogative: it’s her blog, not yours if I’m not mistaken. You might not like it, but that’s how it is.

      “If you are just looking for comment numbers then just carry on with it.”

      Thanks, mighty generous of you.

      “But let me ask you Ros - why did you allow the following comments and what do you think it did for your blog?

      Not that it’s anybody’s business, but perhaps because the comments in question are ostensibly made in jest and display, in Caravaggesque contrast to your comment, no hostility.

      “Now you may tell me and others may tell me not to try to stop free speech and who am I to to try to limit what people say on here - your blog - but for God's sake Ros if you can't see the difference between censorship and sensible control then your blog can die the death it should have done years ago.”

      I’m leaving out the matter of “free speech“ since you are for “sensible control”.
      Would you please be so kind as tell me what “sensible control” is and how it can be implemented in practice.

      Thank you very much.


    10. Ahh T, I am afraid I have not paid much attention to my blog for some time now, you are right, I do not deserve the loyalty I receive. But if I may explain, I have recently felt overwhelmed by the contents of my postbox, so much so that I have become detached from it. The constant barrage of evil wishes has taken it's toll, and makes me question why I am devoting any of my time to this.

      I haven't banned anyone btw, and I don't even know if there is a facility to ban people, I have never looked. Most posts are anonymous, most indecipherable one from another, some simply copies of early posts. As for censoring, again, not technically possible, my view of posts awaiting moderation is only the first few lines, until I publish it, I cannot see the rest. I have no way of knowing who a post is from unless they actually identify themselves, yourself included.

      I know I often plead my problems with manic depression, I have over the course of my life found multiple ways in which to cope - that is, to keep the demons at bay. I am, as my dear old dad used to say, away with the fairies. My escapism these days is reading, watching, listening, intently to the coronavirus news. I have always found the best to allay fears is to learn as much as possible about that which you fear the most. Plus watching Donald Trump's lunatic press briefings is very entertaining. Yeah I know we shouldn't laugh, but I bet there was a lot of gallows humour in 1665.

      You may have as much free speech as you want T, just give me a clue as to who you are with your posts, as a long standing and interesting contributor, I would never intentionally spam any of your posts. Bjorn for example, I can identify immediately, because it says Bjorn right alongside it and I know that his posts are worth reading.

      Sensible control, seems to be a two word sound bite you have come up with T, not I. Control of any kind is really not my thing, and that extends to my blog. I have never put up a list of rules, as if, lol, because I know I would probably break them myself and I would be rubbish at enforcing them. This laissez faire attitude I'm afraid, has caused relationship and indeed work related problems my entire life, sure as eggs is eggs is was going to follow through to my blog.


    11. It is a character defect, some find charming (not many), I can see now how it is infuriating for someone waiting for a reply or some sort of acknowledgement of the time and thought they have put into corresponding with me. My own fault probably for making myself always available and always willing to listen to new ideas, criticisms and suggestions. I have given myself completely, whereas, I should have held a little bit back.

      But while stream of consciousness is kicking in, I should offer a reply to the critic who constantly belittles me for my lack of a packed diary, holidays and travel. That is a cheap shot. Sure I took the road less travelled, but ultimately, I have all I have ever wanted, 'A Room of one's own'. Now that might sound sad to you, who I imagine has multiple pictures of holidays in Benidorm Aya Napa, but I have the time, freedom and resources to study any subject I want, to watch any movie I want, and to read any news I want, without the constant needs and demands of others.

      Now that may sound selfish, but I took care of my kids, my father and my mother, I unashamedly proclaim, this is my time now. My dear old dad would bemoan the amount of time I spent with my head buried in books, my dear old mum would say, I'll tell you the ending to that and save you 400 pages. Now I can happily watch old videos of Christopher Hitchens and Marlon Brando all night, till the birds start tweeting and the sun rises. I don't have to worry about the thousand things I have to do each day. Phew! Having spent many years as a single mum with a full time job, a chore free day ahead was unheard of, so I am enjoying them now, albeit I am still struggling with remnants of catholic guilt. But should you be tuning in my patronising friend, I am very much on the mend, despite the pandemic, and was all set to rejoin the world. Those plans hold true, but now I have the time, the right foods and desire to exercise to prepare for my relaunch, ha ha. I talk about things I want to talk about my poison dripping friend, selfish of me I know, but I don't want to give away my soul in its entirety. I mean, did anyone ever heckle Wordsworth for wandering lonely as a cloud and appreciating the beauty of daffodils?

    12. Ros :"DEAR ZIGGY, WHO ARE YOU?"

      "john blacksmith17 February 2017 at 11:09

      He's a thicko troll who is making your site unreadable."

    13. Look, Mista, are you thinking of making it a topic for discussion, or are you replying to may question? If the latter, then please be good enough to make it clear.


    14. Anonymous23 April 2020 at 21:15
      “you have banned Zig - in various different forms numerous times.”

      Anonymous28 April 2020 at 23:04

      "john blacksmith17 February 2017 at 11:09

      He's a thicko troll who is making your site unreadable."

      That dancer is gone under the hill.

      “Do not let me hear
      Of the wisdom of old men, but rather of their folly,
      Their fear of fear and frenzy, their fear of possession,
      Of belonging to another, or to others, or to God.
      The only wisdom we can hope to acquire
      Is the wisdom of humility: humility is endless.

      The houses are all gone under the sea.

      The dancers are all gone under the hill.”


      john blacksmith5 June 2018 at 13:51

      “Your gift, Ros, is a shrewd common sense and a powerful BS or insincerity detector. It's being drowned out here. But I've got no criticism of you at all.”


      Rosalinda Hutton2 August 2018 at 19:30

      “But, fair dues to Ziggy, he was tenacious. I'm glad I didn't ban him - though I might have and he just came back under a different name, lol. He is free to post here whenever he likes, T, if he ever pops in.”

      Done and dusted.

      And Zee and T? O God, they are dancing… They are DANsing…

      Fellas, last year I made three million dollars, but your fifty thousand was the most fun.

  17. ''I actually appreciate my readers far more than you can imagine 18:31, the best gift you can give a person is your time, and I am eternally grateful that my readers still have time for me''


    ''Well I can't make sense of the comments these days 18:31, and they certainly do not inspire me,''

    Is that really difficult to work out ? Perhaps less binge watching TV would help. After all, it's your blog, not the readers' . They merely try to contribute to your material.

    ''I can't handle it and that's the truth, thus my head remains very much in the sand.''

    But you can take it out of the sand now and again just long enough to criticise those trying to contribute to the blog or their comments in general. Nice touch. Maybe you could try doing the inspiring for once.Why leave it to visitors who fail to please you.

    1. 23 April 2020 at 21:17

      Very good comment. Thank you.

    2. I have no idea what you are talking about 21:17, but I feel your pain. You are reaching out for a saviour, but I'm not it. I don't know what to tell you to make you feel better. Maybe you could lose yourself in history and see that this has happened many times before, a pandemic that is, and here we are, right in the midst of one.

      Given we are all only responsible for ourselves, what seems like a multitude of choices, can be condensed down to one. How do we survive, singular, without having to carry baggage with us? Do we ditch the baggage? A lot of people do that anyway, with or without a pandemic. They figure they can do better without the people who taught them along the way. They are wiser now than their tutor nor mentor, they are free to fly.

      No, I should not be looking to my postbag to inspire me, but I do, it's always been my way. I have always been more interested in the thoughts of ordinary people on the readers comments and readers views sections of the newspapers and magazines that I read.



    3. Tonight I am focussed on making the perfect lemon meringue pie, I have made it for years but it is a long time since I made the pastry from scratch and the lemon filling without a packet. A trivial thing for most people, but of utmost importance to myself. I strive for perfection, and my lifelong pain is not being able to achieve it. On the cooking front I have got pretty close.

      Right now my lemon meringue is in the oven and cooking. Smelling absolutely delicious, but totally inappropriate for this time of night and without a family around to enjoy it. But aw shucks, its fun aiming for the ultimate.
