Tuesday, 7 October 2014



Prophetic tweet from Sweepyface:


  1. Truly disgusting woman apparently from Hawaii according to sack Martin Blunt fb page. Pete

  2. I could no longer sit back without doing something and have been the latest complainant to OFCOM et al regarding what I believe to be them being complicit in the very tragic death of Brenda. I would like to suggest that more of us who believe the falsehood of the abduction theory take the same step, Brenda's death must not be in vein! RIP 'sweepyface'

  3. Truly disgusting vitriol from the Hawaii woman, yes, but there isn't any difference between this woman's to Brenda Leyland and Brenda's to the McCanns.

    1. There is absolutely no comparison between Brenda Leyland's tweets and the above tweets from the McCann supporter. Brenda Leyland did not post any threats to the McCanns, she didn't direct tweets to them at any time, nor was she in any way foul-mouthed or obscene. To say otherwise is the height of dishonesty. She, like many others, did not believe the child was abducted and simply discussed the case online. We've been bombarded by the media and McCanns for seven years and, during that time, not a week has gone by without the story being in the (very biased) news. It would be incredible if people didn't have an opinion on it.

  4. She didn't 'simply discuss the case online'. You can discuss on any forum to your hearts content but to send thousands of twitter messages demonstrates the unhealthy obsessions of a cyberspace stalker.

    1. Speaking of unhealthy obsessions why is the press so fixated with the McCann couple? By all means show Madeleine's photo but why are the couple wheeled out at every opportunity?

  5. You must be on the McScam payroll.

    God bless Brenda Leyland r.i.p.

  6. why does Gerry McCann have a CATS FILE?

  7. that is awful what are the police doing about that , ????

  8. does reinne have an address ? send the press round to it .how did they find out who sweeptface was ?and the press had no right going round to her house .who told them ??

  9. anon ,the case is 7 nearly 8 years old 100s and 1,000s of people have talked about this case. and what will be done to reinne ? they are awful tweets RIP sweepyface .

  10. Why was David Payne whooshed from crimewatch 'reconstruction'? Wasn't he the last non mc to see m alive?

  11. How is anyone still vilifying Brenda Leyland? Experts agree she didn't troll anyone, she was vindicated.
    Maybe the mccann supporters have to keep up their act rather than admit how appallingly and abhorrently they have acted, especially as a proven innocent woman died after their dossier of lies was given out. They won't own up to it, not one of them has the chutzpah to own up to their part in this genteel pensioners suicide.
    Unless they're psychopathic they know exactly what they've done. They all deserve to be punished by the law and made examples of.
    Not only that but wasting police time carries a heavy penalty too.
