Friday, 10 October 2014


Brenda Leyland (Sweepyface) had nothing whatsoever to be ashamed of.  She fought for what she believed in, and she believed the death of Madeleine McCann was being covered up.  Anyone would be very fortunate indeed to have had Brenda fighting on their behalf, safe in the knowledge that she would never, ever, have given up.  Someone who would carry on fighting for you regardless of threats, abuse and repugnant allegations?  Brenda's sons have so much to be proud of, she could have walked away years ago, she could have given up, as so many others have, but she didn't.  Her will was stronger than the will of those who wanted to do her harm.

The question each of us must now ask, especially all of those who post anonymously (perfectly understandable given the constant threats), is, would we be suicidal if we were 'outed'?  It seems to me Brenda would have been happy to talk to Martin Brunt. Those of us who use social media, do so because we are trying to get the hidden details of this case into the public arena, ergo the UK's top reporter turning up on your doorstep is the stuff of dreams.  Brenda had nothing to be ashamed of.  Her tweets were not threatening, nor were they abusive, she had nothing to fear in them being revealed, other than the disinformation of the press.

We all immediately assumed that the 'outing' made her suicidal - and that is a possibility given that she fled her home.  She had been labelled a vicious troll and knew full well the Media would lead the rabble chanting 'burn the witch' to her door - there were already McCann supporters on twitter threatening to smash her windows.  She must have been terrified, but would she have been terrified beyond logic?  The problem was solvable, the troll accusations easily disproved.

She appears to have been a strong, feisty lady, who made little or no attempt to conceal her real identity - and having dedicated so much time to getting the truth 'out there' would she really have said, 'Ok, its a fair cop, I'll just go shred all my work and take up knitting'.  Would any of us do that?

I'm probably one of the worst offenders here in that I immediately went into sympathy mode, that is, I saw the vulnerable Brenda, rather than the strong determined Brenda, the Brenda who was determined to get justice for Madeleine.   Many of us have said, I wish Martin Brunt had come to see me, I have plenty to tell him, why then would that not be true of Brenda?  She wasn't hiding away in a backroom as has been intimated, she was an active member of the community.  And why on earth should not believing the McCanns be a matter of shame? Brenda was anything but ashamed of her beliefs.

Most of us know the UK press will not publish negative McCann stories, but the 'outing' of Sweepyface may have forced the issue.  That is, at some point, one of the big media hitters was going to have to interview Brenda, and she was going to tell them all she knew, including information about the McCanns own sinister media campaign.  The irony of course being that it is all coming out now anyway. 


  1. Last Friday night I saw on Twitter tweets from the demonic one, the real crazy mad hater that has a pathological aversion to the dentist. She said that Brenda's Jeep had been keyed, she'd fled her home, she was leaving the country and was also trying to commit suicide by eating soap.

    Where did that information come from? These people are becoming more and more deviant and sinister. One major thing I've noticed is when people live close by and have something to say that's controversial and doesn't toe the party line they get real twitchy.

    For what it's worth, my belief is that not everything in the garden is rosy.

  2. Brenda had read The Truth Of The Lie. NL

  3. I still can't get my head around it. It's so easily proven that she wasn't a troll and she would have known that. Her son Ben is only 20, Brenda had everything to live for, including future grandchildren. It doesn't make sense that she'd end her life over this, she knew the score when it came to the Mccann supporters and their vile tactics to keep people from asking questions. No sense whatsoever.

    1. ...correction, Ben is 30...another misrepresentation of facts by the MSM...

  4. After being doorstepped, Brenda invited Martin Brunt in to her home, not, in my view, to tell him anything, but rather to question him.
    An intelligent woman, Brenda would be aware that he knows far more than her about the 'whos and whys' in the McCann cover-up.
    Perhaps what she was told had something to do with her death.

    1. That makes sense. It could well have been because of something MB told her - which makes everything far more sinister IMO.

  5. Her name will be famous as a troll in the media forever.
    Mabye her family can sue Martin or his boss.
    But it will never change the way the Media feeds their public.
    If it didnt sell,that big.. it never happened.
    It became more than a story.
    It became a war..
    Its very tragic,hurtfull, mean.
    So it sells.

  6. It would appear there is a uptake of misleading tweets by an account called wicatty @wicatty009, continually streaming and retweeting untruths over and over with the #mccann tag

  7. Ignore Joly , he knows nothing, the body rests in a place where plans have been drawn and concrete poured.

    1. Underneath the garage extension perhaps?

  8. Paranoid nutjobs
