Saturday, 21 April 2012


I can see no valid reason whatsoever for maintaining the prohibition on weed.  Lets face it, we have an entire generation who have had grown up with information at their fingertips since they were able to run up a phone bill.  In my day, you had to struggle with an outsized newspaper (designed by Elasticman) to read 'marijuana not so bad after all' underneath 'tiny earth tremor in Outer Ecuada'.  Our generation may have listened to the views of Lesley Philips and Majorie Proops, but this generation have Google and Professor Green. 

I am reliably informed that life on the local rough estate is considerably more chilled since weed became the preferred choice of getting off your face.  Hoodies talk to me, because I am sympathetic to their cause.  They said in the past when they were all drinking, there were fights everywhere, now they are just all chilled and say 'yo man' to everyone and can't even remember if they were enemies or not.  They are all desperate for jobs, and daft if their futures are put in such jeopardy because of such ridiculous laws that would criminalise them for something so trivial.  I wonder if the police know weed is responsible for the drop in crime?

I can't help but wonder if the powers that be use negative propoganda to target our rage at the criminal element in the lower echelons of society.  Hoodies bad, posh Eton accents good, and while we are all chanting 'hang the hoodie', the Eton mob are dividing up the spoils of the NHS. 

I have faith in our young, they know what spin is, their parents might take the word of the Sun as gospel, but the hoodies have media degrees.  They have seen their parents knock seven bells out of each other on a Saturday night and suffered the fall out of flying kebabs, they know the problems caused by alcohol. 


  1. Hiya Bell xx weeds been around for decades now as you know, plenty of crime on those estates due to hard core skunk, not necessarily because they smoke it but dealing it. Those on the estates or where ever are mostly unemployed as well. Shouldn't that money be spent on them bettering themselves instead of spending it on weed? a nice clean and modern outfit would look good in job interviews as opposed to jogging bottoms, hoodies and baseball caps turned back to front.


    1. I think they do have 'interview' outfits Inta, but interviews are few and far between these days. Of course it would be better if they didn't smoke at all, but such is human nature, vices will always be popular.

      As for hard core skunk - Not sure there is such a thing - there are varieties of weed, just as there are varieties of beer and wine. The stronger the weed, the less you smoke - its impossible to overdose.

      I think alcohol is usually the malevolent factor, it turns many people violent.

      As for jogging bottoms and baseball caps, I'd wear them myself, if I could get away with it, lol.

  2. Hi Bell, hi Inta xx

    I understand your theory Bell, but I agree with Inta xx It's the dealers who turn so many estates into sink estates, not those who are actually smoking weed. I've got very mixed feelings about legalising it tbh, I think there are very good arguments both for, and against.

    Jo x

    1. Hi Jo, lovely to see you here xxx

      I respect your opinion, but the dealers are, on the whole, not the 'Miami Vice' hoodlums that we are led to believe. Obviously because of the criminality surrounding weed, shady dealers are around, but if the prohibition didn't exist, then neither would they.

  3. There are 'dealers' around where I live Bell, and tbh they are quite scary. No-one dare say anything to them - more than one person has been stabbed for 'interfering' - and where I live isn't generally regarded as a 'bad' area!!!

    Also, I'm not certain that if it was legalised it would do away with the shady dealers! If the government were in control of it, no doubt it would be taxed to high heaven, and therefore the dealers would still sell at a reduced cost.

    Hmmmm, honestly not sure what the answer is Bell. Personally, I don't like the stuff, because when I have smoked it - I have felt like shit, and I don't like the idea that it is still in your system for up to six weeks after using it.

    Jo x

  4. It doesnt only happen on council estates madam it also happens in estates and households like yours ;-).

    1. I can't really see outside, what with all those piles of cash in front of the windows.

    2. hia bell back to your fav topic...when i saw the header..i thought...not that old chestnut again. lol
      iv read that some dealers are giving out the stuff for free, to get the youngsters hooked (have no idea what the stuff is)...maybe crystal meth.. now that is so wrong..then the young ones start to steal to get money to buy.
      yes i know you probably talking about weed.... still its all drugs.
      love your blogs..short and concise...always a sure sign of talent.
      keep it up

  5. It always made me wonder in the past with your constant promotion of drugs are you a dealer?

    1. No, I am a writer highlighting a ridiculous law.
