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It's about this child |
Unfortunately for these eternal litigants, they have been seething for several weeks now. First they had the horror of their case going before a Judge who was already familiar with them. Well, that's what happens when you spend 8 years in Court rooms, you eventually go full circle.
For all their bravado following the Appeal Court ruling, they haven't a hope in hell of winning in a higher Court, there is nothing to appeal against. The three High Court Judges were unanimous in their decision to uphold Goncalo Amaral's right to Freedom of Speech. They have never had a strong case, even before the last trial began, they were trying to wriggle out of it, and after they produced their 'best' witnesses, we could see why. What new affront can they produce that will supersede all the trials that have gone before and ensure them a large payout? Pretty much the whole world thinks they were involved in the disappearance of Madeleine, Goncalo's book is but a drop in the ocean?
In the years gone by, bad news for the McCanns, was usually swiftly followed up with a new sighting, but the sightings stopped when Operation Grange began. Since then all the headlines have involved a selection of odd bods, loners and misfits, who have been scrutinized and even named, on a regular basis. The burglar story has gone round the block several times, dismissed as nonsense by the Portuguese, it has been picked up again this week by the UK MSM and sold as factual to the British public.
It could be that the burglar stories are a last ditch attempt to get the word 'abduction' back into the public's mind, but it scuppers the 'live and findable child' mantra, because it acknowledges that Madeleine is dead.
In addition, Operation Grange is coming to an end. Even the sycophantic Lorraine Kelly cannot avoid the obvious questions, her audience will want to know how the parents feel about that. Can they really tell the world they are encouraged by the investigation? That they are going to continue their 'search'?
It is perfectly understandable that Gerry and Kate are not as buoyed as they once were, but turning down the opportunity to appear on National TV has to be a first. Where are the invigorated, fighting McCanns, who, after 48 hours of losing their daughter, somehow found the strength to launch an international campaign and an online shop?
Their daughter Madeleine is still missing. Goncalo Amaral is still telling 'lies', why have they not turned this negative into a positive? Very few people involved in libel actions have the opportunity to give their side to the press, yet Gerry and Kate it appears, have rejected hundreds of offers this week. In my experience, you can't shut seething people up, eg. Tony Bennett. Seething people have plenty to say, especially if they feel they have been treated unjustly.
They have reserved £750k to search for Madeleine. Going by their past expenditure, that won't last 5 minutes, and is it 'safe' from the Portuguese Courts? Their PR people have let them down badly, if they have advised them not to fight their corner. Interviews with the national and international media are priceless in publicity terms, and would at least have given them a platform to state their case sympathetically. Not forgetting of course, that they have only ever sought media attention to find Maddie.
'turning down the opportunity to appear on National TV has to be a first'
ReplyDeleteIf my memory serves me right they didn't appear on the sofa of Ms Kelly at the time of last years anniversary.
Does anyone think the absence is due to Ms Kelly asking awkward questions?
You never know,they may have opted for an interview with Mr Paxman instead.
The McCanns always manage to make Lorraine Kelly look like a dribbling idiot, she doesn't seem to understand that 'deceivers' have no respect for those they deceive. Look at the difference in Gerry's attitude when confronted with Jeremy Paxman.
DeleteAs dense as Lorraine is, she cannot conduct the interview as if it were a tribute on the McCanns Facebook page. With all the wild stories that are flying around, asking only approved questions would be ridiculous.
I suspect the first story released by family ally Jerry Lawton, 'the McCanns pull out of interviews' may have been an attempt to garner sympathy, as in a 'look what those ghastly trolls have done now' kind of way. But like most of their new initiatives these days, it backfired spectacularly,
As you say, the parents didn't appear on Lorraine's sofa last year, so this story may have been invented by Team McCann as a prompt to ITV to invite them on. As in 'hey Lorraine, don't forget about us'.
It might work, but if I were Lorraine I would go for broke and get Goncalo Amaral on the sofa. It would go a long way to repairing her own reputation and it would give her audience what they want, the other side of the argument.
LOL at last line - I don't think anything would tempt Gerry to face Paxman again!
Hi Ros, thought provoking as usual.
ReplyDeleteAs to the purpose of OG perhaps, it is simply the pursuit of power and control.
What politicians fear most is being exposed as fools and idiots, they all believe they are genius class.
Many mistakes were made by these idiots in supporting the Mccanns and nobody dared admit it, so the cover-up began.
John Major, when Prime Minister has stated the police pressured him to continue the Hillsborough cover-up. He obviously agreed but why?
Answer, because cover-up is the establishment's default position and politicians are feeble, weak minded and vain. The Mccanns case has many similarities to Hillsborough.
In the 27 years of cover up, South Yorkshire Police officers, Sir Norman Bettison and Sir Bernard HoganHowe were made Chief Constables of Merseyside for over 11 years, to show the utter contempt, the powers that be, have for the general public and the working class in particular.
The Mccann case is the same.
The establishment know, we know its all lies but what can we do? What could the Hillsborough families do? What could Jean Charles de Menezes family do?
The Macs are protected simply for the powers that be, to exert control and influence and to strut and preen themselves at how clever they are. Scotland Yard's hierarchy was and still is racist and showing the Portuguese Police as thick, stupid and of inferior intellect, is an added bonus.
The media is the same. Feeding the public copious lies and bullshit. Rupert Murdoch must laugh at the 'idiots' buying his Sun newspaper and Sky packages.
The BBC condones and encourages paedophiles but is able to jail us if we refuse to pay.
It does not matter what party is in office, they all lie, cheat, deceive and cover up for each other. At the moment the Mccanns are beneficiaries, but we must pick at the scab which is the British establishment and hope occasionally for small victories.
Does anyone seriously think Sir Norman Bettison, will lose his £85,000 per year Police pension. How many of us ever earn that as a wage?
You mention the Mccanns look haggard. Perhaps they are tired of the weight of the governments pink parrot upon their shoulder, dictating their lives and are looking for a way out.
The Mccanns are just pawns in a sick game of power and control, as are the Hillsborough families.
Perhaps the Mccanns are seething, as finally they realise they too have been used, for the establishments prolonged amusement.
JJ @ 14:20 - Personally, I couldn't agree more with you about everything you write. The Establishment entirely rides over us, roughshod.
DeleteOne of the critical things enabling Hillsborough truth was Andy Burnham's intervention to Alan Johnson, who clearly had to take action for the phenomenally heroic Hillsborough families, who had gained so much support, and rightly so! Then came the petition from the wonderful and courageous Anne Williams, may she RIP, which so powerfully demonstrated the lies of Popper's original inquest. I know you're aware of such matters, but I think them worth getting down again, as a comparison to another UK travesty of justice.
Is it because we may not be able to demonstrate such 'administrative' (Police/Government) mendacity this time around, let alone find the way to prove such corruption has taken place, that those authorities so clearly feel that they can get away with it, completely? IMO, it is that.
The difference would be a freely available book that could be quoted from with impunity and was legally recognised at the official police investigation into the case. Then people would be able to ask questions and perhaps newspapers would even do so without fear of being sued. The trouble with this case is that there is too much misinformation around and it is published regularly in our national newspapers. However, if the public could read freely about the dog findings, the car, and Kate and Jane's bizarre behaviour regarding the police questions, I think the demand for a proper investigation into this side of the case would become hard to ignore.
DeleteHi JJ, I think the answer to most of those questions is that the Government, Establishment, Authorities, Powers that Be, or whatever, genuinely believe that the public, as a large body, are thick and malleable.
DeleteAnd to be fair, for centuries they have been, all our education and information came from those who ruled us. They could pretty much get us to do anything they wanted. That kind of power is quite heady, and you can see how those new to it quickly become as mad as a box of frogs.
The Establishment are currently suffering shell shock - they are having a real hard time accepting that they can't cover stuff up as easily as they did in the past. They may have control of a Nation's MSM, but news is no longer contained by borders. We, as a mass, are not restricted to State approved information, we can find out anything we want.
At the moment, the Powers That Be, have no way of restricting information, they want everything back as it was in the middle of the last century, when they had the ability to tell us what to think and do.
In an effort to get that authority back, they fill us with scare stories. Subliminally, they tell us to fear young dark skinned men and women, and that the internet is filled with sinister predators preying on our children. Only they have the truth, everything else is a lie.
I am not sure if this is a New Age of Enlightenment, or a New Age of Spin, but I'm kind of enjoying the fray. I've been trying to get my 'voice' out there for decades but I'm too political for mainstream tastes. I'm not pretendy working class with a deprived background, I'm the real thing!
I'm as proud as punch of my 'Unbound' blog, I have a freedom of expression not enjoyed by those in the profession, nor those precious of their 'good' reputations. It's quite liberating!
The Investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann
That was a great example of an articulate person who has been taught how to write but hasn't been taught to think critically.
DeleteThanks for taking the time to write that crap, but do yourself a favour and come to the realisation that however many falsehoods are peddled online, in a court of law, none of that means jack sh*t. Portuguese juries have judges on them and they can think... and critically evaluate facts, even if they are oft-arranged between utter bollocks by creative defence barristers :D
Your (only) faithful reader,
The Paxman interview was hilarious. You could tell that Paxman loathed GM with a passion. But I think now is a good time to look at the 'experts' who waded in to criticize the Portuguese police. This article from the Cambridge News is interesting as the Soham detective is highly critical of the Portuguese police investigation and goes over to Luz with a number of 'experts'. This was written in October 2007. Interesting to see the names and see how this detective criticizes the case in the light of the Detective Amaral verdict.
ReplyDeleteTake a look at the detective's face? Would you buy a used car from him? I wouldn't.
Another spooky-looking character via Soham: https://www.google.com/search?q=sir+michael+bichard&biw=1366&bih=651&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwiU3IW417jMAhUBIKYKHUp4BHYQ_AUIBygC&dpr=1#imgrc=C2ed6bu-N3QbRM%3A
DeleteHogan-Howe always looks a strange combination of dusty and greasy, as if he is 24hrs overdue for a shower.
The Paxman interview will become a classic, I am sure 20:08. Gerry crumbles when he is not the alpha male in the room.
DeleteThe experienced detectives taken in by the abduction are one the scarier aspects of this case, and some of them holding very high office! If that is the calibre of those at the top, we're fecked.
One would imagine experienced detectives have encountered many liars during their careers. In fact, I would have thought the ability to spot lies was pretty integral to the role of a police detective. You can kind of see why this case is going to be such a huge embarrassment to the establishment. Those who sided with the McCanns, especially those who describe themselves as criminal experts, will have to say they lied, or they are dumbarse eejits. 'Well knock me down with a feather' just won't cut it.
20.08 http://www.politics.co.uk/news/2009/9/15/soham-officer-attacks-vetting-scheme (article in which he calls himself 'a suspected paedophile')
DeletePaxo can sniff out bollocks a mile away.
DeleteJust ask Blinky Ben: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALNjevGdB5g
The Soham case just stinks to high heaven. I think the atrocity is far more likely to have been carried out by one (or more) of the servicemen transiting through the huge US airbase on the edge of which the bodies were placed. US servicemen who have been on active duty in Iraq must come back pretty traumatized and/or desensitized and it is a FACT that atrocities ARE carried out on civilians. And in a war zone, the penalties are likely to be less as it is already a very unstable environment in which the infrastructure and law and order will be heavily stretched if not pretty much non-existent.
DeleteOn the eve of the US and UK going to war in Iraq there is no way Bush or Blair would have wanted some truly terrible publicity about US servicemen. It would also have shone a spot-light on what goes on inside the highly-secretive airbase. I suspect it is not all fragrant and who knows what scams might be going on?
I would take a very critical look of any of the 'experts' involved in the Soham case as I don't think the conviction of Ian Huntley has a leg to stand on. The forensics are rubbish. Several eye-witnesses saw the girls AFTER they had allegedly gone into Ian's house. The police dog that arrived on the scene with a handler when the alarm was raised did not alert or become agitated around Huntley, despite the fact that he had already allegedly killed the girls by then.
I think there was a carefully orchestrated plot to find a patsy and Huntley fitted the bill. A 'rent-a-mob' was arranged as Huntley was taken off in a high security van. Then the shrinks at Rampton got to work on him.
It's a huge scandal and I hope will come out in due course. TM cynically jumped on the Soham bandwagon by using that photo of Madeleine (allegedly!) in a football shirt which of course was reminiscent of 'the last photo' of the Soham girls. Why use that photo in that cynical fashion? It wasn't the last photo ever taken of her which didn't appear for a whopping three weeks until after she disappeared despite having been taken on Thursday, allegedly. That would have been in Kate's camera and could have been used from the outset. That alone, imo, proves that the last photo is a big, fat whopping lie.
Each and every one of those 'experts' who were complicit in the conviction of Huntley should be exposed as being charlatans and hung out to dry. Disgraceful.
The media have dumbed down the sheeple to such an extent that critical thought is suppressed and rent-a-mob mentality looks for scapegoats. It happened with Hillsborough and the police were also complicit in this along with the media of course.
It happened in the Huntley case. And then it happened with Madeleine McCann.
@ Anonymous 12:17.
DeleteVery peculiar. This is not dissimilar to what Kate writes in her book. That you are no longer allowed to take photographs of your own children in swimming pools. I presume the incident as described by the Soham officer above was at a school or club where there is a policy about photography? But I would not trust this person an inch. He must know the truth about Soham. He must realize how flaky the evidence is against Ian Huntley.
Scary stuff.
I agree that the McCanns were/are pawns but they DO have dark secrets to hide themselves in my opinion. I think the Gaspers were right. One of Detective Amaral's questions to Kate was whether she had considered handing over Madeleine's care to relatives. I had always taken that to suggest that Kate was finding it difficult to cope. But of course it could also suggest that Kate felt Madeleine would be safer living with relatives. Could be a combination of the two of course and they might feed into each other.
ReplyDelete'I think the Gaspers were right'. So do I.If I recall correctly Sonia approached one of the Gaspers for interview for her docu. I can't remember if it was Mr or Mrs Gasper but Sonia said they seemed afraid.
DeleteFrom what I can make of Sonia's last statement she seems to have been backed into a corner with threats,(had to have direct line to MET).
Makes you wonder what the devil is going on.
The media have been their making and I think it will be their undoing.
Remember, the press build you up to knock you down.
My question is surely it can be proved that they know she is no longer alive because if they really believed their child still ived then every time they have a camera in their face, surely they would be speaking to her. Reassuring her. I don't know when last they spoke to her as if she still were on this plane.
ReplyDeleteLike all big celebrities, Kate and Gerry mostly use a spokesperson or 'sources close to them' when they wish to communicate something in public.
DeleteI am not sure big celebrities do that 12:53 - it sooo pretentious. Governments, large corporations and Queens have spokesmen, though tis fair to say, the Queen does deign to speak to her public directly on occasion.
DeleteHaving a 'spokesman' gave the McCanns an air of respectability, they stopped being commoners when the government gave them a spokesman all of their very own. Whether they needed one then, or even now, is debatable, but in any event it has added an air of authority to their campaign.
I think it is rather snooty of them not to correspond with the contributors to their FB page directly. The page is run by a nameless minion, because Kate and Gerry's time is far too precious. They have better things to do than be pally with their donors, so said minion just passes on the highlights to them. How rude!
Sorry, I was trying to be sarcastic - and failed miserably.
DeleteI think if you study their interviews from the off, they have never looked convinced Maddie is alive. Their few attempts at speaking to her directly have been cringingly embarrassing. Their TV appearances are almost automaton, there are no signs of real emotion of the distressed kind. The laughter by comparison, comes easily, they have been unable to hide their moments of duping delight, the micro expressions have seeped through.
DeleteI think not searching was pretty damning Su, for most parents nothing in this world would have stopped us from tearing the complex and surrounding area to shreds with our bare hands.
Why too weren't all the family, friends, priests and bridesmaids who turned up in PDL out there searching too? Whilst they sat around the pool partaking of Warner's hospitality, all the workers, locals and holidaymakers had come out in force to search for their missing daughter.
Kate is now sure Madeleine is in the Algarve, which is odd, because at the beginning when it was most likely, she wanted searches anywhere but PDL.
According to Pat Brown's latest blogs, we all live in a fishbowl and 99% of people in the UK don't bother to read about Madeleine, so Scotland Yard can conclude their investigation any way they like and everyone will accept what they say. This does seem somewhat unlikely to me and I can't understand how Pat calculated that percentage accurately enough to publish it as a statistic.
ReplyDeleteI think there may have been a touch of irony in Pat's fictional scenario. I don't think Scotland Yard dare leave this open with a big, suspicious cloud over their heads. Politically, the timing could not be worse, the public are still reeling at the cover up exposed by the Hillsborough families and probably will be for many years to come.
DeleteAnd ultimately, the blame will fall on the head of the Home Secretary. She sanctioned the Review and the Investigation, and she doesn't look like the kind of woman who would accept a wishy washy answer.
There is no such thing as an anti movement, we all hate each other, lol, but if in the future a campaign were properly organised and lobbying the RIGHT people, ie, their local MPs, questions would have to be asked in the HOC.
In 2007, millionaires, celebrities and philanthropists were falling over themselves to aid and accommodate the parents - where are they now? All the signs from the McCann camp are bleak, no-one is speaking up for them, not even the fella they pay, and we've heard nothing from the friends and family since the holiday in PDL came to an end.
I sincerely hope that behind the scenes they are getting plenty of support. And by support, I don't mean the entourage egging them on to dig themselves in even deeper. I mean people who genuinely love and care for them and will help them through the difficult times ahead.
It has been a wicked crime, but we are not a wicked society. For the majority of us, it's simply not in our nature. I hope that people are compassionate as the truth is revealed. At the heart of this case, there is a tragedy, and for all their bravado, the parents have indeed suffered. Imagine living a lie year in and year out, the stress must be intolerable, far greater I would imagine than any prison.
Justice must prevail, a child cannot just disappear and as a society we must protect our most vulnerable. But as those who have followed this case are all too well, it didn't end there, it turned into a huge web of deceit as all the predators moved in. As someone else has commented, the McCanns have been used just as much as they have used others.
What you say is true, Ros. However any natural compassion I feel for the McCanns for the loss of their daughter dissipates when I remember the vindictive way in which they targeted a policeman who was simply doing his job and reduced him to penury and ridicule - breaking up his marriage along the way. If they are completely innocent, I find their behaviour unnecessarily spiteful; if they're guilty, it is unforgivable and deserves a prison sentence IMO.
DeleteI agree with you whole heartedly 14:35, there is no option but prison. I'm hopeless with Law and Order to be honest, it is something I am glad other people deal with, I'm too much of a wuss.
DeleteI was watching Louis Theroux (luv him) last night as he interviewed prisoners in the US. I found it tragic to see so many young men incarcerated for decades, without ever having lived. So much heartbreak could be avoided with education. It is greed at the top that turns those at the bottom into criminals.
This is, as you say, the Crime of Century, and it is evil to the core. Unlike the majority of crimes committed by those on death row, this has long, drawn out, and from the night of 3rd May, premeditated and planned meticulously. I'm not sure there is anything that compares!
Ross, the public are not seething over Hillsborough.The vast majority are either sick of hearing about it are just not interested. Similarly with the McCann case. Maybe not 99percent but the majority. Some of Pat Brown's scenarios may indeed be fictional but she is right when she states that what is politically expedient will prevail.
DeleteI'm not sure I believe that 17:02, it felt as though the country was behind the Hillsborough families, especially going by the reaction of the BBCQT panel and audience.
DeleteThe McCann case is so outrageous, I think it will be impossible to file away unsolved. The costs of Operation Grange alone, will raise questions.
I personally can't see any politically expedient way out of it 17:02. Very few people still believe the abduction story, apparently even Jim Gamble is now referring to it as a 'suspected' abduction. That can't bode well for the McCanns.
Speak for yourself about Hillsborough 17:02. I agree that many would have been sick of hearing about it, but that was before the exposure of the truth by the HIP report back in September 2012. Suddenly, realizing that it had been a huge and dastardly cover-up by the police, successive governments and the MSM - people wanted to know all the details.
DeleteRoss I am speaking myself but then again so are you about Hillsborough and also the McCann case. Hard to put an exact figure on those "seething" but most people I would surmise are not interested.
DeleteI don't think I used the word 'seething' in regard to public opinion on Hillsborough. I think the word 'outrage' would be more accurate. And I think if a poll were taken of a random group, outrage would be the dominant reaction. Obviously it is not something people think about all the time, but when it is brought to their attention they react.
DeleteAppalled would be a good word too. Most of us have (had) faith in our police, the authorities and the MSM, so it always comes as a shock to discover they have been lying to us. That shouldn't happen in a democracy, those who abuse their power are answerable to the people.
But I concede your argument 00:43, the greatest danger to freedom and justice is apathy.
You did use the word "seething" Ross. But no matter whether the term "seething" or "outrage" is deployed, I would guess that the majority of the public are not interested in Hillsborough or the McCann case. At least not to any radical extent. Sure, if you asked most people for an opinion about the issues they'll probably give a layperson's one and then get onto dealing with their own personal problems and issues. I agree that some of Pat Brown's scenarios are improbable. But I do agree with her that what is politically convenient will be the deciding factor in this case. And let's face it the McCann has been political from the outset.
DeleteI think the McCanns would have great difficulty in trying to convince the public that they have been used even if it's the truth. The problem they have is no-one believes a word they say. As sorry as we all feel about what happened to poor Madeleine, if the fund turns out to be a fraud it would be the crime of this century so far in the minds of the public and it seems very unlikely that the McCanns would find compassion anywhere.
ReplyDeleteAgree. The McCanns have been warding off a public backlash for 9 years. Mob mentality is not a pretty sight, which is why 'antis' have always been referred to as 'haters' and 'pitchforkers'. The ugly face of mob justice.
DeleteI have to say that in all the years I have been commenting on this case, I have rarely come across 'forkers', though some might hold up CMoMM and the Madeleine Foundation as examples, and fair play.
Most who doubt the McCanns however, are reasonable, logical, people with a good sense of perspective. And of course they have that heightened sense of lie detection that appears to be lacking in Scotland Yard and the Media's finest.
At this moment, no-body can predict what the mood of the public will be when the news breaks. Clarence has lost his magic powers, and the parents no longer appeal because they haven't got anything new to say. The media have had 9 years of 'we're still looking', 'the twins are fine', 'our lives would be happier if Maddie were with us' and 'we are encouraged by the latest news'.
There is no drama, no conflict, no human interest, just same old. If they really want the front pages and the interviews, they will need to put a bit more heart and soul into it. 'We are Mad as hell and we'll tell you why' headlines, would see tabloids flying off the shelves. Never mind the weeping Madonna pose Kate, wipe your nose with your sleeve, plead for your daughter's life, do what any other mother would do. Goncalo's book didn't paint you in a bad light, your own lack of emotion did that. Whilst you may have believed the audience were being taken in by your Oscar winning performances, they were in fact watching in astonishment with their jaws dropped.
If they want to cash in before the game is up, now is the time to starting pitching alternate accounts of the truth. Goncalo's victory, may turn out to be the tip of the iceberg, as those 'in the know' realise what a valuable commodity they are sitting on.
Apologies 13:33, you made an interesting point about the public believing the McCanns were used.
DeleteFor the Amber alert (border control), the online trolls (internet policing) and huge outbreak of phantom child predators (CEOP)and call for press restrictions, the McCanns were more than willing to be used as it followed their own agenda.
I think however when the proverbial hits the fan, they will all be blaming each other, especially the McCanns who have never accepted responsibility for anything.
where would you be without the Mccanns eh Ros - nowhere!
ReplyDeleteI was writing long before the McCanns came along 18:01 and I'll be writing a long time after they are banged up. My talent is mine alone, it has nothing to do with them.
ReplyDelete@ Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton1 May 2016 at 18:41
DeleteOk Ros - show it - where are you blogs before the Mccanns?
Simple - you post a link to them.
I said I was WRITING before the McCanns came along, for most of my adult life, there was no internet. It's a fairly new phenomenon. Happily, the lack of it never stopped writers from writing.
DeleteI did have a column in a local newspaper 'Hutton on the Button', still around somewhere I believe, and I was a finalist in the Express Pen Idol competition. I then veered off into writing screenplays - historic drama was my forte, the French Revolution especially. See twitter avatar.
I have many interests 18:54, and coming up to 59, many were long established before I even heard the name McCann. To me this case is a distraction, one that I am probably too stubborn to drop, but like Kate, I am a finisher. I really don't like bullies, and the more the McCanns have tried to bully me off the net, the more I have dug in my heels.
@ Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton1 May 2016 at 19:17
Yet your only claim to fame is hate posts about the Mccanns - your previous life can't have made you as much money.
Oh do grow up anonymous at 19.39. Do you not realize that everyone hates the McCanns and quite rightly so. What happened to Madeleine?
DeleteWhat has it got to do with you what Ros did before?
Like I said, everyone hates the McCanns. Don't you read the comments in the media?
'Hutton on the Button' produces no hits on the internet.
ReplyDeleteIt was a long time ago, a couple still exist (News Shopper), but courtesy of my dear old dad, I have all the hard copies. I'll put them up sometime.
DeleteDid you really say this Ros:
ReplyDelete"I do however take heart in the statement from DCI Redwood, 'Madeleine may not have left the apartment alive'."
Bjorn/Sweden (again)
ReplyDeleteHello Rosalinda
Just some thoughts,
I totally agree with you about Britain not being a wicked society. Nor is the corruption more widespread in the U K, than in other democratic countries. Probably less. In fact, the British society is, in my opinion, the very spiritual home of democracy, free speech and common sense, and this is what makes it possible for so many in your country to question idiotic legal- and political actions and decisions, in spite of what the MSM and a some politicians and police chiefs, who lack competence and of self-awareness, are saying.
If there had been a Madeleine case in a country like Russia, Saudi Arabia or Iran, it would be quite pointless to comment on it, because such countries are inherently corrupt, and justice, when it is done, is always arbitrary. The U K as well as Portugal are of course different in that respect. So I shall never give up hope about this case being solved and that justice will be done to poor Madeleine.
It is also true, what you say about Gerry and Kate suffering and that they have done so for such a long time is not only their fault, but just as much Gordon’s, even “Tony’s”, and definitely “David’s”. All of them sympathised with them from the very beginning, which has not with corruption to do, but they, as many other in the society, still have this image of a ghastly kidnapper on their minds, preventing them from seeing what this is all about. With that “support” from the official society, telling a big lie becomes almost inevitable. I felt sorry for the McCanns from the very beginning, not just for having lost their daughter, but because they had chosen to lie, which, I knew would cause them more and more trouble.
When the Portuguese investigators noted that there was not a trace of a break in, the McCanns should have confessed possible child neglect immediately and they should also then have told the P J under what circumstances Madeleine’s accidental death had occurred. As far as I can see, there cannot be anything else. Their friends could have persuaded them to do so. Even if they will never be officially accused of a crime or prosecuted they will have to lead a mendacious life, that will tear at them from inside, even if they would manage to keep the semblance of a decent life up.
If I knew Kate and Gerry on a personal level, I would recommend them to read Fyodor Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”, which they then could discuss with one another. In the last chapter of the novel Sonya tells a reluctant Raskolnikov to go back to the novel's equivalent of Gonzalo Amaral, that is to the detective Porfiry, in order to confess. Raskolnikov finally does so, yet knowing that the only person, who could witness against him, has committed suicide and that he no longer runs the risk of being charged for murder.
If the McCanns would just understand why Raskolnikov in that situation decides to surrender to justice, as Sonya tells him to do, they would do that too. Unfortunately they don’t have a Sonya who loves and forgives them and tells them what they have to do. They just have Clarence Mitchell and others of his kind.
Beautifully put Bjorn - I read it twice, eloquent writing has that effect on me!
DeleteYour kind words take me right back to my idyllic British childhood. In a 1960's Orwellian English village, there was a fierce sense of pride in Britain's standing up against fascism, injustice and the persecution of ethnic minorities. My parents were immigrants from Scotland and Ireland and my Dad especially was eternally grateful to live in such a land of Hope and Glory.
I grew up with the innate knowledge that 'it couldn't happen here', and I have to say the Madeleine case was a real shock to the system. Just when I thought I had seen it all, a whole new episode opened up. I knew the newspaper could be biased and manipulative, but I hadn't realised they could tell out and out lies!
Many thanks for your summation of Dostoevsky's 'Crime and Punishment'. I have a vague memory of reading it years ago, and I agree reading about other people's disasters, even fictional ones, can make our own difficulties more manageable. I too hope they have a Sonya.
Yes I did 19:50. I take heart in the fact that the police are following the right lines of investigation rather than being led on wild goose chases by the McCanns.
ReplyDeleteThose interpreting the above as my being heartened by the child's death are demonstrating their (in)ability to play semantics.
The McCanns' often claim their critics are attacking Madeleine. Just for clarity, no-one is attacking or criticising the victim. Not pretending Madeleine is alive, does not mean anyone wishes her dead. All the antis know who the victim is here, hopefully one day the parents will remember too.
The best thing about Ros' blog is that she doesn't shy away from what she said.
DeleteNeither does she create fake conversations with herself like Textusa, who pretends there is a team of them all working on the latest scoop -- when its just her and a laptop after searching Google!
Neither does she chase out dissent like Bennett on that forum.
And she never blocks dissenting views.
Whoever the Anon is who is taking regular digs at Ros -- I can only say, she must have got to you.
@ Ros - read this back very slowly to yourself:
Delete"I do however take heart in the statement from DCI Redwood, 'Madeleine may not have left the apartment alive'."
Hang your head in shame Ros. To wish a child dead is beneath contempt.
Delete@ Gladfly
DeleteI don't care if my name is published here
do you agree with this statement:
"I do however take heart in the statement from DCI Redwood, 'Madeleine may not have left the apartment alive'.":
Posted under my own name
DeleteExplain this Ros
"I do however take heart in the statement from DCI Redwood, 'Madeleine may not have left the apartment alive'.
Enough Dave, any more will be spammed.
DeleteI should add that I find the use of the children as human shields for the parents particularly distasteful. They know darn well they are the ones being criticised, not the kids.
@Anonymous - 22.08.
DeleteAnswer: No.
Do please try for a moment to think logically 20:21. Why would I, or indeed anyone, hate a 3 year old child? that line of thinking is totally irrational, it is ludicrous. Stop using Madeleine as a shield!
ReplyDelete@ Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton1 May 2016 at 20:42
Deleteyou said "I do however take heart in the statement from DCI Redwood, 'Madeleine may not have left the apartment alive'."
21:53. Put the glass down and walk away slowly. You have crossed the line into madness and hysteria, all will become clear if and when you sober up.
Delete@ Rosalinda, Cristobell Hutton1 May 2016 at 22:12
DeleteI don't drink- nor do I do the substance abuse that you have admitted to on here.
Explain you comment,
If you have to explain a jibe it loses its' spontaneity, so I'll pass. Meanwhile, I hope your head gets better.
ReplyDeleteCome on Ros What evidence against the Mcans can anybody produce?
ReplyDeleteLies,contradictions,evasions,obstruction and lack of cooperation to name a few.Oh and woof,woof.It is called circumstantial evidence and there is more than enough to lock these two and their cohorts up for a long time.Tick tock.
Delete@ Anon 1st May 23:18
DeleteWhy do you think the Mccanns cohorts Fiona Payne and Rachel Oldfield committed the criminal offence of calumny in Portugal in May 2007?
Do you think they risked a jail sentence because they are both barking mad, or that they were helping the Mccanns cover something up by diverting attention elsewhere?
Well as you know 23:18, the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming, in fact it is impossible to believe how anyone looking at the evidence could acquit the McCanns and their friends.
DeleteThe statements are ludicrous. As is the alleged 'checking' system. After 5 nights this group of 'intelligent' people were still disrupting their nightly meal by doing individual checks. A gathering of village idiots would have come up with a better system.
As to that piece of evidence that will go beyond reasonable doubt for a jury. The alerts of the dogs are compelling, and obviously cannot be ignored because they changed the entire course of the original investigation.
The dogs told the investigators that the child was dead, and as she hasn't been seen for 9 years they have been proved right beyond reasonable doubt.
There is no evidence of an abductor, no forensic evidence whatsoever to place a stranger in Apartment 5A. There was no break in. The only fingerprints on the open (some would say staged) window in the children's bedroom, were Kate McCann's.
Of the eye witness evidence, the sighting by Jane Tanner has been officially ruled out. The man 'she saw' was a father collecting his child from the night crèche. The man seen by the Smith family however, who bears a remarkable resemblance to Gerry, is still centre of the frame.
Those assisting with the cover up, may still be lying through their teeth but they are setting themselves up for public humiliation when the Law catches up with them and their lies are exposed.
Effectively, they have been perverting the course of justice for the past 9 years and have cost the British and Portuguese tax payers millions. They too deserve to spend several years in a Portuguese jail.
Whilst there may not be a smoking gun per se, imo, there is ample evidence for a conviction. In addition, who knows what forensic evidence is now available - it's been 9 years and there have been a lot of advances in science and technology.
DeleteThe original investigation was shelved by the PJ because they had reached a dead end, the witnesses were not co-operating. And they were very insistent that the file would not be re-opened unless there was new evidence. If the McCanns and their friends had agreed to co-operate, that would have constituted new evidence. Let's not forget the McCanns have had it within their power all along to get the Portuguese to re-open their files.
Well, 'something' persuaded the Portuguese to re-open their files and whatever that something was, they remain open. I think we can safely say that 'something' did not come from the McCann camp, they have still not returned for a reconstruction, but that 'something' is allowing the investigation to proceed.
The tabloids may be self combusting with silly stories about burglars, smelly men and the dangers of the Algarve, but the police have said nothing. And there are no signs that they are looking for a live child or an abductor.
When the Portuguese re-opened their files it must have been because they knew they could follow it through to conclusion. That is, they must have the evidence they need to go to trial, something much stronger than they had in 2007.
Who needs Scotland Yard when we have Inspector Ros on the case! Ant other unsolved crimes that you can offer your expert opinion on?
DeleteThe suspected pedophile revealed today by British police of assaulting five children in the Algarve was investigated by the Judicial Police (PJ) and is allegedly linked to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in 2007.
PJ source told Lusa news agency that "the information released today by the Metropolitan Police corresponds to the line of research discovered by the PJ team led by Helena Monteiro."
The same source stated that "the reopening of the investigation" legal emerged following the investigation of the suspect by the PJ.
"This line of research was made known to the English police and the parents of Maddie [Gerry and Kate McCann] at a meeting held in October 2013 at the premises of the PJ, in Lisbon," he said.
Ah yes 13:34, I remember reading about such a meeting. Didn't Gerry give a powerpoint presentation? I would be amazed if any of them could sit through it with a straight face.
Deleteer no
Deletethe meeting was to discuss the pt re opening, and new evidence with the mccanns and op grange
I'm still waiting, after all these years, to see the evidence for an abduction.
ReplyDeleteThe Man they are talking about who assaulted five children in the the Algarve is a sham. He was a alcoholic and when drunk he slept in bed with his children. This happened in Carvoeiro, not far from Luz. He never assaulted or touched his five children in any way shape or form. He was a drunk and a pain in the arse. This was reported years ago. I actually spoke to his wife. Nothing untoward, just a drunken Man, not nice, but innocent. Someone has looked for anything to cling to and come up with this shite. Research Carvoeiro website and you may find something about this. This unfortunate Alcoholic is being used now as a scapegoat. Bloody pathetic the stories that are being scraped together. This Man they are talking about is a drunk and done nothing to anyone was just a pain in the arse to his family. Never assaulted or caused harm just a big pain cause if drink to his family. I read all about this 5/6 years ago. This is bein wheeled out now! Clutching at straws.
ReplyDeleteThanks Patricia, I've never believed the story of a smelly man targeting young British girls - I'm amazed it came from Scotland Yard because it is so stupid, it sounds like one from Clarence.
ReplyDeleteI think the guy is being used as part of the smoke and mirrors Patricia, SY made a point of asking the press not to pursue this line of enquiry to protect the victims. Tbh, I've never believed there were any victims as there was no mention of this 'prowler' in 2007 and 2008 when the world's press were in PDL.