Saturday 6 July 2024


Well done everyone for getting out and voting Labour.  I am no fan of Kier Starmer, this is not the Labour government I wanted, under Jeremy Corbyn England would have soared, but it is a start.  Or as this new, new Labour say, it is a time for change.

The divide between rich and poor under the tories had become a chasm.  All the hopes and dreams of each new generation crushed under the austerity and punishment dished out by the Nasty Party.  The Tories have never, ever, been supporters of the working classes.  They don't want to raise anyone up.  The big divide suits them, it keeps them elevated and the rest of us downtrodden.  

Labour, even Kier's Labour, are dedicated (they may need reminding) to improving the lives of the majority not just the few.  The tories have left this country devastated.  Our streets are full of shops that are boarded up, people are sleeping in doorways, food banks are a necessity.  Child poverty is through the roof.  Fourteen years of tory neglect has changed the face of the face of Great Britain.  Could Boris or Richi take their billionaire pals for a walk through the streets of London and feel no shame?  Or how about the seasides?  They, more than most, reflect our broken economy, with high unemployment and rundown business that can barely afford to stay open.  Our communities are decimated, our services cut to the bone.  Our high streets look like ghost towns with shops struggling to carry on.  

The thing about austerity is, it brings poverty, to the masses.  If you stop the flow of money, you create unemployment.  If you are unemployed you cannot buy things, therefore the businesses you supported go bust.  So too do their suppliers, and everyone up the chain is affected.  If you inject money, a la Roosevelt's New Deal, for example, the opposite happens.  Employment brings purchase power.  Purchase power revitalises the shops and businesses that rely on our spending.  Yes, we the masses, keep the economy turning.  Take away our money and our towns will look like, well, what they look like now.

This is something tory mentality cannot comprehend.  They cannot and will not punish or take back the millions fraudulently claimed by millionaires, but will remove all income from a confused universal credit claimant for missing an appointment.  Benefit fraud is actually a drop in the ocean, especially when compared to corporate tax fraud, but the tories believe that squeezing the poorest the hardest is the way to go.  Thank all the Gods there may be that they are gone.

Sorry, I've got to say a big yeah for Reform, their voters, in punishing the tories helped Labour win.  Oh the irony.  

And on a personal note Yeah I can write again! Since I took up the philosophy 'it's beyond my control' I have lived the life of a hedonist,(I wish) lol, that is I have learned how to enjoy life for the simple things, I have no need for navel gazing and asking what ifs. In truth my most prolific writing came in times of sorrow. Misery lends itself to churning out volumes. When I was married I dreamed up all sorts of murder scenarios, fictional of course, I settled on an ice pick and a new patio. I was going to entitle it 'While You're Up Love'.

But I jest, with the tories gone it is as if a big, dark, cloud has been lifted, not reflected in today's weather' haha. Anyway, I vowed long ago that I would carry on with my blog, even if I had only one reader. I think that's where I am now, Oops, and where I could remain if I stay on politics. Now I am just going to go where the mood takes me, and use my blog to vent my feelings should I encounter situations that vex or amuse me.

Fear of the tories winning yet another term has jolted me into action. Whether I can follow Kier et al is another thing, but my passion for politics was crushed in 2019, and for that I blame Kier et al. But ce la ve, it is beyond my control (I use that as a mantra haha). Anyway, if you have 4 minutes to spare (yes I timed it, haha, please read my blog and comment, even, actually, especially, if you don't agree with me!

Thursday 4 July 2024

THE BIG LIE - Tories only help themselves

 Why oh why do the working classes vote for a Tory government that hates them.  A tory government that has trodden the workforce so far into submission that they must now accept zero hours contracts and inhumane workplace rules.  A benefits system that is designed to degrade and impoverish those who cannot work.  It's deliberate.  Nearly every scifi novel begins with de-humanising the masses.  All the advances hard won by unions of united workers in the past are gone.  It's ok now to time how long you take to go to the toilet and dock it from your pay. If you can't keep up with the work pace, there are hundreds behind you.  Working people aren't people anymore, they are units, easily replaced and easily disposed of.

There has been a huge turnaround in power.  We are nearly back to those Victorian days where we doffed our caps and thanked our rich patrons for the scraps from their tables.  All the power now is in the hands of the employers, and of course, the super rich, they have had 18 years of their Tory chums giving them tax breaks, bonuses and all the rights they need to treat their workers like shit.   As an older retired person it breaks my heart to see the pressure workers are under, particularly in supermarkets, where they are doing hard manual work non stop.  I am scared to ask for assistance because I fear the employee will be docked pay for taking a moment out. 

Tories do not have the vision, or the will, to understand that making life better for everyone will make life better for them too.  Unfortunately their primary focus is greed.  Ie.  When in power they must accumulate as much wealth as they can for themselves, and the workers are best kept downtrodden or they will rebel.   

A tory government would rather have us breaking rocks for a fortnightly pittance rather than sit idle.  They have regular meetings on ways in which to punish the undeserving poor.  Use them as free labour was a popular idea, get them stacking shelves for pound shop owners who donate to the tory party.  'put 'em in the army' says Richi.  And how about the DSS take out all the courtesy and respect from their official correspondence?  Let those recipients of benefits know their place.  They are not worthy.

Our ancestors changed out lives, they fought hard and won all those benefits enjoyed by my generation.  My first job was at the local Council, aged 16.  A the youngest there, my kind older colleagues took care of my every need even encouraging me to go have a lie down if I had a tummy ache.  Yes we had a restroom.  I wonder if Aldi's has one?  I was a child of the 60's, when Harold Wilson (absolute fecking Labour) was PM.  Enguland swung like a pendalum doo.  London was the place to be.  Why?  because we had an enlightened Labour government.  Imagine a country that attracts the top scientists, scholars, artists, writers, film makers?  

An enlightened government, and I hope Keir Starmer will lead one.  I hope he will recognise that most traditional jobs have gone and use his imagination to create new ones.  Great Britain was once top of the world with art, science, invention and exploration, much of it brought to us by talented immigrants who saw this as a land of opportunity.  New industry is easy to create if your motive is to make life better for everyone. How brilliant would the NHS be if it were funded sufficiently?  If it employed enough staff?  The NHS is something we should be expanding, not cutting, Lord knows the need is there.

Imagine schoolchildren getting two healthy meals a day - free.  It is an investment.  Healthy children grow into healthy adults.  It would also create jobs and reboot the economy by using local produce.  And, my own pet cause, would be cooking classes in schools.  So much ill health is caused by being overweight.

Creating new jobs is not difficult when you consider the needs of the people now.  We need more science (there should be a scientist in the Cabinet), education, exercise, leisure.  Technology has changed our lives.  We are living longer, but we are becoming more solitary.  Future generations could all end up looking like Jabba the Hut sitting in a pod. 

But I jest, so many hopes for today.  A Labour government that will invest in our towns and local communities.  One that will invest in the NHS and remove the inhumane treatment of those who have fallen on hard times.  The Tories are the creators of those 'hard times', please remember that when you put your cross.

This is Boris Johnson's Bullingdon Club, they have to burn a £50 note in front of a homeless person to join.