Saturday, 6 June 2015

Where is Madeleine in all this?

The above meme was posted on twitter by Ben Thompson yesterday with the tagline #Hutton #ATTENTIONSEEKING WHORE.  Ben is the facebook tyrant who claims I gave the anti's and himself a bad name by appearing in The Sun. He fails of course to mention that he wanted to do the interview, and was majorly pissed off at not being chosen.  The title of this blog comes the latest line by Aguila on page 46 of the top thread on CMoMM.  The entire thread, and in fact, ALL their hot topics are devoted to how much they despise Sonia Poulton and myself.  Where is Madeleine in all this?  Quite.

The once, partially credible research site of CMoMM is now a complete bitchfest intent on wrecking Sonia's forthcoming documentary and destroying both her and my reputations (where is Madeleine in all this?) and let's not beat about the bush, they want blood.  Pretty much anyone's will do especially during quiet times when there is not much happening on the McCann case and at the moment they want mine. They have already suggested that I will probably kill myself, and have prepared themselves.  I am and always have been a maniacal attention seeker, it was (posthumously) inevitable, for them it is already a done deal. The contents of the posts on CMoMM have merged with the posts on JATYK2 (the death dossier compilers) and they are now indistinguishable from each other. 

The majority, actually strike that, all my critics target the fact that I suffer from manic depression, or as it is more fashionably called these days bipolar disorder. I have no shame about it, which is why I speak so openly. However, my enemies use my 'insanity' to dismiss everything I say, it saves them disturbing their one brain cell and actually responding to the points I raise. 

The hope of those who label me insane, is that others will join in their hate fest and I will be blacklisted, scorned and caste out of society.  Some may even want the return of Bedlam, a place in which the general public can pay a small entrance fee to stare at and make fun of the lunatics. A nice day out for some families and a sure fire winner with the members CMoMM and their sister sites JATYK2 and Stop the Myths.

I speak honestly about my manic depression in the hope that others will recognise things I say, and won't feel quite so alone when the crippling black dog takes over.  Sometimes when you say things out loud, they don't sound half as bad and its reassuring to know that there are others out there who feel exactly the same.  And, I cannot tell a lie, my favourite form of narrative is comedy, sometimes a little giggle is all it takes to pick you back up again and get things back into perspective. That some people should take my honesty and vulnerability as a stick with which to flog me, reflects on them, not me.

Unfortunately, the world is full of ignorant people who still see mental illness and the mentally ill as a form of entertainment for themselves.  Sadly, the anonymity of the internet allows them to seek out targets and join groups where mocking and deriding the mentally ill is positively encouraged. The sorrow of course lies in their own ignorance, as the good Lord said, 'They know not what they do'. For some sickos, their ultimate goal is to push someone over the edge, then claim their victim was only doing it for attention. Thus, their hands are clean.

Of course, we can't stop sadistic people gathering to discuss their sadistic thoughts, but we can turn the mockery back on them ;)  For nearly 8 years some of these fine, upstanding pillars of the community have hidden behind their anonymous avatars, ostensibly to discuss the case of missing Madeleine McCann, but more accurately, partaking in their favourite hobby - talking about the flaws in other people. And of course, their anonymity allows them to be as cruel as they wish.  However, in order to tear other people down as they do, these vicious critics must be beyond reproach themselves.  Anonymity allows them to TELL us they are God fearing folk with good intentions but there is nothing whatsoever to back it up. 

Like members of the Klu Klux Klan, they don their anonymity hoods to seek out rule breakers and non conformists to slaughter for the public's pleasure.  So who are Aguila, Plebgate, Verdi, Noodles, Bennett at least has the guts to put his name and face behind his venom.  These self righteous people who have sat in judgement of the McCanns, myself and others remain in hiding.  They have appointed themselves, police, judge, jury and executioners, yet we don't even know if they male/female/transgender or cloned sheep.  

CMoMM have, it seems have given up any pretence of seeking justice for Madeleine, because they have found a much more stimulating pastime (many thanks to all those who pointed out my former spelling error :) ), they are now devoted to putting Sonia and I, back in our 'place'.  In my case, they have become a little band of grim reapers, whispering 'go on, do it', whilst rubbing their hands in glee.  It is despicable how people of that nature can pick up on little snippets of personal information, then use it again and again to batter you with. But I remind myself, that creeps like this are all around us, the only thing I have control over is the way in which I react to it. 

For me the way in which I handle a crisis (and gangs of people calling you a harlot, whore, prostitute, drug addict, attention whore etc and pronounce you Mental online, can trigger a crisis unfortunately), I try to rationalise it and understand the reasoning behind it.  The bad vibrations always come from those giving them out, not those on the receiving end and I thank all the Gods there may be that I have never in my entire life felt that gut wrenching need to destroy another person.  As chilling as their behaviour is, it is also pitiful.  They live in fear, I don't.

Many people appear to be terrified by Sonia's forthcoming documentary.  Why?  The anger and hostility is almost tangible, and most of it is coming from the 'anti' side?  I became involved in this case because I was outraged that the truth was being hidden, and I have always gone along with the philosophy that ANYTHING that brings the truth to the general public's attention is a good thing.

I do now of course see just how naïve I was, but more of that another time.  Why is there a full blown campaign to stop the broadcasting of Sonia Poulton's documentary?  More importantly, why is the campaign being led by the CMoMM forum and other of the more deranged anti's? 

Could it possibly be that some people are ashamed about the way they behave online?  CMoMM don't know anything about the documentary, ergo, all the fears they have are coming from themselves, they have created them.  Whilst they are happy to lecture the McCanns and myself and Sonia on the paths of righteousness, they are petrified of anyone discovering who they are. Have they no pride in their words? Don't they want all their hard work acknowledged?

They have formed an 'elite' (lol) and banned all the miscreants, low lives and those who do not tow the Bennett party line, ergo their slate should be as clean as a proverbial whistle, a forum of bible bashing, clean living, pillars of society engaging in noble discussion that places them above the rest of us.  So why have they gone into meltdown over the forthcoming documentary?  Why are they prepared to go to any means (apart from revealing who they are) to stop this documentary from being aired?  But I will let aguila have the last line, 'where is Madeleine in all this?'


  1. Not sure if clinging on to the wave of someone else's yet to become, not by anyone seen documentary, has transformed you from just a human being like anybody, to a victimised freedom fighter. A little selfcentered all this, Miss Cristobell, I feel personally.

  2. Of course you do 13:52, outrageous that a victim of a sustained abuse campaign should have the audacity to fight back. WTF eh? I'll just roll over and keep my head still while you kick it, apologies.

  3. A good blog Cristobell. I mostly stick to reading about this case and leave comment to others but I have to say that the way in which you've been singled is just not right. Why can't people agree to disagree without stooping so low? I await the documentary with interest. Don't let them grind you down.

  4. This is what I mean. Roll over then, if you're loving it so. I'm not asking you to.
    I've found myself here earlier, a couple of times,, that even standing up to trolls for you in these comments, results in you playing victim, and by that, slagging the up stander off.
    This whole "Sonia and I" thing, while there's not even a documentary as of yet seems to be just part of your victim's delight.
    Sorry to criticise you, but I find it "zum kotzen".

    1. Goethe, Nietzsche, Blake, Van Gogh, Gogol, Swift, Ruskin, Strindberg, Kafka, Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Churchill, Milligan

      all manic depressives

      and I wouldn't be surprised if the skelly eyed at Jatyk (all of 4 members and 4 socks) and CMoMM (all of 5 members and 5 socks) had never heard of any of these names.

      Plough your own furrow Cristobell, the ignorant name callers are the ones crying in the kitchen at parties - it was always thus..

  5. Don't let the you-know-whats grind you down, Cristobell. I know how difficult it must be to ignore them but that really is the only way to deal with under bridge dwellers.

  6. Cristobell, What people say is what they are. To single out someone who has suffered with mental health issues says it all. I would say most of them have their own issues but we're never going to know about them are we? At least you're open, and not afraid to admit you've suffered from this condition, and I admire you for your honesty. Has we have seen on here people either don't understand mental illness, so can be excused to some extent, or they are totally lacking any compassion and are cruel beyond belief, which I find much worse. I wouldn't wish any mental illness on anyone, but if they or any member of their family suffered from this debilitating illness they would soon change their tune.

    Stay well Cristobell and don't let them have the satisfaction of hurting you. Stay strong!!


    When I saw that on twitter I actually thought you may have written a blog about Madeleine. I was wrong as of course your blog is only about you being a victim again and again and again.

    1. I think that is a bit unfair the majority of her blogs gave a good insight into her thoughts on the case which per s o n ally I agree with on a l most all occasions. Why do you need to stoop to this level. If her blog annoys you so much go elsewhere

  8. " Mark Willis Today at 4:48 pmTalking of the mentally departed there's Rent-a-Ghost, Ms Hutton, the tail of Poulton's guide dog, a willing sacrificial lamb who should remain silent (apologies to Thomas Harris). She is to articulacy what Arthur Mullard was to elocution. Her opprobrium viz Tony is his ability to be concise, informed and literate; let's not dignify her self-appointed misnomer "attractive" by any unnecessary expounding. Laughter should suffice."

    1. I'm sure Truman Capote is spinning in his grave. Not. E for effort.

  9. I know you enjoy swashbuckling with the trolls C, but personally I find them a terribly negative vibe and best completely ignored/blocked. They have nothing constructive to add to proceedings I wouldn't even give them the oxygen of acknowledgement.

    1. Yeh, I will start culling at some point. I totally agree, their negativity is so draining, no wonder they are so miserable!

  10. The long wait for Sonia's documentary is frustrating, especially as her tweets give the impression it's going to air imminently.

    But we've waited 8 years for something resembling non-partisan reporting, a few more weeks don't matter.

    It'd better be a cracker though!

    We've been left in suspenders long enough.

    1. Absolutely. They are sounding like anxious kids screaming 'are we there yet', they must go into meltdown if Corrie or Eastenders leave them on a cliffhanger.

  11. Ros: "Where is Madeleine in all this?"

    Or Ros on twitter "WHERE IS MADELEINE IN ALL THIS? "

    But there is nothing in this blog post about Madeleine.

    Are you using the name Madeleine to draw attention to your blog Ros?

    1. Err, I actually existed long before Madeleine did.

      As for using the poor child's name, the knives are out under this banner, ergo I must reply in the same forum (figuratively speaking), or perhaps you would like to start a new hashtag #attackhuttonhere or #stonetheloon are possibilities.

      Kudos on using the child's name to score points though, I think it made you look especially noble.

  12. I've been following this case for years and I've never heard of Ben Thompson - perhaps that's part of the problem. For some reason, this case has attracted many duplicitous and spiteful people over the years and not exclusively on one "side" or other of the debate.
    It mystifies me why so many people who apparently want justice for Madeleine and are dissatisfied with her parents version of events are being so quick to rubbish a documentary they haven't even seen. What is their problem? Why not watch first and comment afterwards?
    There is no call for all the personal sniping as we've seen what can be achieved, thanks to Leanne Baulch, when we pull together.
    Ignore the idiots, Ros, and to the poster who complained this blog wasn't about Madeleine - last time I looked it was called Cristobell Unbound not Madeleine Unfound. If you aren't willing to read whatever she feels like writing why not clear off to Jill Havern's coven where you can be with 'like minds?

    1. Well said, I admire your bluntness!!

    2. Lol humour also

    3. perfectly put

  13. That`s one of your best Cristobel. You voice what I am thinking but I lack your courage to speak. Mental illness scares people, they don`t understand it and don`t want to, so they act like cornered rats and attack. You`re in good company anyway; many of our world`s brightest minds are those that are affected by bi-polar.
    Patricia Cornwell
    Stephen Fry
    Russell Brand
    Virginia Woolf
    Edward Elgar
    Lord Byron
    Frederick Nietzsche
    Ernest Hemingway
    Ruby Wax
    Winston Churchill

  14. Mental illness eh, yet everyone seems to forget the main mental illness causing our world so much grief is RELIGION - up there with the best of the delusions and psychoses and the cause of much mental illness.

    1. I hear you 21:42, and scarily, religious fanatics are among the worlds' leaders, millions worldwide hang on the word of a guy in long satin dress and more bling that a downtown pimp. It is realities like these that send me into a spiralling depression. How can so many people be so completely brainwashed?

      Eeek, time for a bit of Family Guy! :)

    2. I'm not everyone but I agree religious fanaticism can bring about delusion

      It's a trade off I suppose, without Christianity there would not have been a
      Gutenberg bible - and therefore no printed (or typed) words for us to read

      Without Islam there would have been no algebra or the canon of science - which propelled medicine

      Without Judaism there would not have been a Marc Chagall and countless
      Nobel prize winners

      So fantacism is the stinker - the desire to press one's own views onto others

      not religion per se is the culprit

      We are adults - and it's pick and mix when it comes to our convictions

      religion is weird - but whether I believe in the divine spaghetti monster in the sky - or definitely winning the lottery next Saturday

      We can make these choices - it's called free will - and without that we would have the wolves at our door.

  15. Ros what are you drinking whilst you make your foul mouthed tweets today?

  16. Green tea, I very rarely drink alcohol, although I do occasionally like the odd glass of Chablis. :)

    1. So glad to see that your gutter language is not due to alcohol and it is your normal self.

    2. My gutter language is an apt response to the anonymous trolls who constantly demand that I publish my personal, private and confidental details online. People who hide behind their anonymity and have never risked so much as a brass farthing on this case, but who think they have the right to interrogate me. They've been doing it to others for years, and in face, some now truly believe they are detectives.

      They are lucky I was so polite.

  17. I dont get it. What do manic episodes have to do with Maddie? Or is bipolarism the way to kill off debate in the comments by forehand? Something like: "You shouldn't debate, because this is distorted loony stuff, and criticising the contents makes you a perpetrator of victimising stuffs?"
    I really don't know. Isn't all this just a blogger, fighting for her piece of the Maddie pie? Or over the bone?

  18. Fighting for a piece of the Maddie pie? How insulting! I have been commenting on this case since 2007 because I hate injustice. Since when did this case become a pie ffs?

    There are a lot of people out there who want me to shut, go away, or die. Well, I'm not taking that lightly, I will continue to do the same as I have since 2007 and I will write about whatever I want!

    As you have completely missed the point of my blog, let me spell it out. Those who wish to shut me up are using the fact that I am bipolar to do so, and they are not getting away with it! Got that?

    1. "Since when did this case become a pie ffs?"
      Since trolls, wannabe celebrities, shills, spindoctors, dying dead tree media, trolls, "profilers" and professional victims gathered around it with forks in their hands.

  19. Today I found myself arguing with a young man who looks and acts as if he is educationally subnormal. I'm not proud of that.

    I am now culling the crap, the constant abuse is so negative, I can't even imagine what your real lives must be like. Abuse is now going straight into spam, you will have to get freaky jollies elsewhere.

    I need a break, a good old sesh of House of Cards methinks and tomorrow is another day :)

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Cristobell, I'm so glad you've taken action against those that abuse you on your own blog, it was upsetting to read their hurtful comments. Like I said at 16:07 what people say is what they are! They've told me who they are, uncaring, vicious nobody's that attack people they think are vulnerable, through illness etc. I've seen it on other forums, not just here.

    I wish you well, and hope you don't take their disgusting name calling to heart, too much. I'll look forward to your next blog... with a little humor thrown in as always :)

    Just remember some people do have a heart and genuinely care about you. Take care. xx

  22. Many thanks 21:24, your comment is so much appreciated :) I have had packs of them on at me today, probably because I mentioned the word suicide. Someone once told me that if you mention that word, it draws out the grim reapers in droves, and he was spot on! Yet they all claim to be here for a 4 year old child!

    I have culled the blooming lot of them on twitter and they can go whistle if they think I'm going publish their abuse here anymore. Enough is enough. Now going to go do a major cull on my facebook page too!

    I have a lot of v.exciting things going on this year and they are not getting anymore of my precious time.

    Again, many thanks, 21:24, I should have listened to you before! Feel so much better not seeing all that abuse on twitter and can now focus on what I should be doing! xx

    1. I understand what you're saying! by mentioning ''that word'' you're giving them ammunition to attack you, It happened to me years ago on another forum. I vowed then, I'd never go on another forum and divulge anything about my personal life ever again.Since then I've commented on blogs that interest me, such as yours :) but I only read forums. I wouldn't want to join as there's far too many holier than thou's, who are so full of their own importance it's almost laughable to any onlookers.

      When you do a major cull on your facebook page remember to leave me there won't you? lol :)
